Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Little Joe was a resident of Goodneighbor before 2287.


Little Joe owned a shack within Goodneighbor, which was bombed by the assassin Kendra. As a result, four drifters were killed in the attack.[1]


Little Joe is mentioned only in Fallout 4.


  1. Silver Shroud Radio: "The Silver Shroud's bringing justice to Goodneighbor. You bad guys better look out. And now a special update. The villainous assassin Kendra was recently spotted at the Third Rail. The same Kendra who bombed Little Joe's shack and killed four innocent drifters. If you want to see the Silver Shroud in action, stay near Whitechapel Charlie. The Shroud's sure to interrogate him to find the evil-doer's whereabouts."