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This is a transcript for dialogue with Private Halford.


GREETING GREETING Fear 70 {Desparate, relieved} Oh, thank God! I didn't think I'd ever see another human face down here. 1
GREETING Neutral 50 Please, buddy, you've got to help me. I don't know how much longer I'm going to last with my leg like this. 2
GREETING Neutral 50 Come on man, my leg is killing me. 3
GREETING Neutral 50 Is it safe to leave yet? 4
GREETING Neutral 50 {Urgent hushed, Shhh} Keep it down, we don't want to alert the freaks. 5
GREETING Neutral 50 {Urgent hushed} No time to talk, we've still got fish heads to deal with. 6
GREETING Neutral 50 {Nervous about alerting monsters, hushed} Let's talk after we get the hell out of here. 7
GREETING Neutral 50 {Self-satisfied} Well well, it looks like we've cleared them out, damn inbred mutant freaks. Think I'll start heading back to California now. 8
Neutral 50 There have been way too many catastrophic NCR foul-ups around here for me to risk my life by sticking around. 9
GREETING Neutral 50 {Relieved, friendly} Thanks for getting me out of there. I better get started back to California. 10
GREETING Neutral 50 Thanks for helping me out. I won't forget it. 11
vFreeformCampGuardianNVCGHalfordTopic000 What are you talking about? Surprise 60 {Relieved} You must be the backup I've been calling for. Where are the rest of your men? 12
vFreeformCampGuardianNVCGHalfordTopic001 I heard your radio broadcast. I'm here to help. Surprise 60 Thank God. I hoped someone would come eventually, but where are the rest of your men? 13
vFreeformCampGuardianNVCGHalfordTopic002 This is it, buddy. Surprise 50 {Urgent} Shit. Have you any damn idea what lives in these caves!? We need to get out of...{cut short realizing he's yelling} 14
Anger 50 {Urgent hushed tone, fearful monsters will hear} We need to go now! 15
vFreeformCampGuardianNVCGHalfordTopic004 What killed the other troopers? Neutral 50 {anxious} I don't know. Some kind of man-fish freak like the one I killed over there. 16
Neutral 50 I'd heard fishermen spin old tales of 'Lakelurks' swimming in the water, but I always thought they were just bullshit mermaid stories. 17
vFreeformCampGuardianNVCGHalfordTopic005 Are you okay? Disgust 50 I managed to kill that thing, but not before it mangled my leg all up. No way I'm walking out of here like this. 18
Neutral 50 I've been keeping quiet and hoping they don't realize one of their buddies is missing. We need to get out of here before they come back. 19
vFreeformCampGuardianNVCGHalfordTopic006 How did you kill that thing? Neutral 50 With my bare hands. I would have shot it, but I was cleaning my gun when they swarmed the camp. 20
Neutral 50 The ugly bastard knocked me down and started dragging me down into these caves. I managed to get my knife out and get a good throw into it's back. 21
Neutral 50 Once he was on the ground, all it took was a bit of choking and punching to finish him off. 22
Looks like some nasty lacerations and a dislocated joint. You're lucky I found you. Happy 70 [SUCCEEDED] Thanks a lot, doc. I think I should be able to walk out of here, now. 23
Neutral 50 I don't want to risk running into a pack of those freaks alone, though. Could you escort me out of here? 24
I think I've got a dull needle and twine in one of my pockets. Surprise 60 [FAILED] Whoa there, buddy. What you're suggesting is downright archaic. 25
Neutral 50 I think my tourniquet will work for now, but I still can't walk like this. 26
Neutral 50 If I had a doctor's bag, I could probaly fix it up myself. 27
vFreeformCampGuardianNVCGHalfordTopic008 <Use Doctor Bag to heal his leg> This should help fix up your leg. Happy 70 Thanks a lot, doc. Looks like I should be able to at least walk out of here, now. 28
Neutral 50 I don't want to risk running into a pack of those freaks alone, though. Could you escort me out of here? 29
vFreeformCampGuardianNVCGHalfordTopic009 I'll be back. Neutral 50 Great, just leave me here, then. 30
vFreeformCampGuardianNVCGHalfordTopic010 That's a nice gun you've got there. Neutral 50 You can have it if you get me out of here alive. I won't have a use for it when I get back to California. 31
vFreeformCampGuardianNVCGHalfordTopic011 You're free to leave. The way up is clear. Neutral 50 Great, I'll start heading back to California now. I'm not about to let myself get killed by future NCR incompetence. 32
Neutral 50 If you find my friends, please return their dogtags to the NCR. People need to know what happened here. 33
Neutral 50 If they won't listen, do what you can to make them listen. The dead need to be avenged. 34
vFreeformCampGuardianNVCGHalfordTopic012 We need to clear the caves first. Disgust 60 Are you crazy? No way in hell am I going deeper into these caves. 35
Disgust 50 You haven't seen what they did to the other troopers, and I'd rather not find out why they took all of the bodies. 36
If we don't clear the caves, your friends' deaths were for nothing. Can you live with that? Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] All right, you have a point. They were good men and deserved better. 37
Neutral 50 I can't guarantee I'll be much help against their numbers, but I'll do what I can. Chances are we won't get out of here alive anyway. 38
More people are going to die if we don't do something. Neutral 50 [FAILED] Hey, I'm all for being a hero when the time is right, but there are at least 12 of those bastards lurking around in here. 39
Neutral 50 I'd rather not join my buddies any time soon. 40
vFreeformCampGuardianNVCGHalfordTopic015 Let's get moving. Neutral 50 Lead on. 41
vFreeformCampGuardianNVCGHalfordTopic017 Hey, you said you would help clear the caves. Neutral 50 I know, but now that I can see the way out, I'm not so sure. I'd rather not join my dead buddies anytime soon. 42
Neutral 50 I'm going to start heading back to California now. I'm not about to let myself get killed by future NCR incompetence. 43
vFreeformCampGuardianNVCGHalfordTopic018 <Raise arms>Boogedy boogedy boo! Fear 80 {Fearful, surprised} Ahhh!... 44
Disgust 70 {Realizes player isn't a monster} You sick bastard, I could have shot you! You must be the backup I've been calling for. 45
Pained 60 {Concerned} Where are the rest of your men? 46
vFreeformCampGuardianNVCGHalfordTopic019 Well, have a safe trip. Neutral 50 If you find my friends, please return their dogtags to the NCR. People need to know what happened here. 47
Neutral 50 If they won't listen, do what you can to make them listen. The dead need to be avenged. 48
vFreeformCampGuardianNVCGHalfordTopic020 You said I could have your rifle before you go. Neutral 50 Sure enough, you got me clear of this mess. Here you go. 49
vFreeformCampGuardianNVCGHalfordTopic022 You said I could have your rifle before you go. Neutral 50 Sure enough, you got me clear of this mess. Here you go. 50
vFreeformCampGuardianNVCGHalfordTopic024 What killed the other troopers? Neutral 50 {anxious} I don't know. Some kind of man-fish freak like the one I killed over there. 51
Neutral 50 I'd heard fishermen spin old tales of 'Lakelurks' swimming in the water, but I always thought they were just bullshit mermaid stories. 52


