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This is a transcript for dialogue with Appalachian Automated Launch System.


System voice during Mission: Countdown

# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00389B7A 00389AF4 Welcome, General. Automated computer announcement.
2 00389BF3 00389AFC Scanning... Keycard detected. Automated computer announcement.
3 Proceed to the Control Room with your Nuclear Keycard and Launch Code to initiate the launch. Automated computer announcement.
4 00389AFD Scanning... no Keycard detected. Automated computer announcement.
5 A Nuclear Keycard and Launch Code are required for launch. Automated computer announcement.
6 00389D56 00389AB4 Launch Prep progress has slowed. Automated computer announcement.
7 00389D57 00389B7B Unsanctioned launch in progress. Security teams, to the Control Room. Security teams, to the Control Room. Automated computer announcement.
8 0052676F 005256EC Now constructing additional security units. Automated computer announcement.
9 005256ED Fabricating replacement security personnel. Automated computer announcement. (Additional security robots are being produced.)
10 005256EE Assembling reinforcements. Automated computer announcement.
11 005256EF Additional security required. Automated computer announcement.
12 005261B9 Security incident resolved. Standing down. Automated computer announcement.
13 00526778 0052571F All personnel, to your stations. Automated computer announcement.
14 00525720 Security incident reported in the control room. Automated computer announcement. Slight pause before 'control room', as though it's be inserted into the text.
15 00525721 Security teams, to the control room. Automated computer announcement. Slight pause before 'control room', as though it's be inserted into the text.
16 00526779 005261BC This silo is now closing. All personnel, please exit the silo in an orderly fashion. Automated computer announcement.
17 0052677A 005261B2 This silo will close in: 1 minute. Automated computer announcement. Slight pause around the '1', as though the message is being inserted.
18 0052677B 005261CF This silo will close in: 5 minutes. Automated computer announcement. Slight pause around the '5', as though the message is being inserted.
19 0052677C 005261D3 All personnel: Collect your belongings and proceed to the nearest exit. Automated computer announcement.
20 0052677D 005261C9 All personnel, clear the silo. Automated computer announcement.
21 0052677E 005261AE Automated lockdown initiated. This silo will be sealed during the missile reconstruction process. Automated computer announcement.
22 All personnel, clear the silo. Automated computer announcement.
23 0052677F 005261CB All crew chiefs destroyed. Initiate the reconstruction process. Automated computer announcement.
24 005261CC Launch crew chiefs are not responding. Corrective action required. Automated computer announcement.
25 005261CD No crew chiefs reporting. At least one crew chief must be operational in order for Launch Prep to proceed. Automated computer announcement.
26 00526780 005261BB Chief Telemetry Officer: Destroyed. Automated computer announcement. Announcing that a key robot has been destroyed.
27 00526781 005261BD Chief Targeting Officer: Destroyed Automated computer announcement. Announcing that a key robot has been destroyed.
28 00526782 005261BE Chief Propulsion Officer: Destroyed. Automated computer announcement. Announcing that a key robot has been destroyed.
29 00526783 005261AC Chief Guidance Officer: Destroyed. Automated computer announcement. Announcing that a key robot has been destroyed.
30 00526784 005261B8 Launch Control Chief: Destroyed. Automated computer announcement. Announcing that a key robot has been destroyed.
31 00526785 005261B6 Chief Telemetry Officer: Active. Automated computer announcement. Announcing that a key robot has activated.
32 00526786 005261B5 Chief Targeting Officer: Active. Automated computer announcement. Announcing that a key robot has activated.
33 00526787 005261C1 Chief Propulsion Officer: Active. Automated computer announcement. Announcing that a key robot has activated.
34 00526788 005261B3 Chief Guidance Officer: Active. Automated computer announcement. Announcing that a key robot has activated.
35 00526789 005261AB Launch Control Chief: Active. Automated computer announcement. Announcing that a key robot has activated.
36 0052678A 005261BA Launch Prep complete. All systems, nominal. Automated computer announcement.
