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A peyote cactus is a mentioned-only consumable in Fallout 2.


A cactus used by post-nuclear groups as a drug, resulting in a long high, but only half as potent as pre-War LSD.[1] The Mordinos of New Reno in particular farmed peyote and sold it to tourists, dubbing it the "Reno Experience."[1] The arrival of Myron in their employ resulted in peyote being replaced by the much more addictive Jet.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The Chosen One: "{658}{}{How did you create it?}"
    Myron: "{680}{myn108}{Uh, in my lab. Next question?}"
    The Chosen One: "{681}{}{HOW did you develop it, smart guy?}"
    Myron: "{690}{myn109}{Ah, Christ. Well...when I came across the Mordino family way back when, they were farming peyote cacti and trying to sell it to tourists as the 'Reno experience.' Total bullshit.}"
    The Chosen One: "{691}{}{Go on.}"
    Myron: "{700}{myn110}{I mean, peyote? C'mon. It isn't even half the strength of, say, old school LSD.}"
    The Chosen One: "{701}{}{Uh, about the Jet --?}"
    Myron: "{710}{myn112}{Plus, a peyote trip is too long. The profit's in fast turn around and high addiction. Like, uh, barbitutates before the Big One, y'know?}"
    (Myron's dialogue)