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Fallout Wiki

// Speech File for Mission 17 - Cold Water.
//Version 1.9
// The format for the speech file is explained in the README.txt file in the
// speech file directory.


General Dekker[]


// Mission Briefing
// Note: General Dekker's voice does the briefing and debriefing.

At ease, warrior.\n\n

No matter how long I live, the shock of treachery still cuts deeply. The Brotherhood has been betrayed by a group of criminals from Quincy. Considering our intervention during the Beastlord hostage crisis, this is doubly insulting. \n\n

The mayor reports that this group of rogues poisoned our warriors as they stood vigil over the town. In their weakened state, the guards could barely defend themselves, and the thieves looted our unconscious Brothers and stole away in a Brotherhood vehicle.\n\n

The basic equipment is easily replaceable and is of no consequence. The theft of several suits of Power Armor is our major concern here.\n\n

We have since tracked their progress to the town of Coldwater, where they have used our equipment to exert their dominance over the local populace. This cannot be allowed to continue.\n\n

You will bring your squad to this "Coldwater" and make inquiries until you locate the thieves. The Elders have judged them guilty of high treason against the Brotherhood and death will be their reward.\n\n

There will be no room for mercy on this mission Brother. Kill the thieves and return the armor to the Auditor General. He will be waiting for you in the town.\n\n


// Mission Debriefing

// Situation A01: Mission was accomplished successfully.
// Tone/Mood: Proud, air of righteous satisfaction.
At ease, warrior.\n\n

The armor is returned and the thieves have committed their last theft.\n\n

Well done.\n\n

The scoundrels' bodies will be displayed in proper crucifixion outside the town of Quincy, along with the guards that were on watch. Our Inquisitors have also rounded up known friends and family of the criminals to an internment camp. If they have information about any weak links in our security, we will find out. If they don't, they will be placed in a labour camp to prevent the spread of rumors and ensure proper security.\n\n

It is time these people take some personal accountability for their actions.

//A family that goes to an interment camp together, stays together. DL

// Situation B01: If player killed Ma Baker
// Tone/Mood: Sad/respectful

One last unrelated item, Brother.\n\n

We are having a vigil tonight at 2200 for Paladin Klotz. She was the head of Urban Squad, which monitors and confronts raider activity in the region. Her relentless pursuit of Brotherhood ideals will be one of her many traits that will be missed. I, however, will miss her company on a more personal level. (*sob*)\n\n

Her name will be recorded on the Brotherhood Wall of Honour along with the alias she was so fond of, "Ma Baker."\n\n

Please be respectful, (*sob*) and wear something dark.\n\n

// Situation B02: If player doesn't kill Ma Baker
// Tone/Mood: Normal


// Mini-map Information

M17_MiniMap_01 = {
This is your insertion point. You will rendezvous with the Auditor General
here upon successful retrieval of the three suits of Power Armor.

M17_MiniMap_02 = {
The Town of Cold Water is divided into four separate tiers.

M17_MiniMap_03 = {
Tier One: You'll find shops, a race-track and some residential apartments here.

M17_MiniMap_04 = {
Tier Two: The bar and casino is located here. The casino is what made Cold
Water famous in this region.

M17_MiniMap_05 = {
Tier Three: This area is primarily residential.

M17_MiniMap_06 = {
Tier Four: The Town Hall and power generators are located here.

M17_MiniMap_06 = {A remote farmhouse.}
// Objective Breakdowns:
M17_OBJ_01 = { Find and neutralize the thieves. }
M17_OBJ_02 = { Return the missing equipment to the Auditor. }

M17_FAILUREA = { As your soul leaves its mortal shell you realize that crapping one's pants upon death is not a tribal urban legend. }
M17_FAILUREB = { With the Auditor General dead, you realize you cannot complete your mission. If only you had another chance. }
M17_SUCCESSA = { Objective complete. You may go to the Exit Grid. }


Caldriss Hemlock[]


// Name: Caldriss "Deadeyes" Hemlock.
// Role: Auditor General of the Brotherhood of Steel.
// Background: Caldriss is a thin, sinewy man in his fifties. He has graying
// hair, and is mostly bald. His eyes are dead-looking, hence the nickname.
// Caldriss was one of the Brotherhood's deadliest assassins before his
// retirement from active duty. A calculating man with an eye for details, he
// has since found a use for his attention to details by working as an auditor
// and collector of dues for the Brotherhood.
// Caldriss is one of the Brotherhood members who actually met the original
// Vault Dweller. At the time, he didn't think much of it though.

