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Fallout Wiki

Naples was a pre-War city in Italy.


Quentino and Concerta Lombardi, who lead the Lombardi Family in Atlantic City, grew up in Italy in a small village near Naples.[1] When they moved to the United States, they opened a casino whose name reflected this heritage, The Neapolitan.


Naples is mentioned only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: Atlantic City update part two, America's Playground.


  1. A Vault Dweller: "Why didn't Quentino just name you as his successor?"
    Concerta Lombardi: "Your naivete makes me nostalgic for an easier time. It's not due to some falling out, or hatred. No, it is simply due to my...nature. The Family is rooted in tradition from back home. We're from a small village near Naples. There are certain...traditions that are to be followed, if you're one who lives by rule books. My brother was too stupid to see beyond it, bless him. I had to resort to more subversive means to take what had always been mine."
    (Conterta Lombardi's dialogue)