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This is part 4 of the Hoover Dam design document for Van Buren, the canceled Fallout 3 by Black Isle Studios.


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5 Part 4
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VB DD12 deco 1

Main Quests

1. Get Meeting with Governor Joseph Dodge.

  • Initiator – Major Jack Fleming
  • Importance (Major)
  • Scope – Large
  • Description –
    Governor Dodge will not see every Tom, Dick, or Hairy Mutant who staggers in from the wastes and asks to see him. That's why Dodge's right hand man and commander of the Hoover Dam NCR, Major Jack Fleming, will be the player's initial contact with a high ranking government official at Hoover Dam. Jack believes actions are louder than words and will only let the player to see Dodge after the player has proven himself safe, sane, and willing to help Hoover Dam. The first two can be camouflaged, but the last will require actual player action. The player may choose to work for the Crimson Caravan Company and earn a good working reputation from the company's head, Ailis McLafferty. Doing a couple of caravan missions and earning her trust will give the player her recommendation to see Governor Dodge.
    Another way is for the player to work for 3-Some Caravan Company, accept their offer to find evidence of misconduct with Crimson, and then expose Crimson for the two-sided shits they are. This will not only please Dodge and company to no ends, but it is a huge step towards peace with the BOS.
    Finally, doing some old fashion science can help here as well. If the player is a science of mechanical wiz, they can apply their skills in helping the former scribes create a better filtration system to make the irrigation water drinkable. The player will need schematics from Jericho, but if the player does the upgrades himself instead of just handing over the schematics to the scribes, then the player will be a hero and earn the right to see Dodge.
  • Character type completion breakdown –
    1. Combat Boy – Nothing special, just do the work
    2. Diplomacy Boy – Ditto
    3. Stealth Boy – Same
    4. Science Boy – Use the schematics from Jericho to upgrade filtration system.
  • Quest flags – "12_Meet_Dodge"
    0 = not started
    1 =
    2 =
    3 =
    4 =
  • Rewards -
    • XP
    • Start the ball rolling for peace process
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Normal
    2. Dumb

2. Successfully Negotiate Peace between NCR and BOS.

  • Initiator – Governor Joseph Dodge
  • Importance (Major)
  • Scope – Large
  • Description –
    As is with most people in Hoover Dam, Governor Dodge is sick of war with the BOS. The war has lasted for almost two years. In the grand scheme of things, two years does not seem like a very long time for war, but with supplies dwindling and equipment failing, not to mention the constant state of high tension around Hoover, two years might as well be two decades. Dodge is both desperate and ambivalent. Ambivalent to the point of not caring what happens to himself, and desperate for anything to happen that would end the war. He will mention to the player that he has tried all avenues in communication with the BOS, but nothing seems to work. Hoover caravan groups get hit hard by BOS soldiers and keep vital supplies from reaching the needy. Attacks on the front gate used to come frequently, but have died down to the point of stopping for almost a year. However, Dodge is certain the BOS are just building up strength for a full assault on the ever weakening Hoover Dam. Dodge will give an estimate of the BOS location, but for an exact location, the player will need to convince the former scribes about his peace intentions.
    Once the ball is in motion, the player can create peace with the BOS in a few ways. The easiest way (in the way of limited brain power), is to go to Maxson's Bunker and just kill everyone there. That would pretty much solve Dodge's problem with attacks against Hoover and its caravans. Another way is to discover the deception of Devon Hill at Maxson's Bunker and his crazy association with the COS. Foil his plans, uncover his relationship with Ailis McLafferty, and put a stop to them both through either tattling or offing them, then the groundwork for peace with BOS' actual leader and Dodge may commence. Neither way gets the player more XP than the other.
  • Character type completion breakdown –
    1. Combat Boy – Go in and blow shit up at Maxson's Bunker. Go do a little detective work – player's choice. Combat XP is not more or less than peace XP.
    2. Diplomacy Boy – Ditto
    3. Stealth Boy – Can sneak evidence of Crimson's deception of working both sides, giving Dodge more incentive and a glimmer of hope that peace can be attainable once Devon is out of power.
    4. Science Boy – Same as combat boy.
  • Quest flags – "12_Hoover_Peace"
    0 = not started
    1 =
    2 =
    3 =
    4 =
  • Rewards -
    • XP
    • Lower prices from main stores
    • Free Fancy PC Pad (no longer have to make payments)
    • Choose a weapon from the NCR arsenal.
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Normal
    2. Dumb

