Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Project: Burke was the code name for Big Mountain Research and Development Center's resource acquirement project for various experiments until 2077.


This project was dedicated to acquiring deceased human specimens for Big Mountain experimentation. Outside of ordinary legal procurement operations for creature specimens, this project amounted to grave robbing.

Rumors of this project ended up circulating around the center, including a particularly damaging rumor which suggested that the bodies were used for more controversial purposes than originally led to believe. These rumors were profusely denied by the test supervisor, Dr. Adam Figgis, and acquisition choices made for both projects were professed by Dr. Figgis to be caused by "budget cuts."[1]


Project: Burke is mentioned only in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Old World Blues.

Behind the scenes[]

This project, along with its sister initiative, Project Hare, was named after the Burke and Hare murders, a series of murders committed to sell corpses for anatomical study.