37 Standing by for final authorization. Automated computer announcement.
38 0052678B 005261D2 Launch Prep at: 75 percent. Automated computer announcement.
39 0052678C 005261B0 Launch Prep at: 50 percent. Automated computer announcement.
40 0052678D 005261AF Launch Prep at: 25 percent. Automated computer announcement.
41 0052678E 005261D0 Launch Prep sequence initiated. Automated computer announcement.
42 All personnel, take your stations. All personnel, to stations. Automated computer announcement.
43 Assembling Launch Crew Chiefs. Automated computer announcement.
44 Launch Control Chief: Active. Proceeding to station. Automated computer announcement.
45 0052678F 005261BF Control Room, active. All stations, standing by. Automated computer announcement.
46 Proceed to the Launch Control Terminal to initiate the Launch Prep sequence. Automated computer announcement.
47 00526790 00525715 Security incident in the storage area. Automated computer announcement. Slight pause around 'storage', as though the word was being automatically inserted.
48 00525716 Security teams, to sector delta. Automated computer announcement.
49 00525718 A level-4 security event is in progress. Automated computer announcement.
50 00526792 005261D4 This is a level-4 security alert. Unrecognized personnel detected in the storage area. Automated computer announcement. Slight pause around 'storage', as though it's being inserted into the text.
51 005261D6 Security inspection requested in the storage area. Automated computer announcement.
52 00526793 005261D9 Warning. Warning. Unauthorized tampering detected in the facilities mainframe. Automated computer announcement.
53 Security teams to the storage area. Repeat, security teams to the storage area. Automated computer announcement. Pause around 'storage', as though it's being inserted into the message.
54 005261DC Unscheduled maintenance activity in the storage area. Automated computer announcement.
55 Requesting security response. Automated computer announcement. Pause around 'storage', as though it's being inserted into the message.
56 00526794 00525705 Security teams, to sector gamma. Automated computer announcement.
57 00525706 Security teams, to the operations center. Automated computer announcement. Pause before 'Operations Center', as though the phrase is being inserted.
58 00525707 A level-3 security event is in progress. Automated computer announcement.
59 00526795 005256E7 Mainframe integrity compromised. Aborting security protocol. Automated computer announcement.
60 Engineering team, report to the operations center for immediate repairs. Automated computer announcement.
61 00526796 005256E3 Mainframe integrity at: 25 percent. Automated computer announcement.
62 00526797 005256E9 Mainframe integrity at: 50 percent. Automated computer announcement.
63 00526798 005256F1 Mainframe integrity at: 75 percent. Automated computer announcement.
64 00526799 005256E1 Mainframe integrity at: 100 percent. Automated computer announcement.
65 0052679A 0052579E Security alert. Security alert in the operations center. Automated computer announcement.
66 005261B4 Unauthorized personnel detected in the operations center. Automated computer announcement. Pause before 'Operations Center', as though the phrase was being automatically inserted.
67 0052679B 005256E0 Unauthorized personnel detected in the operations center. Automated computer announcement.
68 Activating mainframe security protocol Omega-12. All personnel: defend the mainframe and secure the area. Automated computer announcement.
69 005261AD Unauthorized personnel detected in the operations center. Automated computer announcement.
70 Mainframe security protocol Omega-12 is active. All personnel: defend the mainframe and secure the area. Automated computer announcement.
71 0052679C 0052572B Security incident in the reactor area. Automated computer announcement. Slight pause around 'Reactor', as though the phrase was being automatically inserted.
72 0052572C Security teams, to sector beta. Automated computer announcement.
73 0052572D A level-2 security event is in progress. Automated computer announcement.
74 0052679D 005256E8 Overriding security lockdown. Automated computer announcement.
75 Opening bulkhead doors. Please stand clear of the doors. Automated computer announcement.
76 0052679E 00525702 Terminating security lockdown. Automated computer announcement.
77 Opening bulkhead doors. Please stand clear of the doors. Automated computer announcement.
