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2d20 EMT

Actions are the maneuvers and options a player has during combat in the Fallout: The Roleplaying Game. A character has both a major and minor action in combat before they can be finished with their turn in the initiative order. However, with the expenditure of Action Points, an additional minor and major action can also be bought on one's turn.

No more than two of each action is allowed per turn.

Actions types[]

Minor actions[]

Minor actions cover movement and actions that require little time to perform, such as drawing a weapon or taking a chem.

The cost of buying an additional minor action is 1 AP.

Action Effect
Aim Re-roll 1d20 on the first attack roll made this turn.
Draw Item Draw one item carried on your person or pick up an object or item within reach. Can put an item away as part of this action.
Interact Interact with your equipment or environment in a simple way, i.e. opening a door, or pushing a button.
Move Move up to one zone, to any position within relative Medium range. Alternatively, stand up from a prone position.
Take Chem Administer a dose of a chem that you are holding, targeting yourself or a willing character within your reach. If not holding the chem, then one needs to draw it first.
Maneuver (Vehicle) The vehicle moves to anywhere within close range.

Major actions[]

Major actions cover actions that require focus, attention or a concerted amount of time to achieve, such as attacking an opponent or performing first aid.

The cost of buying an additional major action is 2 AP.

Action Effect
Assist Assist another character with their next test. When the character you are assisting takes their turn and attempts their task, you provide assistance. If having not yet acted this round, you may give up your turn later in the round to assist an ally when they attempt a skill test.
Attack Perform a melee or ranged attack.
Command an NPC If an allied NPC is in the group and under command, choose a single major action for them to take. If the action requires a test, then you automatically assist using your CHA + Speech (if the NPC is a person), CHA + Survival (if the NPC is an animal), or INT + Science (if the NPC is a robot).
Defend You focus on protecting yourself. Make an AGI + Athletics test with a difficulty equal to your current Defense. If you succeed, add +1 to your Defense. For 2 AP, add an extra +1 to your Defense.
First Aid Try to quickly patch the wounds of oneself or an ally. Make an INT + Medicine test, with a difficulty equal to the number of injuries the patient has, and increase the difficulty by 1 if attempting to perform first aid on oneself. If successful, either:

•  Heal HP equal to Medicine skill
•  Treat one injury the patient is suffering from
•  Stabilize a dying patient

Pass Choose not to do anything.
Rally Grit your teeth, catch your breath, and prepare yourself. Make an END + Survival test with a difficulty of 0, and save any Action Points generated. The GM may allow you to use a different ATT + skill for this action depending on how you describe it, such as CHA + Speech to inspire your allies.
Ready Describe a situation you expect to occur, and choose a major action you will perform when it does. If that action occurs before the start of your next turn, you may perform that major action immediately, interrupting other characters' actions as necessary. If more than one character has readied an action for the same situation, their readied actions occur in initiative order.
Sprint Movement action. Move up to two zones, to anywhere within relative Long range.
Test Perform a skill test for an action not covered by the other actions, with the gamemaster's permission.
Careful Piloting (Vehicle) The vehicle moves a number of zones equal to half its speed, rounding up. If required to make a terrain test, reduce the difficulty of that test by 1.
Hasty Piloting (Vehicle) The vehicle moves a number of zones equal to its speed. All tests made by crew or passengers are made at +1 difficulty until the start of the pilot’s next turn.
Defense Piloting (Vehicle) The vehicle moves a number of zones equal to its speed -1. The pilot then makes an Agility + Pilot test with a difficulty equal to the vehicle’s size; if it succeeds, the vehicle’s Defense increases by +1.
Focused Piloting (Vehicle) Make an Agility + Pilot test, with a Difficulty of 1. On a success, the vehicle moves a number of zones equal to its speed plus an additional zone for each AP spent. All tests made by crew or passengers are made at +1 difficulty until the start of the pilot’s next turn.