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Knew you were coming! Made the place all pretty for you!— Hot-Rod greeting the party

Hot-Rod is a raider gang leader in the Fallout: The Roleplaying Game scenario Orange Coloured Sky.


Being a raider boss is a family tradition, with his sister being the far more terrifying raider boss, making Hot-Rod look compassionate in comparison.


  • Unarmed Strike: Strength + Unarmed (TN 12), 3d6 Physical damage
  • Tire Iron: Strength + Melee Weapons (TN 11), 5d6 Physical damage
  • Long max. capacity Flamer ("Guzzler"): Endurance + Big Guns (TN 13), 5d6 Burst, Persistent, Spread Energy damage, Fire Rate 6, Range C, Debilitating, Two-Handed

Special abilities[]

  • Size Matters: When Hot-Rod makes a ranged attack with any Big Guns, add +2d6 to the weapon’s damage (included).
  • In Charge: Hot-Rod may spend a minor action to order a raider of lower level within Close range to immediately perform a minor action. Alternatively, he may spend a major action to order another raider to take a major action immediately.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


  • Orange Coloured Sky: Hot-Rod holds a vial of pure Nectar that is needed to synthesize a treatment for addiction. When encountered, he offers the player characters an offer to parlay.

Other interactions[]

Effects of the party's actions[]

  • If Hot-Rod is killed, his raider gang completely disperses. Mt. Sin is free from their threats.


Apparel Weapon Other items
Heavy raider chest piece
Sturdy raider leg x2
Heavy raider arm x2
x3 Frag grenades
Tire iron
6d20 units of flamer fuel
A vial of pure nectar
Wealth 2


Hot-Rod only appears in the Fallout: The Roleplaying Game scenario Orange Coloured Sky.