name_CORE_m17_Caldriss = { Auditor General }

// Situation A00: Caldriss will speak if addressed. He will introduce himself
// and remind the player of his or her objectives. Caldriss likes to speak
// with strange pauses. Perhaps he has a french accent, not unlike that of
// Jean Reno.
M17_Caldriss_A00_W = {

What are you waiting for soldier? Your orders were crystal clear! Now stop staring at me with your mouth open and bring back all the stolen armor!\n\n

If those thieves leave this town, we might never be able to find them, so get hot!\n\n

I want those bastards deader than a meat-sauce covered ghoul with a chainsaw up his ass in A PIT FULL OF GOD DAMNED STARVING DEATHCLAWS! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!\n\n

Good. Now get going warrior, we can't have the Brotherhood looking like a victim.

// Situation A01: If spoken to a second time, he will merely display his
// impatience to return to base.
M17_Caldriss_A01_W = {
What is your PROBLEM WARRIOR? If you don't GET THE FUCK MOVING you better STAND THE FUCK BY FOR ME TO stick my foot SO FAR UP YOUR ASS that you'll be tasting the CRAP THAT GROWS BETWEEN MY TOES!!!!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!?!?!\n\n

// Situation A02: If spoken to a third time and beyond, Caldriss only has his
// good-bye line.
M17_Caldriss_A02 = { Just find the armor. My throat hurts. }

// Situation B: Before the mission is over, Caldriss will have some random
// text of his own.
M17_Caldriss_B00 = { Hurry up! I gotta "Pinch off a Ghoul!" }
M17_Caldriss_B01 = { You're not going to make me yell again, are you? }
M17_Caldriss_B02 = { I really got to "Drop some Ghouls off at the pool." Know what I mean? }
M17_Caldriss_B03 = { Stop wasting my time. Do you want an office referral? } }//===========================================================================

// Situation C00: If spoken to after the mission is completed, Caldriss will
// express his satisfaction.
M17_Caldriss_C00_W = {

Good job! I'll bring these back where they belong and collect the bodies of the thieves.\n\n

Why don't you get back to base and finish this robot business for the love of brahmin?


// Situation Z00: Before the player speaks to him he will float this text
M17_Caldriss_Z00 = { (looks at watch) Where is that new, hot shot warrior? }

// Situation D: After the mission is over, Caldriss will have different random
// text of his own.
M17_Caldriss_D00 = { Armor looks in good shape.}
M17_Caldriss_D01 = { You made them suffer, right? }
M17_Caldriss_D02 = { Hey, you got blood all over the armor! }
M17_Caldriss_D03 = { Don't you have somewhere to be? }

Luigi Vinchenzo[]


// Name: Luigi Luciano.
// Role: Bookie for the races.
// Background: Louie the Bookie who wants Ma Baker dead for whatever reason.

//Ed, this is now another character defining point for the player. If he takes the hit //man job he will more likely get the bad player ending. Dig?
// Note: Ed, give Luigi a pinkie ring that's worth a shit load of cash. DL

name_CORE_m17_Louie = { Louie Luciano }

// Situation A00: Louie will start talking to the player.
M17_Louie_A00_W = {

Hey, soldier! (looks both ways) How ya doin? My name is Don Vinchenzo and I know why you're here. Those thieves, those dirty rat bastards, they snatched your armor and now you're here to get revenge. I respect that.


// Situation A01: If addressed again, Louie will explains his situation.

M17_Louie_A01_W = {
I bring services to this town. The gambling, the recreational pharmaceuticals, the pimping and hoeing. I run the whole operation. But I have an itch here that needs scratching. A certain, individual here owes me a lot of dough that I know I'll never get.\n\n

Normally, I'd take care of this myself, but, this person, this fuckhead (spits), is under the protection of the local raiders.\n\n

Now I know the Brotherhood ain't no bunch of assassins. I know this. But this ain't about the Brotherhood. It's about a favour between you, and me.