78 0052679F 005256F0 Restart successful. Reactor system integrity restored. Automated computer announcement.
79 005267A0 005256FE Warning. Warning. Multiple failures detected. Additional repairs required. Automated computer announcement.
80 005256FF Reactor breach detected. Restart the repair procedure. Automated computer announcement.
81 00525700 Error. Reactor system integrity compromised. Further repairs required. Automated computer announcement.
82 005267A1 005256E2 Initiating system restart. Automated computer announcement.
83 005267A2 00525701 Initiating automated system restart. Automated computer announcement.
84 005267A4 005256F2 Warning: One minute until automated system restart. Automated computer announcement.
85 005267A5 00525727 Shutdown complete. Automated computer announcement.
86 Unauthorized shutdown detected. Initiating security response. Automated computer announcement.
87 00525728 Reactor shutdown initiated. Automated computer announcement.
88 Verifying engineering credentials... failed. Please stand by for security inspection. Automated computer announcement.
89 00525729 The Reactor is now offline. Automated computer announcement.
90 Requesting security oversight for the maintenance procedure. Automated computer announcement.
91 005267A6 005256E4 Unauthorized personnel in the reactor area. Automated computer announcement. Pause around 'reactor', as though the word was being automatically inserted.
92 0052579D Warning. Warning. Security teams to the reactor area. Automated computer announcement. Pause around 'reactor', as though the word was being automatically inserted.
93 005267A7 005256EA Warning. Warning. Reactor breach detected. Automated computer announcement.
94 Security lockdown initiated. Bulkhead doors have sealed to limit contamination. Automated computer announcement.
95 Engineering team, proceed to the reactor control station to initiate repairs. Automated computer announcement.
96 005261D7 Warning. Warning. Reactor breach detected. Automated computer announcement.
97 Engineering team, proceed to the reactor control station to initiate repairs. Automated computer announcement.
98 005267A8 0052570D Security incident in the residential sector. Automated computer announcement. Slight pause around 'residential', as though the word was being automatically inserted.
99 0052570E Security teams, to sector alpha. Automated computer announcement.
100 0052570F A level-1 security event is in progress. Automated computer announcement.
101 005267AA 005256F3 Access granted. Automated announcement.
102 005256F5 Registration complete. Automated announcement.
103 005267AB 005256F9 Unscheduled access detected. Security personnel, report to the residential sector. Automated computer announcement. Slight pause around 'residential', as though the word was being automatically inserted.
104 005256FA Scanning... Automated computer announcement.
105 Error. Escort personnel not found. Stand by for inspection. Automated computer announcement.
106 005256FB Unrecognized personnel detected. Report to security station alpha for processing. Automated computer announcement.
107 005267AC 005256F6 Unscheduled access detected. Activating security system alpha. Automated computer announcement.
108 005256F7 Scanning... Automated computer announcement.
109 Error. Credentials not found. Automated computer announcement.
110 Activating security system alpha. Stand by for security inspection. Automated computer announcement.
111 005256F8 Unrecognized personnel detected. Activating security system alpha. Automated computer announcement.
112 005267AD 005256E6 Current status: DEFCON 1. Repeat: DEFCON 1. Automated computer announcement.
113 All personnel, secure your stations and stand by. Automated computer announcement.
114 005261C3 Alert level: High. Automated computer announcement.
115 005261C4 Report suspicious activity to security personnel immediately. Automated computer announcement.
116 005261C6 All systems nominal. Automated computer announcement.
117 005261C7 The current threat level is: Red. Automated computer announcement.
118 005261C8 All stations, stand by for orders. Automated computer announcement.
119 0052FF00 External communications are offline. Automated computer announcement.
120 0052FEFC 0052FEFF Launch Prep complete. Standing by for final authorization. Automated computer announcement.
121 0052FEFE 0052FF01 Launch Prep in progress. All personnel, take your stations. Automated computer announcement.


