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Fallout Wiki

Janet Tyler was a Mistress of Mystery of the Order of Mysteries.[1]


Janet often assisted Frederick Rivers in running the Order's production facilities, to a degree that Rivers noted she was "practically running the place." She helped Rivers install the Order's Fabricator and in cleaning up the mess made after one of the first items it produced turned out to be defective. She also helped maintain the Order's database.[2][3][4]

Unaware of Olivia Rivers' betrayal of the Order, Janet participated in a council meeting with other Order leadership to discuss their sudden losing streak against David Thorpe's raiders and the disappearances of their members. Janet advocated for dispatching rescue teams to save their missing members, but her suggestion was discarded.[5]

Janet herself was later set up by Olivia to be ambushed by the raiders during a mission in November 2086. Though Olivia was not excited about orchestrating Janet's likely death, she considered the removal of her and the others to be necessary.[6]


Janet Tyler is mentioned only in Fallout 76.