// Situation A02: Louie will say good bye if they keep pestering him.
M17_Louie_A02_W = { You see, I need you to whack Ma Baker over there. That fat bitch owes me more money than you can imagine, but she ain't going to pay.\n\n

Now, normally I would take care of this by myself, but I don't need a war with those disrespectful raiders.(spits)\n\n

So, it's up to you. You whack her and I'll give you some stuff so "you can be all that you can be." If you're not interested, that's all right too.\n\n

As a show of good faith, I give you a free tip. The man you're looking for is Guldo. He is the brains behind the theft of your family's armor. \n\n


// Situation B: Louie's random lines indicate that he is busy making bets. This is floating //text that pops up without clicking. DL
M17_Louie_B00 = { Come on, make your bets now! }
M17_Louie_B01 = { And we have another loser! }
M17_Louie_B02 = { Have you placed your bets? }
M17_Louie_B03 = { Put down the minimum bet, you mutated pusshead! }

// Situation C00: After the player talked to Louie three times but still did not kill Ma Baker.
M17_Louie_C00 = { Do it or don't. It's up to you.}


// Situation D00: After the player has killed Ma Baker.
M17_Louie_D00_W = {

You have done me a valuable service. Please take your reward. From me to you, eh?\n\n

You know, a dark suit and tie and you'd look like you were from the old country - New Jersey.

// Situation D01: After the player has killed Guldo and accepted Louie's gift
// he say his good-bye line if addressed again.
M17_Louie_D01 = { Ciao. }

Simon Dudley[]


// Name: Simon Dudley.
// Role: Distraught man seeking help.
// Background: Simon Dudley is a desperate man. Unlike others in Cold Water,
// he is not in debt. Instead, his sister Adele has been kidnapped by one of
// Guldo's men.
// His role in this mission is to give the player a sub-quest to rescue his
// sister.

name_CORE_m17_Simon = { Simon Dudley }

// Situation A00: Simon will explain his situation if the player talks to him.
// He pleads with them to help him and proceeds to show them the way. The
// locked door suddenly becomes unlocked. After this text, Simon will not
// have any dialogue until he arrives at the door, switching to situation A02
M17_Simon_A00_W = {
YOU ASSHOLE! Wait, you're really Brotherhood ain't you?\n\n

Some guy that was posing as one of your order kidnapped my sister, Adel! I tried to get her back, but I can't do much against someone in Power Armor. You have to help me! I saw the way he was looking at her! I don't think we have much time!\n\n

I'll show you where he is. Follow me!

// Situation A01: Simon will say this immediately after situation A00. It is
// a line to let the player know that he or she should follow him.
M17_Simon_A01 = { Follow me. This way! }

// Situation Z00 Simon will beg the player to save Adele once he is at the
// door, if the player speaks to him before saving his sister.
M17_Simon_Z00 = { This is the door. Please, save her before... }
M17_Simon_Z01 = { We don't have much time,please hurry! }
M17_Simon_Z02 = { Alright, on three! One, two, thr-well? }
M17_Simon_Z03 = { That guy also said you guys are sissies! You're not going to take that are you? }

// Situation B: Simon has some random pleas that he makes before the player
// speaks with him.
M17_Simon_B00 = { Why won't anyone listen? }
M17_Simon_B01 = { Help me, somebody. }
M17_Simon_B02 = { Can anyone help me? }
M17_Simon_B03 = { Please, someone kidnapped my sister! }


// Situation C00: If the characters kill the ruffian and save his sister,
// Simon will be most grateful. He will initiate conversation and say the
// following lines. The first sentence is addressed to the player, the rest
// is addressed to Adele. If possible, he will be crying and hugging his
// sister as he says these lines.
// After he says this, he and Adele will leave the map.
// Ed, he needs to give the player something (skill mag?)
M17_Simon_C00_W = {

Hey, thanks for saving my little sister. I hope you tortured the bastard that kidnapped and abused her. Life in the wasteland is hard enough without all these scumbags around taking advantage of honest folk. I want you to have these as payment. It's all we have and I won't take no for an answer.


