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Fallout Wiki

The Listening Post Bravo terminal entries are a series of entries found on a terminal at Listening Post Bravo in Fallout 4.


Power Elevator[]


Diverting Power to Elevator...


Monitoring terminal[]


Listening Post Bravo
Monitoring Terminal 03 - Sergeant J.P. Renkse

LP Bravo Monitoring Report 010[]


Captain Rutledge ordered me to take over long-range monitoring today. That means four weeks stuck in this bunker with only military rations, old magazines and a transistor radio to keep me company. However, I'll try and make the best of it by doing my job and monitoring the airwaves for any suspicious transmissions. Maybe next month I'll get a more interesting assignment, but for now, it's time to kiss the light of day goodbye for a month.

LP Bravo Monitoring Report 014[]


Had a strange incident today. I was monitoring the low-band frequencies - the stuff normally used by outdated equipment, when I came across a very strange repeating message. It was in English, but it was very difficult to make out due to all the static. It stopped broadcasting after about an hour, but I made out a few phrases: "internal void" "dreams are getting darker" and "blood runs so still." The only other thing I picked up was what I assume to be a call sign: "D-E-K." I'm going to send these phrases over to translation in Washington as soon as possible.

LP Bravo Monitoring Report 016[]


I haven't heard a thing from Washington yet, so I assume they haven't come up with any answers. While I was waiting, I decided to continue monitoring that same frequency around the clock. I tuned in, but I haven't heard a thing in four days. I'm getting awfully anxious to hear something new, or for the translation guys to tell me what the heck I had heard, but for now I'll just have to wait.

LP Bravo Monitoring Report 020[]


I woke up today to a banging noise on the elevator door, like someone was trying to get in. I looked at the readout, and it said that the elevator has been in its locked-down position since I got here, so that doesn't make any sense. I decided to activate the bunker's defense systems as a precaution and broke out the emergency rifle we keep locked up down here. I have to admit, a cold chill was running down my spine. The banging continued for almost an hour straight, then it stopped. I don't know why, but I have the strange feeling that this is somehow related to the mysterious broadcast I intercepted.

LP Bravo Monitoring Report 025[]


It's been five days since the banging on the elevator, and Washington finally broke radio silence to tell me that the holotape recording they received was blank. When I listened to my local playback, I discovered that they were right. My tape had nothing on it. When I mentioned the noises I heard they told me it was possible I was experiencing auditory hallucinations from being isolated for so long. They said to hang tight and they'd send someone out to relieve me. It's possible that this isolation did something to my mind. Maybe I wanted to find a mystery to solve to occupy the time so badly, my imagination decided to take over. Whatever it was, I hope this doesn't go down on my permanent record.

> Turret Control[]


Standardized Turret Control Firmware v8.13
STATUS: Online/Offline, All Clear
ADMIN: Turret Defense System

Please exercise caution around turret. Users should always assume that turrets are loaded and capable of live-fire.

Please choose an option:



Activating/Shutting down

About Your Defense System[]


Turret operation should be limited to trained professionals only.

Consumer commands are limited to activation/deactivation of the turret(s) hardlined to this terminal. For all other operations, please refer to a licensed technician.

Any tampering will void warranty and indemnify the manufacturer against potential injury and/or death caused to users or passers-by.

System Diagnostics[]


System Diagnostics: 2 Turrets Linked
Node | Condition | Status | Distance

100% Online/Offline,All Clear, 8.82m

100% Online/Offline,All Clear, 8.82m
