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Fallout Wiki

The May-Pole was a unique glowing one cut from the final version of Fallout 4.


The May-Pole would have stood at a terrifying height, akin to 300 feet, designed to look like a "melting elemental of agony." It would have been followed by hordes of mindless, regenerating feral ghouls.


Winter of Atom would later depict a giant glowing one, in the character of Dawn.

Behind the scenes[]

  • The May-Pole was a passion project of character artist Jonah Lobe, who revealed its existence in a Reddit AMA. He stated that his main inspirations were Shadow of the Colossus and "Walking Man" by sculptor Alberto Giacometti. Although a model was created, the May-Pole never made it in the final game because of the technical issues it would have created.[1]
  • The name of the creature referred to the maypole, a long pole traditionally used for people to dance around while holding long ribbons attached to the top. Similarly, the May-Pole was planned to be tall with feral ghouls running around the feet of the creature.[2]