// Situation D00: If the characters end the encounter with Adele killed,
// Simon will be most upset. He will initiate the following lines after Adele
// is killed. The first two sentences are addressed to the player, the others
// are addressed to Adele and himself.
// After he says this, he will leave the map.
M17_Simon_D00_W = {
What do mean she's dead? That's impossible! She's only twenty years old. Oh, Adele! *sob sob sob*\n\n

What? *sniff* Of course I believe you. But why did he have to kill her? Why? I... I need to be alone now. *gurgle*

Adele Dudley[]


// Name: Adele Dudley.
// Role: Rape victim, sister of Simon Dudley.
// Background: Adele was kidnapped by Jeff Dougal, a member of Guldo's gang.
// She is being raped by Jeff just as the player opens the door to the room
// where Jeff has her pinned to the floor.
// Note: I have cut out all explicit references to actual rape. The player
// can work it out for himself or herself.

name_CORE_m17_Adele = { Adele Dudley }

// Situation A: Once the scene is initiated, Adele will scream and struggle as
// hard as she can against Jeff.
M17_Adele_A00 = { No! Please! }
M17_Adele_A01 = { Help! Simon! Help me!! }
M17_Adele_A02 = { Please... }
M17_Adele_A03 = { Don't hurt me. }


// Situation B: Once Jeff is dead, Adele will float this text by herself or when clicked on.
M17_Adele_B00 = { *sob* }
M17_Adele_B01 = { *sniff* }
M17_Adele_B02 = { I'm glad he died a horrible death!}
M17_Adele_B03 = { Well, if he lived he would have had herpes anyway.}


Jeff Dougal[]


// Name: Jeff Dougal.
// Role: The rapist.
// Background: Jeff Dougal is your typical wasteland thug. He is a member of
// Guldo's gang and he is doing what the bad guys do that make them bad guys.

name_CORE_m17_Jeff = { Jeff Dougal }

// Situation A: Once the scene is initiated, Jeff will be saying some nasty
// sayings.
M17_Jeff_A00 = { You bite me again and I'll bite you back! }
M17_Jeff_A01 = { Shut up! }
M17_Jeff_A02 = { Where's your brother now? }


// Situation B: Once Jeff sees the player he will call out some more nasty
// lines.
M17_Jeff_B00 = { Who are you? }
M17_Jeff_B01 = { She's mine. }
M17_Jeff_B02 = { Get another girl yourself. }
M17_Jeff_B03 = { I saw her first. }


Ma Baker[]


// Name: Ma Baker
// Role: Tough adventuress.
// Background: Ma Baker is a tough, scarred female adventuress. She is
// rough-looking and tough-talking.
// Ma has had some experience with the robots. Her role here is just to let
// the player feel that the robots are starting to make their presence known
// everywhere.

name_CORE_m17_MaBaker = { Ma Baker }

// Situation A00: If the player talks to Ma Baker, she will tell them about
// her encounters with the robots.
M17_Ma_A00_W = {

Man, I've seen shit out there in the wasteland that would turn you white! As if Deathclaws and SuperMutants aren't enough! There are some hardcore nasty fucking machines out there killing everything they come across.\n\n

Hey, I like you guys, so I'll tell ya a little secret... It's safer to have a ghoul or mutant with you cause the robots out there, they seem to want to kill them first.


// Situation B: Ma Baker's random and vulgar lines.
M17_Ma_B00 = { Those robots sure don't like mutations! }
M17_Ma_B01 = { If you see a robot... RUN!}
M17_Ma_B02 = { I saw one rip apart a Deathclaw once!}
M17_Ma_B03 = { The robots are unstoppable!}
M17_Ma_B04 = { Those robots are all over the wasteland now! }

Jacob Young[]


// Name: Jacob Young.
// Role: Ghoul with attitude.
// Background: Jacob is just one of the residents of Cold Water who has an
// opinion on everything. He is plain drunk.

name_CORE_m17_Jacob = { Jacob Young }

// Situation A: If the player speaks with Jacob, he'll give one of his random
// chat lines. He is a very minor character.
M17_Jacob_A00 = { Who pissthed on my shoe?}
M17_Jacob_A01 = { Isth that beer in that asthtray? }
M17_Jacob_A02 = { Hey buddy! How doesth that girl look over there? It'sth a rock? Nethermind. }
M17_Jacob_A03 = { I'm gonna puke! (pause) Almosth! }
//Whatever. DL


Brad Stadtler[]


// Name: Brad Stadtler.
// Role: A Jacob Wannabe.
// Background: Brad is Jacob's side-kick. He is also extremely drunk.

name_CORE_m17_Brad = { Brad Stadtler }

// Situation A: If the player speaks with Brad, he'll give one of his random
// chat lines. He is a very minor character.
M17_Brad_A00 = { You talkin to me? }
M17_Brad_A01 = { What wash that? Didn't hear you. *hic* }
M17_Brad_A02 = { Shay that again? }
M17_Brad_A03 = { Huh? }
M17_Brad_A04 = { Eh? }
M17_Brad_A05 = { Woo. }

