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The following are conversations between NPCs which may occur only within Institute BioScience in Fallout 4. Some of these conversations may employ randomized prompts and responses, and some may be dependent on certain quest conditions. Unless otherwise specified, assume all conversations below are dynamically-occurring (i.e. may occur at any time).


Note: This conversation between generic Institute scientists will play only after both Institutionalized and A House Divided have been completed. It is scripted to occur in front of the gorilla habitat, and may start at any time that the player enters BioScience and walks near them with those conditions fulfilled. The first scientist is defined to be female, while the respondent is defined to be male.

Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Institute scientist (1) "The specimens seem agitated today. I wonder if it's a reaction to their recent dietary changes."
2 Institute scientist (2) "What are you talking about? They're acting the same as they do every day."
3 Institute scientist (1) "They may look docile, but I assure you, that is not the case. You can tell by their posture. They look... anxious, ready for trouble as it were."
4 Institute scientist (2) "And you're sure about that?"
5 Institute scientist (1) "I observe them every day. They might be the most remarkable creations in the Institute's history."
6 Institute scientist (2) "Huh...I've never really understood why we created them in the first place. I still don't see their purpose."
7 Institute scientist (1) "I like to think the ability to create them is purpose enough."


Note: This conversation is scripted, not dynamic. It will occur only once, on the far right of Hydroponics from the entrance of BioScience, at any point that A House Divided is not currently active.

Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Isaac Karlin "Have you had time to examine my latest reports on batch two-seven-four?"
2 Clayton Holdren "Not yet. I've been reviewing Father's plans to expand our operations at Warwick. He's eager to get that going, so I've had to put everything else to one side."
3 Isaac Karlin "I wonder how the Warwick family is doing. Young Wally must be close to ten years old by now. It's remarkable that any child can survive for so long up there."
4 Clayton Holdren "I... try not to think too much about it. We have more than enough to occupy ourselves here. Those people are the last remnants of a dying past. It's best not to dwell on the subject."
5 Isaac Karlin "They're still people, and they're suffering. We can at least admit that it's regrettable. After all, how can we hope to redefine mankind if we can't even hold on to our own humanity?"
6 Clayton Holdren "Well, that's a question best left to our colleagues in the Robotics division."
7 Isaac Karlin "Yes, well... I suppose you're right."


Note: This conversation is randomized.

Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Clayton Holdren "Hi there, Dean. How's it going?"
"How are things with you, Dean?"
2 Dean Volkert "Well enough, I suppose. What's on your mind?"
"Busy, but nothing I can't handle. What do you want?"
3 Clayton Holdren "You're past deadline on the report for batch three-seven-six-one. What's the hold-up?"
"I was expecting the growth rate metrics yesterday. Have you written that up yet?"[Note 1]
4 Dean Volkert "I spent a few days restocking the meds. I have to do that from scratch, you know. It's time-consuming."
"I sent you a message about this. I spent sixteen hours seeing patients this week."
5 Clayton Holdren "Well, I'm sure you'll do your best to get back on schedule."
"I see. Well, our schedule is important so, I trust you'll make it a priority."


Note: This conversation should be randomized. However, none of its lines are assigned the "Random" condition, so they will not play in a randomized order.

Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Isaac Karlin "Doctor Volkert, one of my valeriana officinalis specimens is missing. Do you know anything about it?"
"One of the ginger plants is gone. Was this another of your medical emergencies?"
2 Dean Volkert "Doctor Li's been having trouble sleeping, so I used it to make a remedy."
"I needed it for an anti-inflammatory."
3 Isaac Karlin "You had no right!"
"This is unacceptable. I had plans for that root!"
4 Dean Volkert "Save it, Isaac. You know I have full access to the garden when it comes to medicinal matters."
"I'm not going down this road with you again, Isaac. I'm really not."


Note: This conversation is randomized.

Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Clayton Holdren "Did you add those new strains of triacanthos we discovered to the database?"
"Isaac, have you had a chance to run the alkalinity test on last week's soil sample from Warwick?"
2 Isaac Karlin "Yes, Doctor Holdren, it's taken care of."
"I told you that I would. Well, unsurprisingly, I have."
3 Clayton Holdren "Good man, good man."
"We'd be lost without you, Isaac."
4 Isaac Karlin "The compliment is quite unnecessary, Doctor Holdren."
"Thanking a man for doing his duty is like thanking a dog for barking."


Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Institute scientist "Doctor Karlin, a retrieval team just sent back preliminary test results from one of our surface crops."
2 Isaac Karlin "Go on."
3 Institute scientist "The specimens are showing an abnormal growth rate. They were designed to thrive in a radiated environment, but we didn't expect these results."
4 Isaac Karlin "What a peculiar result...I'd like it brought back to the lab so I can test the rate of cellular degeneration."
5 Institute scientist "I'll let them know immediately."


Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Institute scientist "Doctor Holdren, I was told you were looking for me."
2 Clayton Holdren "Yes, the retrieval team supposedly arrived with the surface sample. What state is it in?"
3 Institute scientist "Unfortunately there's been too much harmful exposure for it to be useful. From preliminary testing it appears the water radiation was lethal."
4 Clayton Holdren "All the same, I'd like to see it. We could still learn something."
5 Institute scientist "Of course. Doctor, I was thinking, if our modified subject deteriorated so quickly then how can anything else possibly survive up there?"
6 Clayton Holdren "Frankly, they don't. The surface is still too dangerous for life to truly thrive. That's why what we do here is so important."


Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Institute scientist "Doctor Volkert, have you had a chance to fill that prescription I requested?"
2 Dean Volkert "Not yet."
3 Institute scientist "Have you been able to at least test the samples I gave you?"
4 Dean Volkert "No. Look I've been very busy. I'll get to it as soon as I can."
5 Institute scientist "Well it shouldn't take long. It's not like I'm asking you to cure cancer."
6 Dean Volkert "Wouldn't that be nice."


Note: This conversation is part of a one-time scripted scene occurring in front of the gorilla habitat which can be triggered by approaching the area. The speaker is a specific male scientist with reference ID 001C4E6B.

Line Speaker Conversation outline
1 Institute scientist "Doctor Holdren's synth gorilla project is showing promising results."


  1. The subtitles miss a word; Clayton actually says "Have you even written that up yet?"