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Fallout Wiki

Wise Martin the Bearded is a member of the Enlightened.


Martin wrote one of the six sacred tomes found during The Mothman Equinox. His work, On the Thesis of Wallace, concerns an entomologist known as Dr. Wallace and the Cult of the Mothman's search for Wallace's remains. The Dim Ones, as the Enlightened call them, believe that Wallace's doctoral thesis would unlock the secrets of the Mothman, but Martin rejected this notion. Martin wrote that Wallace's thesis would not grant the cultists any enlightenment, and was likely a study of ordinary moths. In addition, he doubted it would have been buried with Wallace, instead located in the library of the institution that granted Wallace his degree. Martin saw the "folly" as more reason that they should focus on the Wise Mothman and not the "Red-Eyed Pretender."[1]


Martin is mentioned only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Night of the Moth update.