Father Donald[]


// Name: Father Donald.
// Role: A preacher in the little chapel.
// Background: Father Donald is a drunk who is trying to give a sermon on the
// evils of gambling. He isn't doing a very good job.

name_CORE_m17_Father = { Father Donald}

// Situation A: Father Donald has no random lines, instead he has special
// lines that cycle through from start to finish and back to start again.
// He speaks slowly, leaving around five seconds between his lines.
M17_Donald_A00 = { Oh yesh. Gambling, shayeth the Lord... }
M17_Donald_A01 = { And *hic* the Devil shall punish the gambler. }
M17_Donald_A02 = { The gambler who shinsh and... *hic* }
M17_Donald_A03 = { ...gamblesh away hish inheritensh. }
M17_Donald_A04 = { Yersh! }
M17_Donald_A05 = { What wash I shaying again? }
M17_Donald_A06 = { Beware the evilsh of betting! }
M17_Donald_A07 = { Doesh the Lord bet? Who knowsh? }
M17_Donald_A08 = { He'd be a bloody good gambler, I'll wager. }
M17_Donald_A09 = { If only he'd let me win wunsh in a while. }
M17_Donald_A10 = { *hic* }
M17_Donald_A11 = { Um. Where wash I again? }

// Situation B: If the player enters the secret area under the altar, Father
// Donald will call out his line to indicate that the player shouldn't be
// there. That is, he saw something.
M17_Donald_B00 = { I thought I shaw shomeone back there. God ish watching! }



// Name: Rainman.
// Role: A quiet gambler who seems to know how to win.
// Background: Rainman is a 'special' person who seems to be winning at the
// games tables.
// He won't say much to the player, but he has some amusing random lines.

name_CORE_m17_Rainman = { Rainman }

// Situation A: If the player talks to Rainman, he'll mutter gibberish.
M17_Rainman_A00 = { Huh? }
M17_Rainman_A01 = { I wanna go home. }
M17_Rainman_A02 = { Uh-oh. Fart. }
M17_Rainman_A03 = { You said read the phone book. }
M17_Rainman_A04 = { Definitely wanna go home. }
M17_Rainman_A05 = { Yup. }

// Situation B: Rainman's random gibberish.
M17_Rainman_B00 = { Three. Definitely a three. Nyeah. }
M17_Rainman_B01 = { Nyeah. Definitely want to leave the table. }
M17_Rainman_B02 = { Yeah. Definitely gonna win. }
M17_Rainman_B03 = { Uh-oh. Fart. Uh-oh. Fart. }
M17_Rainman_B04 = { Definitely a six. Yup. }
M17_Rainman_B05 = { Yup. }

Casino losers[]


// Casino Losers:
// These guys are the players who are hanging around the casino. They only
// have random speech. If the player tries to talk to them, they'll have just
// a line or two telling them to bugger off. There are six variations for the
// losers.

name_CORE_m17_Gambler = { Gambler }


// Situation A: If the player talks to a loser, he'll tell the player to piss
// off.
M17_Loser01_A00 = { Oh hi! I'll have a whiskey and some smokes! }
M17_Loser01_A01 = { Wow! You BOS security! How did they afford it? }
M17_Loser01_A02 = { Get me a gecko cocktail please. }

M17_Loser02_A00 = { I gonna fuck that dealer up later! }
M17_Loser02_A01 = { Bunch of damn cheaters! }
M17_Loser02_A02 = { Lost the skids off my drawers! }

M17_Loser03_A00 = { Where the chicks at? }
M17_Loser03_A01 = { That armor get you laid? }
M17_Loser03_A02 = { Bet you BOS guys get all the ass! }

M17_Loser04_A00 = { (whispers) I don't think this place is regulated. }
M17_Loser04_A01 = { Watch out. Those dice are loaded. }
M17_Loser04_A02 = { See that guy cheating right there?! }

M17_Loser05_A00 = { How bad does the inside of your armor smell? }
M17_Loser05_A01 = { Big gun, small prick! }
M17_Loser05_A02 = { You wear naughty underwear under that armor? }

M17_Loser06_A00 = { What if you fart in Power Armor? }
M17_Loser06_A01 = { What if you got an itch under all that? }
M17_Loser06_A02 = { That armor probably chafes, huh? }

