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The Great Glowing One, formerly known as Sister Dawn, is a giant glowing ghoul wandering the Glowing Sea in Winter of Atom. She was Isolde's daughter.


Mother Isolde exiled the Last Son of Atom from her village for heresy. When he left, several of her followers left with him, forming the basis for his sect. Isolde assigned her daughter Dawn to insinuate herself among them. She kept a journal while trying to blend in among the cult. In her journal, she notes that he consumed Berry Mentats, Ultrajet, and X-Cell in a single burst, as well as his ramblings about a child and obelisk buried under the ground.

Purely out of spite for Isolde, the Last Son subjected Sister Dawn to a series of procedures, utilizing an ancient device beneath the Whately Research Facility, which transformed her into a glowing ghoul titan.[RPG 1] Now thirty feet tall and super-irradiated, she wanders the Glowing Sea, shoulders wrapped in what appears to be a rotten leather cloak and vest; upon closer inspection, it seems to be her ribcage.

She no longer possesses any form of intelligence. Driven only by the desire to consume, she seeks out radioactive waste and smaller glowing ones, burning them as fuel to grow ever larger. She is able to eat non-radioactive objects and creatures as well.[RPG 2] In her distended abdominal cavity, smaller glowing ones can be seen, writhing. They occasionally break through her membrane and fall to the earth, where they will attempt to get up and attack people.

Isolde's peaceful congregants still dwell within the Crater of Atom, where they pray for an end to Dawn's suffering.[RPG 3] Brother Ogden is particularly aggrieved by her fate, as the two of them had grown up within the cult together.[RPG 4]

Interactions with the player characters[]

Isolde's villagers require the player party to slay Dawn before they may freely visit the Crater of Atom.[RPG 3]

Despite her loss of sentience, she has become a very powerful enemy. When attacked, she exhibits the intelligence to neutralize the biggest threats first.[RPG 5]


  • Should Sister Dawn survive an initial encounter without dying, a group of Children of Atom will join and attempt to sacrifice themselves to kill her, but fail to succeed. Afterwards, she will be seen the next time the Glowing Sea is entered, and may either be attacked or avoided.
  • If Sister Dawn is killed, she will be mourned by either Gertrude or Lucius, who kneel, place their hands on her body, and recite a prayer.


  • Unarmed: Body + Melee (TN 16), 12d6 Breaking, Radioactive Physical damage.
  • Radioactive Bile Spray: Body + Other (TN 16), 8d6 Burst, Vicious, Radioactive Poison damage, Range Close.
  • Debris Throw: Body + Guns (TN 12), 9d6 Stun, Vicious Physical damage, Thrown, Range Medium.

Special abilities[]

  • Immunities: Sister Dawn is immune to Poison and Radiation damage and their effects.
  • Powerful Glowing One: Sister Dawn regains 1HP for every point of Radiation damage inflicted upon her. Creatures that begin their turn within Reach of her suffer 4d6 Radiation damage.
  • Monstrous: When Sister Dawn misses with an attack, she immediately makes the same attack as a free action without increasing the test’s difficulty. The new attack must target a creature in the same Range that she has not attacked yet this turn. Additionally, she only suffers a critical hit if an attack inflicts 14+ damage (after damage resistance) in a single hit, rather than the usual 5+.
  • Radiation Pulse: Once per combat, Sister Dawn may spend a major action to unleash a radiation pulse, inflicting 10d6 Radiation damage to anyone within Close range. Any defeated ghoul within range is restored to 1 HP and immediately returns to the fight.
  • Spawn Glowing Ones: Whenever Sister Dawn’s torso is hit with an attack that adds the Piercing effect, the GM can spend 2 AP to add a glowing one that claws its way out from the wound. It joins combat during the next round.
  • Weak Underbelly: Sister Dawn’s belly is soft and vulnerable. Attacks that hit her torso ignore her Physical and Energy DR.


  • 2d6 junk items.


  • Sister Dawn is given as an example of a deadly monster that can appear within the Last Son of Atom's alternate universe/hallucination as an indication of dread.[RPG 6]
  • If asked during R6. The Obsidian Obelisk, the Last Son of Atom tells that he deeply cared for Sister Dawn, and regrets having to have punished her so harshly for betraying him.[RPG 7]


The Great Glowing One appears only in Winter of Atom.


  1. Winter of Atom pg. 197: "The Last Son captured Sister Dawn, Mother Isolde’s daughter. He experimented extensively on her using the device. Over time, Sister Dawn mutated into a thirty-foot tall, super-irradiated glowing one. Now, Dawn stalks the Glowing Sea, devouring other glowing ones and growing larger with every macabre meal."
  2. Winter of Atom pg. 202: "After being experimented on by the Last Son of Atom beneath Whately Research Facility, Sister Dawn transformed into a feral glowing one. Unlike normal glowing ones, she continues to grow larger with every meal. Her preferred foods are smaller glowing ones and highly radioactive materials, but she is content to make a snack of the PCs too. There is nothing left of the gentle-hearted woman’s mind—she exists only to roam the Glowing Sea aimlessly, constantly eating."
  3. 3.0 3.1 Winter of Atom pg. 205: "The PCs have a base reputation rank of 1 (Cautious) for the Crater of Atom. If their reputation rank becomes 0 (Hostile), Isolde and her people attempt to deny them entry until they prove they are allies by slaying Sister Dawn and putting her tortured soul to rest."
  4. Winter of Atom pg. 211: "Brother Ogden approaches the PCs after hearing Sister Dawn is dead. He asks for details of their encounter and expresses deep sadness about her passing. Some things that may come up during the conversation:
    * He and Dawn were childhood friends. He is upset and confused about why she left the settlement without telling him.
    *Dawn moved into the same shack as the Last Son of Atom when he lived at the crater. They grew close before Mother Isolde exiled him. Ogden worries she may have left to join the Last Son’s cult.
    * He is too afraid to search through Dawn’s things to find the truth about why she left."
  5. Winter of Atom pg. 203: "Mutated beyond the limits of known human science, Sister Dawn is perhaps the mightiest foe in Winter of Atom—but not the most intelligent. She ferociously targets characters near her, prioritizing those who manage to inflict damage on her."
  6. Winter of Atom pg. 227: "A deadly monster, such as the gigapede or Sister Dawn, appears in the distance."
  7. Winter of Atom pg. 231: "Previous Actions. He believes that every innocent he harmed was a necessary sacrifice—they will find their reward waiting for them in new universes. He mourns the loss of his brave friend, the gigapede, whose sacrifice bought him the time he needed to find Atom’s Glow. He cared deeply for Sister Dawn, and he regrets that she forced him to punish her betrayal so harshly."