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Fallout Wiki

Don't shoot! Those assholes didn't attack the ship on our orders. They weren't trying to frag you anyhow. They just wanted to kill the frickin' robots.— Mandy Stiles to the Sole Survivor

Mandy Stiles is a scavenger in the Commonwealth in 2287.


As part of a scavenger group making camp to the west of the USS Constitution, Mandy is intent on taking the ship along with Davies to salvage it for parts, which would keep herself and the crew from scrounging in the gutters again.[1] Although there is no official leader of the group, Mandy acts the spokesperson for the group when dealing with the Sole Survivor, shutting Davies down when he complains about having to share the salvage with the player character and distancing themselves from the previous group to assault the ship.[2]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


  • Last Voyage of the U.S.S. Constitution: If the Sole Survivor sides with the scavengers, she will betray them at the end of the quest and must be killed along with Davies and the other scavengers.



Mandy Stiles appears only in Fallout 4.


  1. Mandy Stiles: "We score this one, and no more scrounging in the gutters. Ever."
    (Mandy Stiles' dialogue)
  2. Davies:"I'm not splitting my share with [her/him]!"
    Mandy Stiles: "You holding out on us, Davies? You got some magical way in there? This [lady/guy]'s got a free ticket aboard. So shut up."
    (Davies' and Mandy Stiles' dialogue)