// Situation B: If left to their own devices, the random lines will help
// distinguish one loser from another.
M17_Loser01_B00 = { You think that girl's a hooker? }
M17_Loser01_B01 = { Look at her clothes! She's a tramp! }
M17_Loser01_B02 = { Bet you five that one's a pro! }

M17_Loser02_B00 = { I'm so due to win. I can feel it!}
M17_Loser02_B01 = { I'm broke! }
M17_Loser02_B02 = { Time to go home! }

M17_Loser03_B00 = { I won! }
M17_Loser03_B01 = { I heard rumors about giant robots. }
M17_Loser03_B02 = { Crap! }

M17_Loser04_B00 = { Bullshit! }
M17_Loser04_B01 = { Lost my ass playing cards!}
M17_Loser04_B02 = { OH NO!! }

M17_Loser05_B00 = { I can't feed my kids now. }
M17_Loser05_B01 = { What am I gonna tell them? }
M17_Loser05_B02 = { I won! Finally. }

M17_Loser06_B00 = { *hic* }
M17_Loser06_B01 = { Are drinks free when you gamble? }
M17_Loser06_B02 = { I just need to get out of this slump! }


Roach-race spectators[]


// Situation C: "Roach-Race Spectators"
// These are a special case of Casino Loser. They have the same speech as
// situation A but have different random lines. There are six varieties of
// spectators.Floats by itself and when clicked on. DL
M17_Loser01_C00 = { Smoke that fucking roach! }
M17_Loser01_C01 = { Go on! }
M17_Loser01_C02 = { Final lap!! Sprint!}

M17_Loser02_C00 = { Oops!.. uh, I stepped on one. }
M17_Loser02_C01 = { I'm winning!}
M17_Loser02_C02 = { C'mon! }

M17_Loser03_C00 = { Lousy bug! }
M17_Loser03_C01 = { You call that running? }
M17_Loser03_C02 = { Try using all your legs!! }

M17_Loser04_C00 = { Run, roach! }
M17_Loser04_C01 = { C'mon, just a little more. }
M17_Loser04_C02 = { Faster!! Faster!!}

M17_Loser05_C00 = { Oh fuck! He stopped running!}
M17_Loser05_C01 = { This bug is my last hope! }
M17_Loser05_C02 = { Stretch it out! Run!}

M17_Loser06_C00 = { That's it! I'm killing everybody! }
M17_Loser06_C01 = { You just cost me everything!!! }
M17_Loser06_C02 = { SHIT!! }


Residents of Cold Water[]


// Resident of Cold Water:
// These are the normal people of Cold Water. They come in two groups: For and
// against the Brotherhood. Each come in six varieties.

//Dan - These all need to be three responses
// Situation A: Residents who like the BOS. This is what they may say if
// spoken to.
M17_Resident01_A00 = { Yeah, I know you people. }
M17_Resident01_A01 = { I heard what you did at Brahmin Wood. Good job. }
M17_Resident01_A02 = { You guys rock! }

M17_Resident02_A00 = { I know of the Brotherhood. }
M17_Resident02_A01 = { Gee! Great posture! }
M17_Resident02_A02 = { How do you pee inside your power armor?}

M17_Resident03_A00 = { Feel free to kill Guldo! }
M17_Resident03_A01 = { Nothing wrong with having the law around. }
M17_Resident03_A02 = { Fucking-thieving pigs.}

M17_Resident04_A00 = { Guldo runs the gang here. }
M17_Resident04_A01 = { Guldo's gang has taken over the town. }
M17_Resident04_A02 = { Guldo, Guldo that's all I hear!}

M17_Resident05_A00 = { I wish I could join the Brotherhood. }
M17_Resident05_A01 = { I'm not strong enough to join the BOS. }
M17_Resident05_A02 = { Gosh, the BOS are my heros.}

M17_Resident06_A00 = { A little R-n-R, huh? }
M17_Resident06_A01 = { You guys do look kinda scary! }
M17_Resident06_A02 = { Are you guys allowed to gamble?}


// Situation B: Residents who like the BOS. This is what they may randomly.
M17_Resident01_B00 = { Whoa. The Brotherhood is here. }
M17_Resident01_B01 = { Think there's going to be a fight? }
M17_Resident01_B02 = { They'll beat the shit out them!}

