Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Quentin Arlen was a businessman associated with Duchess before the Great War.


Quentin had a strained relationship with his mother because of his connections to Duchess. However, he was popular with the regular people in the area. One day, after making a pickup for Duchess, he was stopped by the local sheriff on the outskirts of Welch. He was about to pull out a weapon when a group of old coal miners approached the scene. They told the sheriff that the Auto-Miners at mine shaft Elaine were malfunctioning and they needed assistance, causing the lawman to leave and Quentin to get off free. Quentin paid them a distraction fee and cited the incident as an example of his role in the community. When he told his mother about it, however, he was unaware that he was being wiretapped by investigators, who used the call as evidence of criminal activity.[1]


Quentin Arlen is mentioned only in Fallout 76 cut content.