HELLO Hello Neutral 50 Hey, over here. 53
Hello Neutral 50 {pained} Damn leg. 54
vFreeformCampGuardianBattleDone vFreeformCampGuardianBattleDone Neutral 50 {Triumphant, taunting the dead} Ha! How do you like that you sons of bitches?! 55


(Camp Guardian Radio)
RadioHello Neutral 50 {Hushed, urgent, impatient} Bravo, come in, Bravo. Is anyone out there? 56
RadioHello Neutral 50 {Hushed, nervous} The camp was attacked. I think I'm the only one left alive. 57
RadioHello Neutral 50 {Hushed, urgent} We were attacked by some kind of freak mutants from the caves. Please send backup! 58
RadioHello Neutral 50 {Hushed, nervous} God damn leg... {whince} I don't know how much longer I'm going to make it before I bleed out. 59
RadioHello Neutral 50 {Hushed, urgent} Bravo, this is Camp Guardian calling for backup. No sign of the rest of the men stationed here. 60
RadioHello Neutral 50 {Hushed, nervous} This is Private Halford requesting backup. Anyone out there? 61
RadioHello Neutral 50 {Hushed, urgent} Guardian is down. I repeat Guardian is down. Requesting backup from any nearby forces. 62
RadioHello Neutral 50 {Hushed, fearful} Those beasts drug the rest of the men away. Oh God, I hope they don't come back for me. 63