M17_Resident02_B00 = { Look! }
M17_Resident02_B01 = { I heard about those guys. }
M17_Resident02_B02 = { Great Pants!}

M17_Resident03_B00 = { Holy shit! Is there a war going on? }
M17_Resident03_B01 = { Looks like Guldo's gang might be in trouble. }
M17_Resident03_B02 = { Guldo's goin to eat shit!}

M17_Resident04_B00 = { Showdown! Between Guldo's boys and the Brotherhood. }
M17_Resident04_B01 = { Shit's about to hit the fan! }
M17_Resident04_B02 = {Time to hide the breakables.}

M17_Resident05_B00 = { Don't look at them! }
M17_Resident05_B01 = { Holy shit it's Five-0! }
M17_Resident05_B02 = { Time to hole up till it's over.}

M17_Resident06_B00 = { You're gonna take down Guldo's boys? }
M17_Resident06_B01 = { Oh boy. It's like some sort of showdown. }
M17_Resident06_B02 = { Your good! But Guldo's really mean!!}


// Situation C: Residents who dislike the BOS. This is what they may say if
// spoken to.
M17_Resident01_C00 = { Damn. Brotherhood. }
M17_Resident01_C01 = { My brother's in their labor camp! }
M17_Resident01_C02 = { How many recruit kids do you kill a year?}

M17_Resident02_C00 = { I hate the Brotherhood. }
M17_Resident02_C01 = { Mean people suck! }
M17_Resident02_C02 = {Go home fascist!}

M17_Resident03_C00 = { Ain't no business of mine. }
M17_Resident03_C01 = { Self righteous bastards! }
M17_Resident03_C02 = {You ain't noting without your big guns!}

M17_Resident04_C00 = { Look, we're fine without you or your stinkin Order. }
M17_Resident04_C01 = { You greedy bastards want this town too? }
M17_Resident04_C02 = { Fuck you! Uh... I didn't say it.}

M17_Resident05_C00 = { Violent solutions to all your problems? }
M17_Resident05_C01 = { Wasteland would be safer with them gone! }
M17_Resident05_C02 = { War always leads to war.}

M17_Resident06_C00 = { You're just a bunch of bullies. }
M17_Resident06_C01 = { You and Guldo are just the same. }
M17_Resident06_C02 = { Do you get off on this shit?}

// Situation D: Residents who dislike the BOS. This is what they may randomly.
M17_Resident01_D00 = { Great. BOS. There goes the neighborhood. }
M17_Resident01_D01 = { Act like they're not there. }
M17_Resident01_D02 = { I've shit myself every time I've seen one of them.}

M17_Resident02_D00 = { Let's get out of here!}
M17_Resident02_D01 = { Not another Brotherhood soldier. }
M17_Resident02_D02 = { What's that smell?}

M17_Resident03_D00 = { Go home, "warrior"! }
M17_Resident03_D01 = { Welcome, murderers! }
M17_Resident03_D02 = { Do want our children?}

M17_Resident04_D00 = { Great. First Guldo's gang shows up, now them. }
M17_Resident04_D01 = { Looks like this town is going to hell. }
M17_Resident04_D02 = { Even the roaches won't survive this battle!}

M17_Resident05_D00 = { You're gonna tear up this town, aren't you? }
M17_Resident05_D01 = { Damn Brotherhood. }
M17_Resident05_D02 = { Damn! They're looking for a fight!!}

M17_Resident06_D00 = { I ain't gonna fight them alone. }
M17_Resident06_D01 = { Stop bothering normal folk. }
M17_Resident06_D02 = { I just want to live in peace. }


Guldo's thieves[]


// Guldo's Gang is known as the Red Stingers or Stingers for short. There are
// two groups, Thieves and Thieves with Power Armor. Both have slightly
// different things that they say. The situations are similar though. One for
// random lines before they see the player, one for when they see the player.
// There are four flavours of the gang.

name_CORE_m17_Ganger = { Ganger }

// Situation A: Random lines for thieves without power armor before they see
// the player.
M17_Thief01_A00 = { Haha. I won a bundle gambling. }
M17_Thief01_A01 = { Let's get smashed! }
M17_Thief01_A01 = {I'm a high roller now!}

M17_Thief02_A00 = { I just beat up another punk kid. }
M17_Thief02_A01 = { Heh, did you see that girl's face after I was done? }
M17_Thief02_A01 = {What are you going to do with your share?}