System voice during Flee the Silo!

# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 004FE4F6 004FE4FC Missile reconstruction ... complete. System ... rearmed. Launch prep sequence required. Robotic.
2 004FE4F7 004FE4FF Launch tube sealed. Initiating launch procedure. Robotic but urgent.
3 004FE4F8 004FE500 Launch tube sealing in five ... four ... three ... two ... one. Robotic but urgent.
4 004FE4F9 004FE501 Launch tube sealing in ten seconds. Robotic but urgent.
5 004FE4FA 004FE4FE Launch tube sealing in twenty seconds. Robotic but urgent.
6 004FE4FB 0005654F Attention! Attention! Launch sequence activated. Launch tube will seal in ... thirty seconds. All personnel should exit the launch tube immediately. Robotic but urgent.
7 00518924 00518932 Estimated reconstruction completion in ... four hours. Thank you for your patience. Robotic. Add a pause before the amount of time.
8 00518933 Missile reconstruction complete in ... three hours, forty-five minutes. Robotic. Add a pause before the amount of time.
9 00518934 Missile reconstruction complete in ... three hours, thirty minutes. Robotic. Add a pause before the amount of time.
10 00518935 Missile reconstruction complete in ... three hours, fifteen minutes. Robotic. Add a pause before the amount of time.
11 00518936 Missile reconstruction complete in ... three hours. Robotic. Add a pause before the amount of time.
12 00518937 Missile reconstruction complete in ... two hours, forty-five minutes. Robotic. Add a pause before the amount of time.
13 00518938 Missile reconstruction complete in ... two hours, thirty minutes. Robotic. Add a pause before the amount of time.
14 00518939 Missile reconstruction complete in ... two hours, fifteen minutes. Robotic. Add a pause before the amount of time.
15 0051893A Missile reconstruction complete in ... two hours. Robotic. Add a pause before the amount of time.
16 0051893B Missile reconstruction complete in ... one hour, forty-five minutes. Robotic. Add a pause before the amount of time.
17 0051893C Missile reconstruction complete in ... one hour, thirty minutes. Robotic. Add a pause before the amount of time.
18 0051893D Missile reconstruction complete in ... one hour, fifteen minutes. Robotic. Add a pause before the amount of time.
19 0051893E Missile reconstruction complete in ... one hour. Robotic. Add a pause before the amount of time.
20 0051893F Missile reconstruction complete in ... forty-five minutes. Robotic. Add a pause before the amount of time.
21 00518940 Missile reconstruction complete in ... thirty minutes. Robotic. Add a pause before the amount of time.
22 00518941 Missile reconstruction complete in ... fifteen minutes. Robotic. Add a pause before the amount of time.
23 00518925 0051892D Launch procedure complete. Initiating missile reconstruction. Robotic.