3. Get City Council attendance back to norm.

  • Initiator – Governor Joseph Dodge
  • Importance (Major)
  • Scope – Large
  • Description –
    Complete the Successfully Negotiate Peace quest, then go tell the key city council members that the war is over and city business may resume.
    Another way to get attendance up is for the player to lie his ass off. If the player has a high deception skill, he can convince the skittish council people that things are looking up and it is safe to commence proceedings at City Hall. Since the BOS has not carried out an attack on the Rim in quite some time, the council people should easily fall for the ruse.
  • Character type completion breakdown –
    1. Combat Boy – See description
    2. Diplomacy Boy – Can lie like a politician to bring in city council. The player can tell all kinds of fibs to raise attendance and make the council people feel like there is hope.
    3. Stealth Boy – Same
    4. Science Boy – Yep
  • Quest flags – "12_City_Council"
    0 = not started
    1 =
    2 =
    3 =
    4 =
  • Rewards -
    • XP
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Normal
    2. Dumb

4. Join up with the 3-Some Caravan Company.

  • Initiator – Enzo Giordano
  • Importance (Intermediate)
  • Scope – Intermediate
  • Description –
    3-Some doesn't take just anyone into their employ. The player will be hired as a temporary enforcer to see what the player is made of. The player will be sent out on a caravan trip, similar to the craven action in the original Fallout, and upon their safe return, the player will get the offer for full time employment.
  • Character type completion breakdown –
    1. Combat Boy – If you can fight your way out of a paper bag, you should be able to handle the first, newbie caravan mission.
    2. Diplomacy Boy – Ditto
    3. Stealth Boy – Same
    4. Science Boy – Yeppers.
  • Quest flags – "12_3Some_Invite"
    0 = not started
    1 =
    2 =
    3 =
    4 =
  • Rewards -
    • XP
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Normal
    2. Dumb

5. Successfully spy on the Crimson Caravan Company for 3-Some Caravan Co.

  • Initiator – Enzo Giordano
  • Importance (Intermediate)
  • Scope – Small
  • Description –
    Once officially joined with 3-Some, Enzo will let the player in more and more about the rivalry with Crimson. An offer to be a spy for 3-Some against Crimson will pop up after a couple of full employment caravan runs. If the player is Mr. Charisma (>7), then the offer will come up after one full employment caravan run. If the player accepts, Enzo will stage a fake falling out that will make the player look really good to Crimson Caravan. Once the player is working for Crimson, they will need to find evidence of Crimson's dealings with Maxson's Bunker. The evidence is in the form of written ledgers; one kept by Ailis McLafferty, and the other is kept by Devon Hill at Maxson's. Both give written history of transactions between the two. These ledgers are locked away, so stealthy boy can use his magic. All other boys will need to resort to other means.
  • Character type completion breakdown –
    1. Combat Boy – If he doesn't have the stealth skills, then he can lay confront and lay waste to either Devon of Ailis – though with Ailis the player will only have to deal with her immediate goons and then some 'splainin' to Major Fleming and Gov. Dodge. After presenting the evidence, all is right in the world – for the moment.
    2. Diplomacy Boy – Ditto
    3. Stealth Boy – Same
    4. Science Boy – Just a matter of sneaking and searching when the boss isn't around. Then tell Enzo you have the evidence, which will lead to telling Major Fleming. Bye, Ailis.
  • Quest flags – "12_Ailis_Evidence"
    0 = not started
    1 =
    2 =
    3 =
    4 =
  • Rewards -
    • XP
    • Get to see Dodge
    • Pathway to peace
    • 2000 caps
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Normal
    2. Dumb

