Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Hey, homie! Wazzup? Crash here if you need a safe place.

Jade is the quartermistress of the Blades in the Boneyard in 2161.[1]


As a member of the Blades, Beca has been taught, and is relatively well versed in, unarmed combat, and excels in the use of melee weapons. Also as a member of the Blades, she will have experienced her fair share of persecution from the Regulators and ostracism from the citizens of Adytum, despite the group being largely peaceful.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


Effects of the player's actions[]


Jade was cut from Fallout.


  1. "Beca.int  ; Beca and Jade. Quartermistress of the Blades "
  2. "{115}{Blades_004}{Can I crash here?}"
    "{116}{Blades_005}{No. These are for real Blades, not some wuss.}/ {117}{Blades_006}{Hey, homie! Wazzup? Crash here if you need a safe place.}"