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Me was told to take you to do something. Something about Normies. Me no remember what.

Lou was a generic Nightkin invader in an early version of Fallout.


Main article: Nightkin invader

The invaders would appear at the Boneyard Library after it is invaded by the super mutants and the Children.[1] These ten mutants were all collectively named Nightkin,[2] and were led by Uthern.[3] They were tasked with collecting Follower books,[4][5] and offered very little in terms of conversation, speaking in broken English on account of brain damage caused by dipping. Forgetting their tasks was also an issue.[6][7][8][9][10][11]


Lou was present in an early version of the Boneyard, but was removed as part of a broader revision of the game.


  1. SCRIPTS.LST (Fallout): "FlSupMut.int; Super Mutant in the Followers area # local_vars=7"
  2. FLSUPMUT.MSG: "{100}{}{You see Lou of the Nightkin.}"
    {101}{}{You see Sue of the Nightkin.}"
    {102}{}{You see Drew of the Nightkin.}"
    {103}{}{You see Kurt of the Nightkin.}"
    {104}{}{You see Bert of the Nightkin.}"
    {105}{}{You see Tyche of the Nightkin.}"
    {106}{}{You see Mike of the Nightkin.}"
    {107}{}{You see Char of the Nightkin.}"
    {108}{}{You see Reine of the Nightkin.}"
    {109}{}{You see Daggarth of the Nightkin.} "
  3. Nightkin invader: "{113}{}{Uthern a smart one. Uh huh.}"
  4. Nightkin invader: "{114}{}{Boss say Normies are nothings.}"
  5. Nightkin invader: "{115}{}{Don't know why boss want these books.}"
  6. Nightkin invader: "{110}{}{Me was told to take you to do something. Something about Normies. Me no remember what.}"
  7. Nightkin invader: "{111}{}{Me think Normies is stupid.}"
  8. Nightkin invader: "{112}{}{All Normies should die!}"
  9. Nightkin invader: "{116}{}{Me glad those stupid Normies ain't around. They ugly.}"
  10. Nightkin invader: "{117}{}{Me is better than you! Me is better than you!}"
  11. Nightkin invader: "{118}{}{Me squish you now!} "