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Fallout Wiki

Hopeville missile silo terminal entries are a series of terminal entries found on terminals in the Hopeville missile silo bunker.

Silo blast door controls[]

Note: This console is directly in front of the window to the silo; it can only be accessed once hacked by ED-E.

Restore Hopeville silo's power[]

Note: This console is directly in front of the window to the silo, after it has been hacked by ED-E. Accessing it opens the blast doors to the silo.

Maintenance access level three[]

Note: This wall terminal is located to the right of a door.[clarification needed]


Hopeville Missile Silo Maintenance:

Welcome, User.

Unlock Maintenance Access Door[]

Note: Accessing this command unlocks a door.[clarification needed]


> Maintenance Door Unlocked.

Maintenance Access Status[]

Note: This entry is displayed if the door[clarification needed] is locked.


> Maintenance Access Locked.

Note: This entry is displayed if the door[clarification needed] is unlocked.


> Maintenance Access Unlocked.

Maintenance Access Status Log[]

Note: This entry is displayed only under conditions.[clarification needed]


Main Power: Offline.

Emergency Power: Standby.

Maintenance Report:

- Level One: Non-Operational - Security measures INACTIVE.

- Level Two: Non-Operational - Security measures INACTIVE.

- Level Three: Non-Operational - Security measures INACTIVE.


> Accessing Status Log...

Maintenance Access Status Log[]

Note: This entry is displayed only under certain conditions.[clarification needed]


Main Power: On-line.

Emergency Power: Standby.

Maintenance Report:

- Level One: Operational on main power - Security measures INACTIVE.

- Level Two: Operational on main power - Security measures ACTIVE.

- Level Three: Operational on main power - Security measures INACTIVE.


> Accessing Status Log...

Maintenance bot control[]

Note: This wall terminal is located to the right of a door.[clarification needed]


Hopeville Missile Silo Maintenance:

Welcome, User.

Unlock Prototype Bot Pod[]

Note: Accessing this command unlocks the prototype pod and releases ED-E.


> Prototype Bot Pod Unlocked.

Bot Pod Status[]

Note: This entry is displayed if the command to unlock the prototype pod has not been given.


> Bot Pod Locked.

Note: This entry is displayed if the command to unlock the prototype pod has been given.


> Bot Pod Unlocked.

Maintenance Department Log[]


Main Power: Offline.

Emergency Power: Standby.

Maintenance Report:

- Level One: Non-Operational - Security measures INACTIVE.

- Level Two: Non-Operational - Security measures INACTIVE.

- Level Three: Non-Operational - Security measures INACTIVE.


> Accessing Maintenance Log...

Commissary Notice[]


Attention all base personnel:

The automated Commissary system has been locked down until further notice. It turns out that the "counterfeit-proof" pay chits we've been issuing to you are exactly the same size and shape as ordinary bottlecaps. Until we can correct the problem, you'll have to make your purchases the old-fashioned way.

-SSGT Lansky

Commissary Reminder[]


Attention all base personnel:

This is just a reminder that all base commissary terminals draw from the same central depository. Please do not waste your time or the technicians' by running from commissary to commissary. You won't get any more whiskey than you did from the first one.

-SSGT Lansky

Hydraulics access level three[]

Note: This wall terminal is located to the right of a door.[clarification needed] It has an Easy-difficulty lock.


Hopeville Missile Silo Maintenance:

Welcome, User.

Unlock Hydraulics Access Door[]

Note: Accessing this command unlocks the door to the hydraulics area.


> Hydraulics Door Unlocked.

Hydraulics Access Status[]

Note: This entry is displayed if the door to the hydraulics area is locked.


> Hydraulics Access Locked.

Note: This entry is displayed if the door to the hydraulics area is unlocked.


> Hydraulics Access Unlocked.

Security control level two[]

Note: This wall terminal is located on the wall to the right of a door,[clarification needed] past the windows. It has an Easy-difficulty lock.


Hopeville Missile Silo Security Systems:

Welcome, User.

Deactivate Second Level Robot Security[]

Note: Accessing this command disengages the robot security.[clarification needed]


> Robot Security Deactivated.

Second Level Security Status[]

Note: This entry is displayed if the security is engaged.


> Security Level Active.

Note: This entry is displayed if the security is disengaged.


> Security Level Inactive.

Second Level Security Log[]


- Level One: Security Measures INACTIVE - Perimeter breach contained.

- Level Two: Security Measures ACTIVE - Operations area secured.

- Level Three: Security Measures INACTIVE - System failure. Please contact technical support


> Accessing Security Log...

Turret security terminal[]

Note: This wall terminal is located on an eastern wall.[clarification needed] This terminal is initially damaged, requiring a Repair of 50 to fix.


Hopeville Missile Silo Security Systems:

Welcome, User.

Hack Security Turrets[]

Note: Accessing this command hacks the turret defenses.[clarification needed]


> Security Turrets Compromised...

First Level Turret Security Status[]

Note: This entry is displayed if the turrets have yet to be hacked.


> Turret Security Active.

Note: This entry is displayed after the turrets have been hacked.


> Error: Turret Security Compromised...

Base Commander's terminal[]

Note: This desk terminal is located on the base commander's desk in General Martin Retslaf's office. It has a Hard-difficulty lock.


Hopeville Missile Silo:

Welcome, Commander.

Deactivate Personal Sentry Systems[]

Note: Accessing this command deactivates the sentry bot defenses.


> Security Systems Deactivated.

Open Personal Sentry Doors[]

Note: Accessing this command opens the doors to the sentry bot defenses.


> Sentry Doors Opened.

Personal Sentry Security Status[]

Note: This entry is displayed if the security is left active.


> Sentry Security Active.

Note: This entry is displayed once the security has been deactivated.


> Sentry Security Deactivated.

Hopeville Silo Mainframe Controls[]

Note: This mainframe is located [clarification needed]. It can only be activated once the silo network security codes has been acquired, so that ED-E can use them to hack it.

Hopeville Silo Mainframe
You can now access the silo's mainframe.

What would you like to do?

Leave the mainframe alone.
Open the silo's bunker doors.

Sentry security access level one[]

Note: This wall terminal is located on a northeastern wall.[clarification needed].


Hopeville Missile Silo Security Systems:

Welcome, User.

Sentry Security Access Door[]


> Sentry Security Door Unlocked.

Sentry Security Access Status[]


> Sentry Security Access Locked.


> Sentry Security Access Unlocked.