6. Join up with the Crimson Caravan Company as spy for 3-Some.

  • Initiator – Enzo Giordano
  • Importance (Intermediate)
  • Scope – Large
  • Description –
    Similar to the above, but this is just checking if the player actually joins up with Crimson. Call it a little incentive booster.
  • Character type completion breakdown –
    1. Combat Boy – Just say yes
    2. Diplomacy Boy – Ditto
    3. Stealth Boy – Same
    4. Science Boy – werd
  • Quest flags – "12_3Some_SpyJoin"
    0 = not started
    1 =
    2 =
    3 =
    4 =
  • Rewards -
    • XP
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Normal
    2. Dumb

7. Successfully frame 3-Some Caravan Co. for extortion and murder.

  • Initiator – Ailis McLafferty
  • Importance (Intermediate)
  • Scope – Large
  • Description –
    This is catered to the Stealth Boy. If the player decides life is better with Crimson Caravan, whether they joined 3-Some and came over or Crimson was their first choice, the player will get the opportunity to screw over 3-Some just for kicks. After the player does the newbie caravan run and two regular runs for Crimson, Ailis will trust the player and ask if the player would like to make a lot more money. The job is to have the player sneak into NCR HQ and plant a bomb (provided by Ailis) near Dodge's door. The blast will kill Dorris, some "red shirts" (Star Trek fans stand up!), and wound Major Fleming, but will not harm Dodge. Next, the player will plant the same bomb materials in Enzo Giordano's desk, along with an anonymous note from a bogus BOS commander. Then the player needs to go back to Ailis and tell her the deed is done. She'll whip out a remote detonator and set off the bomb. After the carnage, Major Fleming, wounded, will gather some troops and start to search the Rim. Ailis will ask the player to follow her while she goes to Fleming and tattles on Enzo Giordano. Fleming will search the desk and discover the bomb materials. Enzo and company flips out and tries to Bonnie & Clyde there way out of the situation. The player may jump in and take a few pot-shots if the so desire, but Fleming and his men should make pretty short work of the Giordanos with their superior firepower.
  • Character type completion breakdown –
    1. Combat Boy – If he has the stealth and lock pick skills, then go for it. Otherwise, it won't happen.
    2. Diplomacy Boy – Ditto
    3. Stealth Boy – Same
    4. Science Boy – Tailor made. See description.
  • Quest flags – "12_Frame_Enzo"
    0 = not started
    1 =
    2 =
    3 =
    4 =
  • Rewards -
    • XP
    • 2000 caps
    • Whatever loot is on the Giordanos' bodies
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Normal
    2. Dumb

8. Successfully extort money out of Ailis McLafferty using evidence.

  • Initiator – Player
  • Importance (Intermediate)
  • Scope – Medium
  • Description –
    Once the player has the evidence, the player may try to extort money out of Ailis. The player is going to need some serious Persuasion skills, but if they pull it off, they'll get 10,000 caps for it. Ailis will then warn the player never to mention anything about the ledger again. Of course, the player will have to give up the evidence, but since there are two ledgers in the game, the player has the option of being a real shit and turn over the additional evidence to Enzo or Fleming, anyways. If the player tries to use the second ledger on Ailis, she'll go ballistic and shoot the player, with her cronies backing her up.
    If the player's skills are not quite up to par, she'll counter offer with 5000 caps and tell the player to get out of town while he can still breathe. The player has 24 game hours to comply. If not, and Ailis and/or her men see the player, then they will attack the player. Once the battle is done, Major Fleming and his men will question the player and the player can tell about the ledger to save his bacon. Fleming will find the ledger on Ailis.
  • Character type completion breakdown –
    1. Combat Boy – Player will get option 2 if the Persuasion skills are not there.
    2. Diplomacy Boy – Ditto
    3. Stealth Boy – Same
    4. Science Boy – yep
  • Quest flags – "12_Extort_Ailis"
    0 = not started
    1 =
    2 =
    3 =
    4 =
  • Rewards -
    • XP
    • 5000 or 10000 caps
    • Ailis' eternal hate and loathing
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Normal
    2. Dumb

