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Fallout Wiki

The King Cola's Castle terminal entries are several entries found on terminals at King Cola's Court and King Cola's Castle Tower in the Fallout 4 add-on Nuka-World.

Oswald's terminal[]

Terminal is located in King Cola's Court at King Cola's Castle.


= <User "O. Oppenheimer" signed in> =

System Access[]


= Kiddie Kingdom =
= Mist Sprayer Control System =

Current Status: SYSTEM OFF

!!!System Warning!!!
Safety Warning: < Unsafe Levels of Radiation >
Water Purity Setting: < Administrative Override >

Turn On Mist Sprayers[]



:::System Error:::

Current system settings require administrative activate to enable Mist Sprayer Subsystem.

Please contact Zone Management or Facilities.

User Logs[]


= User Logs =
= < Oswald Oppenheimer Signed In> =

Things are finally stable[]


It's been about fifty years since the bombs fell. We've seen some large groups come and go. Usually we've managed to scare them off or use the radiation sprayers to get rid of them. Seems like most of the attackers are just terrified of the clown make up. It's kind of sad, they used to bring people so much laughter.

On the whole, things are good. We have plenty of food, water and even partial power when we need it, which I'd imagine is a lot more than most others have. Even the mutation from the radiation storms hasn't been that bad after we learned to cope with it. I'm glad Rachel is still alive, I think she's the only thing keeping me together.

Can't sleep[]


I can't sleep. We've had to board up another person today. That's over ten in the past year alone. I'm trying to keep everyone organized and keep everyone's spirits up since Kenneth, Mitchel and Herman are gone, but there are some days I just don't want to even get out of bed.

Some have even started talking about putting the Afflicted out of their misery, but we put a stop to that talk pretty fast. We've been here a long, long time now and these aren't just the people I survived the war with, they're our new family. We've got to find some way to help them.

Was that real magic?[]


There was a big attack today, and Dean got hit by a stray bullet. The thought of losing another of us caused me to snap, and suddenly it was as though energy was literally flowing from my body. Then Dean just shot up and gasped for air. I healed him, but I have no idea how.

After the attack, it hit me. Was this some sort of mutation... or was it real magic? I mean, given the circumstances, who could tell the difference? Even if we had a scientific explanation, does that really make it less magical? Regardless of what I want to call it, maybe I can use my "powers" to help the Afflicted.

New neighbors[]


Some big gang took out that group in Nuka-Town this week. The gang looks pretty aggressive, so we've decided to leave them be for now. It's too bad, we had almost decided to make contact with the traders there, but now it looks like we've missed our chance.

Rachel is talking about one or both of us breaking from the group to try find a cure somewhere else. But, if the two of us leave, I don't know if there will be enough leadership to keep this place together.

After Rachel Left[]


It's been over a year since Rachel left, and still no word. At home, there's nobody left. No one but me and the Afflicted, and that gang of Raiders next door. At first I was wishing that Rachel had stayed behind, but I kept coming to the conclusion that she did the right thing. No matter how much it hurt, she had to leave for the good of us all. Only problem is that I don't know how much longer I can hold the castle. The walls are crumbling. The walls are crumbling and I don't know how much longer I can hold them up. I miss you, Rachel.

Rachel's terminal[]

Terminal is located in King Cola's Castle Tower.


= <User "R. Watkins" signed in> =

User Logs...[]


= User Logs =
= < Rachel Watkins Signed In> =

I got the part![]


I got the "Princess Cherry" part! Technically Dad thinks I got an internship working with the Beverageers. At least I got a job working at Nuka-World, which means I can wait and get to know some of them before applying. I mean, I love acting but I still want to put that rather expensive organic chemistry degree to good use.

My boyfriend Oswald and the rest of the gang passed out here in the tower after they threw me a party. All of us got drunk and came up with this ridiculous plan to take over the park if the war ever got bad... like, nuclear bad. We all agreed, but instead of shaking on it, we did a round of shots. Here's to 2077, I hope it's a hell of a year!

Moving on up[]


We've got our defenses set up now and things are starting to look a little bit better. Thanks to my background, I've sort of become the unofficial doctor of our raggety little bunch. Oswald has been so supportive, and he's continued to manage this whole crisis like a real leader. I'm so proud of him.

Whatever that horrible radiation storm did to us, everyone is having bad reactions, but there are others literally dying from it. I wish I could do more to help everyone, but I'm an organic chemist, not a surgeon. I don't have the heart to tell people that as they're dying in my arms, so I just keep it to myself and try to give them hope.

The Affliction[]


My good friend Fran succumbed to the Affliction a few days ago and I've just been a wreck. Dean and Oswald boarded her up in a house before she tried to attack anyone which I don't think I could have taken. Oswald stayed the night up here and just held me while I cried. I tried to apologize to him for falling apart like this when he needed me to be strong, but I knew her since elementary school and I couldn't hold it in any longer. I hate this place.

Magic is real?[]


There was a huge attack this week that pushed us all the way back to the castle gate. Just when we were about to fall back to the theater, a bunch of the Afflicted started crawingIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar out of their houses and started helping us out!

But as our attackers were retreating, my body froze when I saw a stray bullet hit Dean and it looked like he was dead. But, Oswald did... something. This glow came out of his body, flowing like a wave. Suddenly, Dean started breathing again! After the attack ended, we all looked at Oswald who started muttering something about using "real magic." Most of us didn't know what to think. Me? I don't care what the hell you call it, maybe we can use it to cure the Affliction. Either way, I gave him a huge kiss for saving Dean's life.

Leaving to find a cure[]


We've tried everything we can think of, exhausted every option. Not even Oswald's "powers" can seem to stop the Affliction. There are only a handful of us left and we're running out of time. I don't know what will get us first, the Raiders who moved into Nuka-Town, or the Affliction.

So that's it. I've talked it over with Oswald and he is going to stay in Kiddie Kingdom to keep everyone safe while I go to find a cure. I felt awful leaving everyone behind, especially Oswald, but I really have no other options. I'm going to head over to the town of Bradberton near the park, and start there. This is a huge gamble, but it better pay off.

King Cola's Court Cast[]


= Official Casting for King Cola's Court 2077 =
King Cola........Leo Mendoza
Queen Quantum....Janelle Cooke
Nuka-Knight......Evan Barnes
Nuka-Dark Knight.Dean Becker
Quartz Jester....Kenneth Wenzel
Princess Cherry..Rachel Watkins
Princess Grape...Fran Fowler
Squire Orange....Bradley Benson
The Wild Knight..Herman Benson
Lady Victory.....Myra Stone

Other Cast[]


= Official Casting for King Cola's Court 2077 =
= Magic Show =
Headliner.....Oswald Oppenheimer
Assistant 1...Dean Becker
Assistant 2...Rachel Watkins

= Cola Clowns =
Herman Benson
BradlyIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar Benson
Kenneth Wenzel
Rachel Watkins
Mitchel Sikes
Ro8& gt7x%jj.........
System Error: Corruption Detected

> Safe Control[]


Safe Lock Mechanism Status: LOCKED/UNLOCKED

Disengage Lock[]


...Checking Clearance..........
...Locking Mechanism Disable..

Engage Lock[]


...Checking Clearance..........
...Locking Mechanism Enable...
