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Malpais is a mentioned-only location in Fallout: New Vegas.


Said to be situated near the banks of the Colorado River on the east side, in Legion territory, sometime before 2281, Corporal Sterling, when he was still a member of the NCR Rangers, was caught by the Legion while on a mission nearby. After being brought to Malpais, Sterling was tortured, having his hands and feet damaged to the point of nearly being crippled.[1] He was later able to escape by rolling down an embankment into the Colorado, drifting along the current until he was rescued by his fellow Rangers. Though he escaped with his life, the injuries he sustained were permanent and ended his career with the Rangers.[2]


Malpais is mentioned only in Fallout: New Vegas.

Behind the scenes[]

A location named the Malpais Legionnaire Camp appeared on an early map of Fallout: New Vegas, where it was directly across the Colorado River from Camp Forlorn Hope[3] and based on the real-world Malpais Wash[4] but was ultimately cut from the final game. The mentioned location of Malpais may be a reference to the cut location.


  1. Courier: "Why did you leave the Rangers?"
    Sterling: "Well... that wasn't really a matter of choice. Got myself caught by Legionnaires, up near Malpais. They had themselves some fun with me... mangled my hands and feet pretty good. Wasn't much good with a pistol after that. Wasn't gonna be trekking across the waste on any more long scouts, either."
    (Sterling's dialogue)
  2. Courier: "How did you manage to escape Malpais?"
    Sterling: "Caesar's boys figured I wasn't going anywhere, after what they done to me. So they didn't bother tying me up. I crawled out of there on my elbows and knees. Must have looked a sight. Then I rolled down an embankment into the Colorado. Guess I had a mind to drown, rather than give Caesar's boys the satisfaction of killing me. But a couple Rangers happened to be watching from across the river. They jumped on in and pulled me out of there. Lucky break, they said."
    (Sterling's dialogue)
  3. Early map draft of Fallout: New Vegas
  4. Topozone topographical map