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This is a transcript for dialogue with Pete Rutledge.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0075C166 0075C1C9 Quiet today. Guess the Overgrown are taking a day off.
2 0075C1CA Anna and Buttercup? Can't see it myself.
3 0075C1CB Two ten.. two twenty... two twenty-seven... everything accounted for. taking inventory
4 0075C1CC Wonder where the Russo kid went. We could use his help around here.
5 0075C1CD Patrol came back torn up today. Another Devil attack...
6 0075C1CE Is that mold? Another damn leak...
7 0075C1CF Frieda's looking stressed. More than usual, anyway.
8 0075C1D0 This place must've been something, once... taking a moment to consider what the now-dilapidated City Hall might've been like in the past
9 0075C1D1 Another day, another crisis. And Tim's calm as ever. amused - Mayor Tim is unflappable even in chaos
10 0075C1D2 I need a vacation.
11 0075C1D3 Showmen. Bunch of homicidal clowns, and we have to take them seriously. scoffing at the thought of these maniacs being part of the running of the city
12 0075C1D4 Heard a vertibird fly over. Can't believe someone's got one running.
13 0075C167 00767E22 You deal with me, you get legitimate goods at legitimate prices. None of that razzle-dazzle bull you'll get from the Showmen.
14 00767E23 Have a look at what I've got. And before you ask, no, I don't have 'more in the back'.
15 00767E24 What you see is what you get. Gotta be something here you need.
16 00767E25 It may not be fancy, but everything here is guaranteed by the Municipal Government. You won't be disappointed.
17 00767E26 If you want a song and dance routine, talk to the Showmen. I sell stuff, it's that simple.
18 00767E27 Unlike things you might buy from the Lombardis, nothing here fell off the back of a truck.
19 00767E28 I don't care who you are and I don't care where you came from. You buy, I sell, we're square.
20 00767E29 Every cap spent here goes to keeping AC running, not lining my pockets.
21 00767E2A I don't need your life story. Buy something or don't, but I'm not here to chat.
22 00767E2B We don't deal in chems, so don't ask. Head to the Casino Quarter if you want to poison yourself.
23 00767E2C A tourist, huh? Well, City Hall isn't normally a hotspot for your sort, but I'll still take your caps.
24 00767E20 0075C188 You deal with me, you get legitimate goods at legitimate prices. None of that razzle-dazzle bull you'll get from the Showmen.
25 0075C189 Have a look at what I've got. And before you ask, no, I don't have 'more in the back'.
26 0075C18A What you see is what you get. Gotta be something here you need.
27 0075C18B It may not be fancy, but everything here is guaranteed by the Municipal Government. You won't be disappointed.
28 0075C18C If you want a song and dance routine, talk to the Showmen. I sell stuff, it's that simple.
29 0075C18D Unlike things you might buy from the Lombardis, nothing here fell off the back of a truck.
30 0075C18E I don't care who you are and I don't care where you came from. You buy, I sell, we're square.
31 0075C18F Every cap spent here goes to keeping AC running, not lining my pockets.
32 0075C190 I don't need your life story. Buy something or don't, but I'm not here to chat.
33 0075C191 We don't deal in chems, so don't ask. Head to the Casino Quarter if you want to poison yourself.
34 0075C192 A tourist, huh? Well, City Hall isn't normally a hotspot for your sort, but I'll still take your caps.
35 0075C193 You did good work out there for the Mayor, it's appreciated. No discounts, though. Business is business.