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The Monongah Power Plant terminal entries are a series of entries found on a terminal in the Monongah Power Plant in Fallout 76.

Captain Elliott's terminal[]


-=Warning: Military Terminal=-
-=121st Infantry "Firebats" Platoon=-

Officer's Log 11.15.77[]




Two damn weeks we've been at this dead-end posting and we haven't fired a single shot. The brass is convinced this is a "viable strategic target" for the enemy, so we're now playing nursemaid to this pile of concrete and counting the days.

I don't see the point of holding this location. After the bombs hit, who knows how much infrastructure between this plant and the surrounding area was destroyed. I'm convinced this posting is a waste of time and resources, but I go where Uncle Sam tells me to go.

Officer's Log 12.22.77[]




Our radioman received some orders calling half my platoon away. I put them under MGT Lawson's command and sent them on their way.

Now I'm holding Monongah with 2 squads. I hope we aren't hit with any serious threats, because I doubt we'll be able to last very long without fire support. Some of the guys are getting pretty damn bored sitting here with their thumbs up their rears, so I've started routine patrols of the plant in a 1 klick radius.

Officer's Log 01.14.78[]




Today's patrol didn't return, so we sent out Bravo Squad for support. The squad found the patrol hanging from a tree and took heavy fire when they got close. Luckily, Bravo Squad made it back to the power plant, but I'm disappointed we couldn't retrieve the patrol's bodies for a proper burial.

I don't know who did this to my men, but if they get within 500 meters of the plant, I've ordered both squads to open fire at will. I've repeatedly called HQ for orders, but all I get is static. I think we're alone out here.

Officer's Log 02.02.78[]




The first attack on the power plant occurred today at around 0530. The enemy hit hard, using everything from small arms to rocket launchers. The fighting lasted about an hour and we lost nine good soldiers, leaving me with fifteen.

I had a team drag back some of the enemy corpses for identification. My best guess is that the enemy is some type of organized raiding gang scavenging for supplies. I'm not sure what they think we have in here, but I'll be damned if I'm going to let them find out.

Officer's Log 03.12.78[]




It's been almost three months since my half the platoon left and not a single soldier has returned. I have a feeling they're never coming back. Repeated attacks from the gang has left me with twelve soldiers.

Some of the men are suggesting we bug out and let the gang take the power plant. If something doesn't change around here soon, I'll have deserters to deal with, or a platoon full of dead men.

Officer's Log 05.25.78[]




MGT Thomas Senecheck now in command. Captain Maxwell was shot and killed today by the unidentified gang that's had us continually under siege at Monongah Power Plant.

We're down to nine men, so I've given the order to abandon our posting. We'll head towards the nearest major population center to try and link up with whatever forces remain in the area. Wish us luck and may fortune favor the brave.
