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Fallout Wiki

The Hotel Rexford terminal entries are a series of entries found on two terminals at the Hotel Rexford in Fallout 4.

Hotel Registry[]


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
Clair Hutchins, Hotel Manager

Fred Allen[]


Despite my sensible objections, Marowski has allowed Fred Allen to relocate the trifling remains of this family's once vast chem business to the basement.

At least that oaf sleeps down there instead of in the guest rooms. Heaven knows what kind of sty he's wallowing in.

Stan Slavin[]


Stan will always have a place here, of course. And to think, we used to have dozens of good men like him looking after this place.

Ghoul from Vault-Tec[]


No other name given. He's upstairs in the guest rooms and rarely leaves. At least he's quiet.



OccassionallyIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar rents a room here for "the acoustics" whatever that means.

Rufus Rubins[]


Mister Rubins has a standing deal to trade room and board in exchange for various handyman services.



Our entire staff for this hotel comprises myself and one remaining janitor, who I think only works here for easy access to Fred's chem stash.

Fred Allen's terminal[]

This Novice locked terminal located in the hotel's basement.


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
When In Doubt, Do It All

Top Experiment: Try Everything[]


The secret to being a great chem dealer? Personal experience, man. That's why I'm going to try everything. But chemistry is like, science, you know? So we're gonna log every hit I take.

The better I understand the high, the better I can sell that to the customers. I swear, sometimes I scare myself I'm so smart.

Chem Diary: Jet[]


Oh, man. JET! That's why they call it JET, man! Wooo! I'm flying! FLYING BABY!

Chem Diary: Mentats[]


Oh man, I feel, like, "loquacious." I don't even know what that MEANS, man! But it's like my brain is just putting it all together faster than I can even process it.

Chem Diary: Buffout[]


Experiment One: Punch through a board.
Results: Oh yeah. That was easy.

Experiment Two: Punch through TEN boards.
Results: I'm invincible! This is like, some comic-book level strength.

Experiment Three: Punch through STEEL boards, man!
Results: Typing with my left hand. Gotta cook some Stimpaks.

Chem Diary: Psycho[]


Had to get Rufus to rebuild this terminal. I was on the Psycho high and I was typing and I just... man it was like I couldn't NOT be angry. Just started PUNCHING the keys, man! PUNCHING THEM! PUNCHING AND PUNCHING AND...

I think maybe I should lie down...
