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Fallout Wiki

By not paying attention to any threats, you can act a lot faster in a turn. This lowers your Armor Class to just what you are wearing, but you sequence much faster in a combat turn.Fallout 2 in-game description

Kamikaze is a trait in Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics.


Fallout and Fallout 2[]

With this trait, one's sequence gets a +5 bonus, but natural armor class is decreased to zero. One must wear armor to have an armor class.

Fallout Tactics[]

By not paying attention to any threats, you cause a lot more damage (+25% more damage). This lowers your armor class to just what you are wearing (No Agility bonus to armor class), but you do more damage with every attack.

Behind the scenes[]

  • Kamikaze, in Japanese, means "Divine Wind," referring to the two windstorms that destroyed an overwhelming Mongolian naval force about to attack Japan in the 13th century, and was used in World War II to refer to Japanese suicide attackers.
  • The image of the Vault Boy in the earlier games icon appears to have the same hair-style as the Marvel X-Men character, Wolverine.