System voice during Officer on Deck

# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 000634C5 00065AEE Extermination detected. Issuing Combat Commendation. Robotic.
2 0037E458 Valid threat eliminated. Issuing Combat Commendation. Robotic.
3 004E8A61 Target of interest eliminated. Issuing Combat Commendation. Robotic.
4 004E8A62 Target extermination complete. Issuing Combat Commendation. Robotic.
5 004E8A63 Potential threat neutralized. Issuing Combat Commendation. Robotic.
6 00182012 0015B5FF High-value target detected. Elimination authorized. Robotic.
7 0015B61C Possible commendation target acquired. Target marked. Robotic.
8 0018204F Commendation target detected. Marking target for extermination. Robotic.
9 0037E44D Danger. Extreme threat detected. Designating target. Robotic.
10 0037E44E Combat commendation target detected. Marking. Robotic.
11 0034A948 0034A974 User has been promoted to the rank of... Sergeant. Congratulations. Robotic.
12 0034A975 User has been promoted to the rank of... Lieutenant. Congratulations. Robotic.
13 0034A976 User has been promoted to the rank of... Captain. Congratulations. Robotic.
14 0034A977 User has been promoted to the rank of... Major. Congratulations. Robotic.
15 0034A978 User has been promoted to the rank of... Colonel. Congratulations. Robotic.
16 0034A949 0034A989 Commendation issued. Calculating. Sufficent commendations acquired. Congratulations, user. You have been promoted. Your new rank is... Robotic.
17 ... general. Updating user access. Command Center privileges issued. Please check-in at your earliest convenience. Robotic.
18 0037E459 Attention. Sufficent commendations acquired. Congratulations, user. You have been promoted. Your new rank is... Robotic.
19 ... general. Command Center privileges unlocked. General, please report to the Command Center at your earliest convenience. Robotic.
20 0034A94A 0034A985 High-value operation completed. Support Commendations issued. Robotic.
21 0034A986 Act of extraordinary distinction detected. Issuing Support Commendations. Robotic.
22 0034A987 Activity difficulty merits multiple Support Commendations. Issuing. Robotic.
23 0034A988 User action registered. Action of extreme distinction detected. Issuing Support Commendations. Robotic.
24 0037E457 High-risk operation complete. Issuing Support Commendations. Robotic.
25 0034A94B 0034A981 Registering user activity for commendation. Error. Chief Executive detected. Promotional system bypass engaged. Granting Command Center access. Robotic.
26 Welcome, Madam President. Please report to the Command Center at your earliest convenience. Robotic.
27 0034A982 Registering user activity for commendation. Error. Chief Executive detected. Promotional system bypass engaged. Granting Command Center access. Robotic.
28 Welcome, Mister President. Please report to the Command Center at your earliest convenience. Robotic.
29 0034A94C 0034A96A System requires additional commendations. Valid acts include... Robotic.
30 ... target elimination operations, bunker support operations. Robotic.
31 Completion of tasks will result in immediate issuing of commendations.
32 Good hunting. Robotic.
33 0037E44B Error. Additional commendations required to unlock Command Center access. Valid acts include... Robotic.
34 ... target elimination, b-b-bunker support tasks. Robotic. Glitching a little as you say bunker support tasks, as this has been hacked into your system.
35 Completion of such tasks will result in the issuing of commendations. Note: election to the role of President grants immediate bypass of the commendation system.
36 Good luck! Robotic.
37 0034A94D 0034A956 Bunker support acts registered. Congratulations. Robotic.
38 0037E448 Successful operations detected. Commendations issued. Congratulations. Robotic. Keep this "congratulations" pretty staid.
39 0034A94E 0034A98C Valid act detected. Issuing Support Commendation. Robotic.
40 0034A98D Operation completion detected. Issuing Support Commendation. Robotic.
41 0034A98E User action marked for distinction. Issuing Support Commendation. Robotic.
42 0034A98F Activity completion merits Support Commendation. Issuing to user. Robotic.
43 0034A990 Action of distinction registered. Issuing Support Commendation. Robotic.
44 0034A94F 0034A96E Please proceed to the Command Center at your earliest convenience.
45 0034A950 0034A958 Analysis complete. Congratulations. Sufficient acts of merit detected. You have been promoted to the rank of... Robotic. Glitching out a bit at the start.
46 ... General. Command Center privileges unlocked. Congratulations, General. Please report to the Command Center at your earliest convenience. Robotic.
47 0037E467 Analysis complete. Sufficient operations detected. You have been promoted to the rank of... Robotic. Glitching out a bit at the start.
48 ... General. Command Center privileges unlocked. Congratulations, General. Please report to the Command Center at your earliest convenience. Robotic.
49 0034A951 0034A969 Wa-wa-warning! External subroutine activated. A-A-Accessing bunker support records. Robotic. Glitching out initially (someone has hacked your system). Stutter and change up your voice throughout this sequence.
50 0037E451 Accessing bunker records for previously completed support operations. Robotic.
51 0034A952 0034A966 Chief executive detected. Upgrading clearance. Welcome, Mister President. Robotic.
52 0034A967 Chief executive detected. Upgrading clearance. Welcome, Madam President. Robotic.
53 0034A955 0034A95C Promotion system engaged. Welcome ... private. Robotic.
54 0037E456 Promotion system activated. Scanning ... target found. Current rank: private. Robotic. Give a good pause between "Scanning" and "Target Found."
55 004E8A1C 004E8A6C High-priority target eliminated. Issuing multiple Combat Commendations. Robotic.
56 004E8A6D Extreme threat terminated. Multiple Combat Commendations issued. Robotic.
57 004E8A6E High-threat target exterminated. Issuing Combat Commendations. Robotic.
58 004E8A6F Detecting high-value target elimination. Issuing multiple Combat Commendations. Robotic.
59 004E8A70 Top-level target elimination detected. Multiple Combat Commendations issued. Robotic.
60 004E8A1D 0037E44A No records found. Robotic.
61 004E8A91 No records of support operations found. Robotic.


