Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Mortimer was a resident of the Sandy Coves Convalescent Home in 2077.


A former sailor and captain, Mortimer was among those who retired at the Sandy Coves Convalescent Home. As he aged at the facility, Mortimer was bound to a wheelchair and experienced dementia, and he (like others dwelling there) occasionally lost his safe key, prompting his caregivers to program the Mister Handy robots to remember where he habitually hid it - in Mortimer's case, in his favorite ship model.[1][2] His dementia was particularly severe; missing the sea, he filled his bathtub with fish and "fished" for them.

His room is littered with sailing paraphernalia, as model ships fill the shelves, and ship paintings hang on the walls. Beneath his window, next to the radiator, is his life ring, propped up against the wall. On his dresser, next to the swan boat model, is a bottle of bourbon and his shot glass. In the corner between the dresser and the wall is his biometric scanner. Above his bed lies his board, and on his nightstand lies his captain's hat and lantern.

On the morning of October 23, 2077, he was in bed when the radiation from the nuclear detonations swept through the facility, killing the occupants where they were.


Mortimer's skeleton appears only in Fallout 4.

