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Fallout Wiki

Together with my stalwart friend, the Silver Shroud, we will overcome all foes.— Manta Man to the Sole Survivor while dressed as the Silver Shroud

Manta Man is a delusional would-be vigilante that can be randomly encountered in the Commonwealth in 2287.


Manta Man is a wastelander who believes himself to be the Hubris Comics superhero of the same name, traveling the Commonwealth to fight evil.

He can be found fighting three mole rats as part of the The Return of Manta Man! random encounter after completing The Silver Shroud.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui roleplay team
This character is involved in random encounters.

The Return of Manta Man!

Effects of player's actions[]

If the player character is dressed as the Silver Shroud, the pair will interact with eachother in-character, with several unique dialogue changes.



  • Manta Man's Hit Points are based on the same scaling as the game's human companions; although unlike companions, he cannot scale past level 50.
  • Because the Junk Jet cannot be properly used by NPCs, Manta Man is unable to equip it and is reduced to fighting with his fists if attacked by enemies while wandering the Commonwealth. As a result, despite his above-average health, he tends to fare extremely poorly in combat. Like all humanoid NPCs, it is possible for him to pick up and use weapons from a nearby corpse or container during combat, but this seldom occurs.
  • Unlike caravan merchants, provisioners and settlers, Manta Man is not protected and can be killed by any wandering hostile enemies.
  • If he survives the fight, he can be encountered once more, this time fighting raiders or creatures.


Manta Man appears only in Fallout 4.