System voice during Nuke Master Quest

# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 002D0F6F 002D0F70 Invalid credentials. Input launch code. Robotic.
2 002E9073 002E9078 Error. Military clearance required. Robotic.
3 002E9074 002E9079 Access granted.
4 002E9075 002E9077 Incorrect code detected. Revoking access. New keycard required. Robotic.
5 002E9076 002E907A Authorization required. Robotic.
6 003A55FD 003A5609 Attention military personnel. Missile reconstruction at ... Missile Silo Charlie ... is now complete. Robotic.
7 Please report to the facility to complete pre-launch preparations. Robotic.
8 003A55FE 003A5607 Attention military personnel. Missile reconstruction at ... Missile Silo Bravo ... is now complete. Robotic.
9 Please report to the facility to complete pre-launch preparations. Robotic.
10 003A55FF 003A560B Attention military personnel. Missile reconstruction at ... Missile Silo Alpha ... is now complete. Robotic.
11 Please report to the facility to complete pre-launch preparations. Robotic.
12 003A5600 003A5606 Attention military personnel. Launch codes for ... Missile Silo Charlie ... have been invalidated. Robotic.
13 New code pieces can be collected from designated officers. Robotic.
14 003A5601 003A560A Attention military personnel. Launch codes for ... Missile Silo Bravo ... have been invalidated. Robotic.
15 New code pieces can be collected from designated officers. Robotic.
16 003A5602 003A5604 Attention military personnel. Launch codes for... Missile Silo Alpha ... have been invalidated. Robotic.
17 New code pieces can be collected from designated officers. Robotic.
18 003A5603 003A5608 Launch system unavailable. Robotic.
19 003A66EA 003A66EB Countdown lock active. Robotic.
20 003E5890 003E5899 Access revoked. Please insert new keycard. Robotic.
21 003E5891 003E589D Launch code required. Robotic.
22 003E5892 003E589B Launch code reset complete. System access unlocked. Robotic.
23 003E5893 003E5898 Warning. Launch code reset engaged. Please stand by. Robotic.
24 003E5894 003E589F Recent user launch detected. Required cool-off period active. Robotic.
25 003E5895 003E589C Access denied. Please insert nuclear keycard in the designated receptacle. Robotic.
26 003E5896 003E589A User credentials expired. Please enter new launch code. Robotic.
27 003E5897 003E589E Keycard accepted. Keypad access granted. Robotic.
28 0050915E 0050915F Error. System unavailable. Launch prep required. Robotic.
29 00519290 00519291 Error. No targets available at this time. Please try again later. Robotic.
30 0052C091 0052C092 Access denied. Robotic.
31 Facility lockdown in progress. Please wait until the lockdown has ended. Robotic


System voice during Death from Above!

# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 002D0F6D 002D0F77 Attention citizens. Nuclear strike imminent. Please exit the area at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your cooperation. Creepily calm.
2 003CB460 Attention citizens. Nuclear strike imminent. Please exit the area or seek shelter immediately. Thank you for your cooperation. Creepily calm.
3 003CB3DB 003CB450 Attention all citizens. Blast zone has cleared. You may now exit your shelter positions. Thank you. Robotic.


System voice during Vertibot with launch card

# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 003E4E5C 003E4E82 1...
2 003E4E5D 003E4E73 2...
3 003E4E5E 003E4E70 3...
4 003E4E5F 003E4E7D 4...
5 003E4E60 003E4E7C 5...
6 003E4E62 003E4E77 6...
7 003E4E63 003E4E81 7...
8 003E4E64 003E4E72 8...
9 003E4E65 003E4E7B 9...
10 003E4E66 003E4E76 10...
11 003E4E67 003E4E80 Warning. Self-destruct in 20 seconds.
12 003E4E68 003E4E79 Warning. Self-destruct in 30 seconds.
13 003E4E69 003E4E74 Warning. Self-destruct in 40 seconds.
14 003E4E6A 003E4E75 Warning. Self-destruct in 50 seconds.
15 003E4E6B 003E4E7F Warning. Self-destruct in 1 minute. Bystanders are advised to seek immediate shelter.
16 003E4E6C 003E4E71 Warning. Self-destruct countdown in progress. Detonation in 2 minutes unless valid cancellation code received.
17 003E4E6D 003E4E78 Warning. Self-destruct countdown in progress. Detonation in 3 minutes unless valid cancellation code received.
18 003E4E6E 003E4E7E Warning. Self-destruct countdown in progress. Detonation in 4 minutes unless valid cancellation code received.
19 003E4E6F 003E4E7A Unauthorized access of secure transport container. Starting self-destruct countdown under Dropkick protocol.
20 Detonation in 5 minutes unless valid cancellation code received.


(Mine recorder tape - 10.23.77)

# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
159 003CB3CC 003CB41D Attention citizens. Nuclear strike imminent. Please exit the area at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your cooperation. Robotic.