9. Expose Crimson Caravan to Governor Dodge using evidence and helping Major Fleming with the arrest

  • Initiator – Major Fleming
  • Importance (Major)
  • Scope – Small
  • Description –
    After telling Major Fleming about Ailis' ledger and her dealings with Devon Hill, Fleming will tell the player to show the ledger to Governor Dodge. All the player needs to do is take the ledger to Dodge. Once there, Dodge will ask the player if he would assist in the arrest. If the player agrees, goes with Major Fleming, and Fleming survives the battle (which he really should), then the player will get the XP once he returns to Dodge to say "mission complete."
  • Character type completion breakdown –
    1. Combat Boy – Say yes to Dodge and go help Fleming with the arrest.
    2. Diplomacy Boy – Ditto
    3. Stealth Boy – Same
    4. Science Boy – Ditto
  • Quest flags – "12_Arrest_Ailis"
    0 = not started
    1 =
    2 =
    3 =
    4 =
  • Rewards -
    • XP
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Normal
    2. Dumb

10. Give filtration schematics to former BOS scribes for better water purification process.

  • Initiator – Pierre LaPoubelle
  • Importance (Major)
  • Scope – Large
  • Description –
    Pierre is the head "former" scribe and engineer of the Rim. He's been tasked with creating a better filtration process to make the irrigation water drinkable. He'll ask the player if he sees anything in the wasteland that could help, he would appreciate the feedback. He'll suggest the player go to Jericho since that is where they get most of their drinking water from. The player can then go to Jericho, do his thing there and hopefully get some filtration schematics out of it (Jeff H.). Coming back to Hoover, the player can do one of two things, depending on his skills: The first is if the player has really good mechanics skills. The player may then install the upgrades to the filtration process and earn the hooplas of Pierre, along with an advanced toolset (or whatever the best toolset is in the game). The second option is to just give the schematics to Pierre and let him deal with it. He'll get the upgrades in, but the player will have to be content with the XP, a regular tool, and Pierre just being a bit friendlier. Who knows, maybe he'll divulge the whereabouts of Maxson's Bunker?
  • Character type completion breakdown –
    1. Combat Boy – Simple fetch quest, nothing to kill unless the player is psycho.
    2. Diplomacy Boy – Ditto
    3. Stealth Boy – Same
    4. Science Boy – Get a bit of a bonus if the player is able to do the upgrades himself using the schematics.
  • Quest flags – "12_Upgrade_Filter"
    0 = not started
    1 =
    2 =
    3 =
    4 =
  • Rewards -
    • XP
    • Either advanced tool or regular
    • More dialogue options
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Normal
    2. Dumb

11. Get school attendance up to norm.

  • Initiator – Candice Morris
  • Importance (Minor)
  • Scope – Small
  • Description –
    Get the BOS and Dodge to stop fighting and enter a peace agreement, then tell the citizenry that school is open. Nice, easy quest after doing the hard stuff.
  • Character type completion breakdown –
    1. Combat Boy – See description
    2. Diplomacy Boy – Ditto
    3. Stealth Boy – Same
    4. Science Boy – Same
  • Quest flags – "12_Schools_In"
    0 = not started
    1 =
    2 =
    3 =
    4 =
  • Rewards -
    • XP
    • Chance for a new, simple quest
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Normal
    2. Dumb

12. Teach class on Wasteland survival.

  • Initiator – Candice Morris
  • Importance (Minor)
  • Scope – Small
  • Description –
    After getting attendance up, Candice will ask the player to teach for a day about his/her adventures. The player's intelligence will dictate how much and how well he confers his experiences, as well as how much XP the player gets. Charisma will also play a role, naturally.
  • Character type completion breakdown –
    1. Combat Boy – I suppose he can shoot the students, but that might not sit too well with the authorities.
    2. Diplomacy Boy – It helps to be charismatic while instructing, otherwise the kids will fall asleep, or throw spit wads at you while you're not looking.
    3. Stealth Boy – Same
    4. Science Boy – Ditto
  • Quest flags – "12_Teach_Class"
    0 = not started
    1 =
    2 =
    3 =
    4 =
  • Rewards -
    • XP
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Normal
    2. Dumb