M17_Thief03_A00 = { Got any Afterburn? }
M17_Thief03_A01 = { I'm dying for a little Afterburn! }
M17_Thief03_A01 = {I'm going to puke if I don't get my fix. }

M17_Thief04_A00 = { Do you think they'll find us? }
M17_Thief04_A01 = { Me neither. }
M17_Thief04_A01 = {I wanted to steal the tank.}


// Situation B: Random lines for thieves without power armor the moment they
// see the player.
M17_Thief01_B00 = { Uh-oh. Warriors! }
M17_Thief01_B01 = { Whoa, shit! Warriors! }
M17_Thief01_B02 = { Warriors! }

M17_Thief02_B00 = { Oh god, they've found us! }
M17_Thief02_B01 = { Shit! They've found us. }
M17_Thief02_B02 = { Damn. They've found us. }

M17_Thief03_B00 = { Radio for help! }
M17_Thief03_B01 = { Warriors have found us! Get help! }
M17_Thief03_B02 = { Quick! Warriors are here. }

M17_Thief04_B00 = { Oh-no, oh-no. }
M17_Thief04_B01 = { Oh my God. How did you find us? }
M17_Thief04_B02 = { Damn. I am so dead. }


// Situation C: Random lines for thieves with power armor before they see
// the player.
M17_Thief01_C00 = { Better prepare for those "warriors." }
M17_Thief01_C01 = { I know they'll be onto us soon. }
M17_Thief01_C02 = { They'll come after us. That's for certain. }

M17_Thief02_C00 = { I love this Power Armor. }
M17_Thief02_C01 = { We sure fooled them "warriors." }
M17_Thief02_C02 = { Hey, this Power Armor feels so good. }

M17_Thief03_C00 = { Damn easy loot. }
M17_Thief03_C01 = { Such gullible fools. }
M17_Thief03_C02 = { I didn't think the Brotherhood was that stupid. }

M17_Thief04_C00 = { I'll kill all of those "warriors" myself. }
M17_Thief04_C01 = { I'm picking up something on my detector. }
M17_Thief04_C02 = { Hey guys? I think we got company. }


// Situation D: Random lines for thieves with power armor the moment they
// see the player.
M17_Thief01_D00 = { Looks like we just got some more armor! }
M17_Thief01_D01 = { Can't stop me while I'm wearing this! }
M17_Thief01_D02 = { I'm just as much BOS as you now! }

M17_Thief02_D00 = { You want your Power Armor back? }
M17_Thief02_D01 = { Sorry, but I like the way it fits! }
M17_Thief02_D02 = { Do I look like I'm running? }

M17_Thief03_D00 = { They found us! But how? }
M17_Thief03_D01 = { How did they find us? }
M17_Thief03_D02 = { Damn, they've found us. }

M17_Thief04_D00 = { They made me wear it! }
M17_Thief04_D01 = { Crap! Game over. }
M17_Thief04_D02 = { We're all adults, let's talk. }


Guldo Sciavo[]


// Name: Guldo Sciavo.
// Role: Leader of the Thieves.
// Background: Guldo is the leader of the Red Stingers. He organized a group
// from Quincy, poisoned the BOS guards and stole their equipment. He is a
// greasy-looking man with well-toned muscles and a mean streak.
// Guldo is currently planning how he should rule the town.

name_CORE_m17_Guldo = { Guldo Sciavo }

// Situation A: If Guldo hasn't seen the player, he will be happily planning
// his rule over the town.
M17_Guldo_A00 = { Momma told me, "You dirty thief."}
M17_Guldo_A01 = { That poison did the job. }
M17_Guldo_A02 = { Nobody got hurt. }
M17_Guldo_A03 = { The perfect crime! }

// let's not have any references to other games' towns. The Rocky Mountains are
// supposed to isolate this area from the west.

// Situation B00: Guldo will call out the following lines if he sees the
// player.
M17_Guldo_B00_W = {
It's not that I'm not grateful that you saved me from the Beastlords. It's not that at all.\n\n

I saw an opportunity and I took it. I'm not going to be some poor dirt farmer all my life!\n\n

You Brotherhood guys get everything handed to you on a silver platter! You just march around and take hard working people's shit!\n\n

If you think about it, I'm as much Brotherhood as any of you!\n\n

Take your best shot! I dare you!

