Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

"Understanding how people tick and how we can make them tick better, bet happier and become more useful members of our community is hugely valuable," Leris claims. "I know that there are those that have challenged this, but those are so-called ethical concerns of the liberals which we must dismiss as counter-productive and close-minded.," Leris concludes.Boston Bugle Volume 12, no. 748

The Psychological Research Department was a research division of the Vault-Tec Corporation.


The Psychological Research Department was tasked with overseeing psychological Vault experiments, including the experiment run in Vault 106. The overseer of Vault 106, Dr. Albert Leris, was the department head.[Non-game 1] All data related to the Vault 106 project was redacted from Vault-Tec archives and limited to only people cleared by Leris' office.[1]


  1. Citadel terminal entries; Vault-Tec terminal, Project Goals: "Archivists' Note:
    This information has been redacted at the request of Doctor Albert Leris of the Psychological Research Department and chief Overseer of the Vault 106 Project. All inquiries into the goals and research methods of Vault 106 are to be directed through his office."

