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Fallout Wiki

Mark was a harborman and mechanic, the husband of Peggy and the father of Small Bertha and Tony. He died a "horrible" death sometime prior to 2287.


Mark and his family were among those who had to flock to Far Harbor for safety following the Island once again becoming covered in the Fog. Passing through the fog-covered ruins of the town, they made it to the docks; the only place relatively safe from the radiation and fog dwelling fauna. It was here that his wife Peggy discovered that her aunt Candace fled the island for the mainland once her home was engulfed by the fog. Seeking a safe haven for their family, Peggy left their two children with Mark to travel to the Dalton farm, hoping to trade work as a farmhand for shelter.[1] After Peggy left, she was killed, and almost the entire Dalton family suffered a similar fate. Later, Mark would die horribly as well, leaving Bertha and Tony poor and alone among the dregs.[2]


Mark is mentioned only in the Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor.


  1. Last note from mom
  2. Small Bertha: "I have to talk to you. I got 14 1/2 caps. I want to hire you."
    The Sole Survivor: "I'll bite. What's the job?"
    Small Bertha: "Harbormen don't belong on this dock. If we keep clinging here, we'll bleed out and die. To get better, to grow stronger, we need land. Echo Lake Lumber Mill has power lines that connect to the old Wind Farm. If you clear the land, Harbormen can wire up the Condensers. Make it safe from the Fog."
    The Sole Survivor: "How do you know all of this?"
    Small Bertha: "My father was a mechanic. A good one. Before the Fog took him."
    (Small Bertha's dialogue)