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This is a transcript for dialogue with Initiate Pappas.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00602ED0 00602EE1 You never know with raiders. Really not sure.
2 If I had to guess, I'd say the Rust Eagles are like other tech junkies I've known, perfectionists. He's met a lot of people like this in the Brotherhood.
3 It's game to them until they believe they have the ultimate design. This last part is serious.
4 00602ED2 00602EE2 Stay safe out there! Wants the best for the player, someone he considers a friend
5 We'll never turn down an offer to join us in the arena if we see you at the Metal Dome. Being truthful, appreciates when his team has backup in the arena.
6 00602ED4 00602EE4 We do the same thing we've always done: take the risk if we think we can pull it off. Being truthful with the player.
7 But sometimes it means withdrawing if we don't think the odds are in our favor. Serious. His team has to be cautious about deciding to fight in enemy territory.
8 We take some abuse from the Rust Eagles when that happens, but it gets them fired up for the next time we're there. Matter-of-fact. Doesn't like being the target of insults from the raiders, but it does have a small upside.
9 00602ED6 00602EE7 Every extra hand gives us a better chance of getting out in one piece. Thankful for the help in the arena.
10 There's nobody on the team who'll turn down help when their life's on the line. Sincere. It's dangerous in the arena with no guarantee they'll get out alive.
11 I hope we'll get to fight together again on the next mission. Looking forward to having help in the future.
12 00602ED8 00602EE5 They're enjoying some well-deserved R&R. Sincere. They deserve their time off.
13 We'll be back in the field again before long, so I don't give them a hard time about what they do with their downtime. Knows that the mission isn't over and they'll be back out there soon.
14 00602EDA 00602EEF She says our information's vital to Fort Atlas's security. Glad to have the Scribe's approval.
15 Heck, the Scribe even said she'd put us up for a commendation if our methods were more accepted by the rest of the chapter. Proud of his team, but disappointed that some Brotherhood members don't see it his way.
16 She's our best ally, she knows the risks we take to bring home that intelligence. Valdez is his favorite person in the Brotherhood.
17 The team worries that every operation will be their last. If the bots don't get us, the leadership might pull the plug. Nervous. His team is in a tough position, their job is hard and they don't get much recognition from others.
18 00602EDC 00602EE3 Our assignment is to gather information on the combat bots built by our unruly neighbors to the north. Friendly, explaining what he and his team do.
19 That'd be the Rust Eagles. They're a technology focused offshoot of the Blood Eagle gang and they have some truly nasty war machines. Explaining who they face in the arena.
20 My team has made a name for ourselves as gladiators in the Metal Dome, the arena where the Eagles hold matches to test their bots in combat. Friendly, telling the player about the Metal Dome.
21 We take on their best and most dangerous bots, then return and make our report to Scribe Valdez. Friendly, more about the mission.
22 That way, the Brotherhood is armed in case it ever comes to open conflict with the Rust Eagles. Proud of his team and their contributions.
23 00602EDE 0060253D I can only hope I'm living up to the Brotherhood's ideals. Hopeful and introspective.
24 0060253E It's a tough mission, but I know my team is up for it. Confident that his team will succeed in their mission.
25 0060253F We're more prepared than we've ever been. It's still a gamble every time. Knows his team takes a chance every time they go out into the field.
26 00602540 I'm even seeing Rust Eagle combat bots in my dreams. Stressed and a little surprised.
27 00602541 Scribe Valdez puts her trust in us, and that's enough for me. Confident in Valdez's belief in his team.
28 00602542 We'll prove our worth to anyone who doubts us. Our missions are essential. Confident and proud of his team.
29 00602543 We all do what we can to protect Fort Atlas. Sometimes that means walking into enemy territory with your head held high. Proud of his team's contributions to the Brotherhood.
30 00602EDF 00602480 Ad Victoriam. Greeting fellow Brotherhood member.
31 00602481 Welcome to Fort Atlas. Friendly
32 00602482 Hi there. Friendly
33 00602483 Hello. Friendly
34 00602484 Be careful in the Wasteland. Friendly
35 00602EE0 00602496 Welcome to Fort Atlas. My name's Initiate Pappas. Friendly, introducing himself to someone he doesn't recognize.
36 My team and I are based here, but we're often away gathering intelligence for Scribe Valdez. Friendly, explaining what his team does.
37 00602497 Hey, I remember you! You fought alongside my team, the Gladiators of Steel, in the Metal Dome. Friendly, remembers player from fighting in the Metal Dome.
