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Dialogue file for the mad scientists below the Cathedral, as well as Vincent the super mutant.


{100}{}{You see a mad scientist. He is working diligently on something.}
{101}{}{Good evening, brother. What brings you to our little corner of heaven?}
{102}{}{Good evening, sister. What brings you to our little corner of heaven?}
{103}{}{I'm here to check on your progress.}
{104}{}{What might you be doing here?}
{105}{}{What?! You dare question me? How about I experiment on your brain, you twisted skag?!}
{107}{}{You, again? And why are you disturbing the Master's glorious future this time?}
{108}{}{The Master grows impatient with your failures, and I with your impudence!}
{109}{}{I want to know what's happening with your experiments.}
{110}{}{That's it, I'm putting an end to YOUR future right here and now, chump!}
{112}{}{It's not going well. I've been injecting the FEV directly into the pineal gland, but I'm not getting the results I'd hoped for.}
{113}{}{Why don't you try injecting it directly into the Amygdala?}
{114}{}{Why don't you try injecting it into the Medula?}
{115}{}{What results are you getting?}
{116}{}{Hmmm. And?}
{117}{}{I beg your forgiveness, sir. How may I be of service?}
{118}{}{I beg your forgiveness, ma'am. How may I be of service?}
{119}{}{You can speak to me with respect next time, or you'll never speak to anyone again!}
{120}{}{The Master's truth is revealed, resulting in increased psychic ability. [shakes his head] But the poor souls become terminally insane and must be sequestered and nullified to keep them from harming themselves or others.}
{121}{}{Oh, how thoughtful of you...}
{122}{}{Where are they being kept?}
{123}{}{You heartless butcher! I think I'll nullify your brain and sequester it from the rest of your body! Die, you bastard!}
{124}{}{In a room northwest of here. Is there anything else I can help you with?}
{125}{}{Thank you for your help. Bye.}
{126}{}{Yeah, uh. What's FEV?}
{127}{}{You can die!}
{128}{}{I have no time for your tomfoolery!}
{129}{}{What an intriguing idea! I must try it at once!}
{130}{}{Uh, where are you keeping the failed experiments?}
{131}{}{Don't mention it.}
{132}{}{Yeah! Let's try it on you!}
{133}{}{Vincent! Prepare our newest volunteer!}
{134}{}{What? That's the most ludicrous thing I've ever heard! [looks at you suspiciously] Who are you, really?}
{135}{}{Oh, sorry. I've got to go now.}
{136}{}{I'm a new..uh...guy.... I've been sent to find out how you are doing.}
{137}{}{I already told you, I've been sent by the Master to check up on you.}
{138}{}{I've come to remove your spleen... without anesthetic!}
{139}{}{Alright, then. So how is it going?}
{140}{}{Your attitude has told me all I need to know. Goodbye.}
{141}{}{Ah ha! An interloper! Just as I suspected. Vincent!}
{142}{}{Who are you? And why are you wearing that suit? [to himself] I haven't seen one of those in a long time.}
{143}{}{I'm in disguise. Intruders have infiltrated the Master's sanctuary, and I'm dressed like one of them to gain their confidence.}
{144}{}{How dare you question one of the Master's special operatives!}
{145}{}{When have you seen a suit like this before?}
{146}{}{It's extruded rubber, so it's real easy to wipe your blood off after I kill you!}
{147}{}{Oh, you know, when we got that last batch of pure-strain humans in... I think there is still one in the holding pens. Why do you ask?}
{148}{}{No reason. How are the experiments going?}
{149}{}{I've got to report back to the Master. I don't have time for this.}
{150}{}{[shakes his head] Alas, the poor souls become terminally insane and must be sequestered and nullified to keep them from harming themselves or others.}
{151}{}{Oh, how thoughtful of you...}
{152}{}{You heartless bastard! I think I'll nullify your brain and sequester it from the rest of your body! Die, you bastard!}
{200}{}{You see Vincent, a super mutant guard. He looks bored.}
{201}{}{You see a super mutant, obviously guarding the scientists. He looks bored}
{203}{}{I'm just watching the mads. Don't talk to me.}
{204}{}{Leave me alone.}
{300}{}{You see a sleeping mad scientist.}
{302}{}{Huh! What? [rubs eyes] Vincent, remove this heathen from our chambers!}
{303}{}{Huh? [snort] ...zzzzzzzzz}
{400}{}{You see Vincent. He is guarding the sleeping mads.}
{401}{}{You see a super mutant guard. He is nearly standing over the prone bodies.}
{402}{}{Leave them alone, and get out. No one is allowed in here while they are sleeping.}
{403}{}{You again! I told you to leave the scientists alone!}
{404}{}{You have overstayed your welcome.}
