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Fallout Wiki

Jet Beta is a next generation Jet strain developed at the Stables in 2241.


Designed to be far more addictive than the original version, the initial tests on the drug were promising.[1][2] While Myron had been vocal to the Mordinos that re-tooling and purifying Jet wasn't what he was interested in, he still oversaw its continued production.[3] It is reported to be addictive enough to make the slaves want it more than food[4] and even kill each other over it.[5] It was intended to replace the original, but due to the Mordinos losing power with the emergence of the antidote, it never reached production.


Jet Beta is mentioned only in Fallout 2.


  1. Marjorie Reed: "{220}{}{Have the slaves bring more of the Jet Beta.}"
    Marjorie Reed: "{221}{}{Test results from Jet Beta are very promising, but…}"
  2. Stables scientists: "{164}{}{Have the slaves bring more of the Jet Beta.}"
    Stables scientists: "{165}{}{Test results from Jet Beta are very promising, but…}"
  3. Myron: "{1515}{myn228}{And another thing: The Mordinos can't get it through their skulls that I ain't interested in purifying Jet. It does what it's supposed to do. I want to make NEW drugs, not re-tool old ones, y'know?}"
  4. Marjorie Reed: "{237}{}{Myron, sir, you'll be pleased to note that the slaves would rather take Jet than eat, it's so potent.}"
  5. Stables scientists: "{201}{}{This new strain of Jet is extremely addictive, sir. The slaves are almost willing to kill each other for it.}"