38 00602498 It's great to see you again, friend. Very friendly, recognizes someone who has fought with him often
39 Listen, the Gladiators are grateful for all your help in the Metal Dome. Thankful for the support in the arena.
40 We've come to think of you as one of the team. You've faced the same danger that we have and you know the cost of gathering our intel. The player and Pappas's team have bonded in combat. They trust the player with their lives.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 005FE4D8 005FE4E6 I'm Initiate Pappas with the Brotherhood of Steel. Friendly but reserved. Introducing himself to someone who isn't familiar.
2 My team and I are here to take on the Rust Eagle combat bots in that arena. Informational. Giving a short overview of his field team's mission.
3 00602477 Ad Victoriam! I'm Initiate Pappas. Friendly, introducing himself to a fellow Brotherhood of Steel member.
4 Scribe Valdez has tasked my team with gathering intel on new Rust Eagle combat robots in arena matches. Still friendly, giving an overview of his team's mission and hoping the player will help.
5 00602478 Hey, it's good to see you again. Very friendly. Pappas recognizes the player from fighting with them in the arena before.
6 The Gladiators are heading back into the arena to face the worst that the Rust Eagles can throw at us. Friendly. Short reminder for the player of what the event is about.
17 005FE4DD 005FE4E4 That's what I was hoping you'd say. The combat will start any minute now. Grateful for the help.
18 My teammates are making their preparations. I'll watch the action from above, making sure our hosts don't try to pull anything. Cautious. Wants to make sure the player knows what to expect.
19 I'll be in contact with you and the Gladiators over their radios during the fight. Good luck! Giving some final instructions before the player goes into the arena.
20 005FE4DF 005FE4E2 Of course, what do you want to know? Glad to offer more information on what the player will be facing.
64 00602453 006059F9 Hey there. Friendly
65 006059FA I don't suppose you want to help us? Friendly. Hoping the player wants to help in the arena match.
66 006059FB Interested in join us for the arena fight? Friendly.
174 00602462 00602473 Will you fight alongside us? Asking the player to help his team in the arena battle.
175 00602466 00602494 They're a band of Blood Eagles who decided they'd rather have robots do their dirty work. Giving the player more info about their opponent and motivation.
176 The Rust Eagles have a knack for cobbling together deadly combat bots from Wasteland scrap. Conveying more info about the Rust Eagles and their bots.
177 Scribe Valdez sent my team to gauge the threat they pose to the Brotherhood. Can't hide a sense of pride at his team being chosen for this mission.
178 00602468 00602475 Well, not exactly. We're one of Scribe Valdez's technology recovery teams. Nervous about whether the player will accept his explanation. His team is doing something unusual.
179 An aggressive raider gang armed to the teeth with combat bots makes a dangerous neighbor. So, we learn about their capabilities firsthand. Lays out the justification of their mission.
180 Our approach is... controversial inside the Brotherhood, but the Scribe goes to bat for us because we're a vital source of intel. Nervous again. What they do isn't standard for the Brotherhood and some members don't approve.
181 Here, we're called the Gladiators of Steel and we've survived more than one clash in the arena. Confident and proud of what his team has accomplished.
182 The Rust Eagles think we're here to impress them and make a name for ourselves. And we need them to keep believing that. More of a conspiratorial aside. This cover story is their protection against the Rust Eagles.
183 0060246A 00602470 We have orders from Scribe Valdez to document the combat capabilities of the Rust Eagle bots. Summarizing what he and his team are doing here, hoping the player will help.
184 We're deep in Rust Eagle territory now, and that means we need to beat them at their own game. Letting the player know that his team is in a dangerous position.
185 They call this arena the Metal Dome and battle test all their bot designs here. Providing more info about the event.
186 My team will head down to the ring and face three rounds of combat against their newest bots. Sharing more details about the team's mission here.
187 At least one of my teammates needs to make it out of the ring so that we can escape with what we've learned and make our report to the Scribe. Ending with a description of the victory conditions.
188 0060246C 006024AE If you change your mind, we still have some time before the bout begins. Professional, but disappointed. Hoping that the player will change their mind.
203 006059E6 006059F0 Hey, you asked. Maybe it's something we should come up with as a team, anyway. Disappointed that the player didn't make a suggestion.
204 006059E7 006059F1 Hey, that's not bad. I'll have to give it a try. Open to the idea.
205 006059E8 006059EC Uh, you know what, I'm sorry I asked. A little uncomfortable. Thought the player had something better in mind.
206 006059E9 006059EF Yeah, I like that! Now I just have to get my teammates to use it. Honestly likes the suggestion. Has already started to think of himself this way.
207 006059EA 006059ED You can say that again! It's difficult and complicated, but my team has gotten good at it. Glad that someone understands.
208 006059EB 006059FC No, not really. Why, do you have one in mind? A little surprised by the question and that this is the player's takeaway.
209 00606B5D 006024B1 You showed them, Gladiators! Excited. His team just won the first round.
210 006024B2 Keep it together, Gladiators. Two rounds to go! Excited, and cautious. Round 1 of 3 down.
211 006024B3 Don't listen to Buzzsaw, you've got this! Excited. His team just won Round 1.
212 006024B4 Keep your eyes open, that was the easy part. Cautiously optimistic, encouraging his team after they won Round 1.
213 006024B5 Now that we're warmed up, let's really show them what the Gladiators can do! Encouraging. His team just won Round 1.
214 006024B6 The Rust Eagles won't scare us away that easily! Boastful. Celebrating Round 1 win (Halloween variant)
215 00606E5B 006028B7 The Technician is fighting again! Announcing that a teammate has recovered and is back in the fight
216 00606E5C 006028B6 The Scout's back on her feet! Announcing that a teammate has rejoined the fight.
217 00606E5D 006028B5 The Rifleman is back in the fight! Announcing that a team member has recovered and rejoined the fight
218 00606E5E 006028B2 The Technician is in danger! Calling out a teammate who needs player help
219 006028B3 Protect the Technician! Calling out a teammate who needs player help
220 00606E5F 006028AF The Scout needs backup! Calling out a teammate who needs player help
221 006028B0 Defend the Scout! Calling out a teammate who needs player help
222 00606E60 006028AC The Rifleman needs help! Calling out a low health teammate so that players can assist
223 006028AD Rally to the Rifleman! Calling out a teammate who needs some player help
224 00606E61 006058D0 Take down that golden Eyebot! Urgent
225 006058D1 Get the golden Eyebot! Urgent
226 006058D2 The golden Eyebot is a priority target! Urgent
227 00606E62 006058D5 Great job! Encouraging
228 006058D6 Nicely done, Gladiators! Congratulatory
229 006058D7 That's right, don't let them push you around! Encouraging his teammates
230 006058D8 That's one more for the scrap heap! Celebrating something his team did.
231 006058D9 Watch out for that exploding DieBot! Calling out a threat
232 006058DA Buzzsaw will hate that! Calling out something positive his team did.
233 006058DB Take the fight to them! Encouraging his team
234 006058DC Let's show them what we think of their junkbots! Cheering on teammates.
235 00606E63 006024EC We've taken down their best, now it's time to head home! Relieved and happy. His team has just beaten the boss and is ready to leave.
236 006024ED I can't wait to see what the Scribe says when we tell her about this one! Time to get back to base. Happy that his team won and ready to go back to Fort Atlas.
237 006024EE Great job, Gladiators! Now, let's get back to Fort Atlas and make our report. Happy that his team won and ready to leave the arena.
238 006024EF Let's get out of here! We can celebrate once we're safe at home. Relieved and happy that they've won and in a hurry to leave.
239 006024F0 Once again, the Gladiators of Steel triumph! Fall in and let's head back to base. Proud of his team, ready to get them out of the arena and back home.
240 006024F1 Another victory for Brotherhood discipline! Let's head home. Happy that his team won and giving them the order to head back to base.
241 006024F3 You put on a great show, but more importantly, we have a lot to report to Scribe Valdez. Relieved that the ordeal is over and ready to go home (Halloween variant)
242 00606E64 006024AC One of our Gladiators is down! Distressed. One of his team members has fallen.
243 006024AD They got one of us! Upset. One of his team members is down.
244 00606E65 00602486 Get ready, Gladiators, they're bringing out the heavy hitters. Excited. His team won Round 2.
245 00602487 Great work, Gladiators! We won't go down without a fight. Proud of his team. They just won Round 2.
246 00602488 Steel beats rust again! Just one more round to go! Excited and cheering on his team after they won Round 2.
247 00602489 Way to beat back those junk heaps again, Gladiators! Excited. His team just won Round 2.
248 0060248A Don't let your guard down. The next round will be the toughest. Cautiously optimistic. His team just won Round 2, but will face the boss next.