13. Clear out critters in Scum Pits for possible hydroponics lab.

  • Initiator – Farmer Dave
  • Importance (Intermediate)
  • Scope – Medium
  • Description –
    Farmer Dave has been ordered by Dodge to produce more wheat and corn for consumption as well as trade. The problem is, even with the new, hardier version of wheat and corn that the scribes were able to create; there just is not enough room on top of the generator buildings to grow more. The only solution is to build a hydroponics farm in the area known as the Scum Pits. The big problem there is that the Scum Pits are filled with all kinds of nasty critters. And if the critters are exterminated, then there is the problem of covering the toxic holes where the generators used to be and just building the farm. Dodge trying sending some of his men to clear out the critters, but the men never returned. And at this point, Dodge refuses to send any more of his men.
    So, the player must do a few things here. The first is to clear out the critters in the Scum Pits, but to do that the player needs to do something for Billy-Bob in Baseline – he's the one who will unlock the access ports. The next is to find building materials that can be used to safely cover up the toxic holes and build out the hydroponics far. The materials can be caravanned from Denver once a working trade negotiation can be had, but the elimination of the critters is all up to the player's combat prowess. This quest is optional only.
  • Character type completion breakdown –
    1. Combat Boy – Tailor made for critter killin'. Getting the supplies delivered is possibly another story.
    2. Diplomacy Boy – If he has the combat skills, then it should not be a problem completing all the requirements.
    3. Stealth Boy – Same
    4. Science Boy – Same
  • Quest flags – "12_Hydroponics"
    0 = not started
    1 =
    2 =
    3 =
    4 =
  • Rewards -
    • XP
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Normal
    2. Dumb

14. Successfully get regular shipments from Denver for materials to build hydroponics lab in Scum Pits.

  • Initiator – Farmer Dave
  • Importance (Minor)
  • Scope – Large
  • Description –
    Once the player figures out that Denver is a cache for building materials, the player will need to inform one of the still existing caravans about the need to pick up materials. This quest only comes up after the player clears out the critters in the Scum Pits and has conversed with Governor Dodge. This way one of the two caravans will be in control and approachable.
  • Character type completion breakdown –
    1. Combat Boy – Not much to kill, except random encounters.
    2. Diplomacy Boy – May be easier to negotiate a deal for trade.
    3. Stealth Boy – Same as Combat boy
    4. Science Boy – Ditto
  • Quest flags – "12_Ship_Materials"
    0 = not started
    1 =
    2 =
    3 =
    4 =
  • Rewards -
    • XP
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Normal
    2. Dumb

15. Discover Sub-level 1.

  • Initiator – Player
  • Importance (Intermediate)
  • Scope – Small
  • Description –
    Once the player clears out the Scum Pits and searches around a bit, the player will find an access hatch in the albino queen ant's lair. It has a complicated electronic lock on it, so a decent lock pick skill with an electronic lock pick will open unlock the hatch. This port leads to Sub-Level-1-Classified. The discovery of this is significant since it fleshes out the Hoover Dam pre-war history a bit (makes FOA happy), gives a bit of history about the centaurs and floaters (again, FOA interest), and gives the player access to a great science lab. Not only can the player use it, but the scribes would be tickled to use it and will. This will positively affect Hoover Dam's future growth and prosperity.
  • Character type completion breakdown –
    1. Combat Boy – Need to kill the critters in the area first.
    2. Diplomacy Boy – Ditto
    3. Stealth Boy – If really stealthy, can sneak to the hatch and lock pick it.
    4. Science Boy – Same as combat boy.
  • Quest flags – "12_Discover_SL1C"
    0 = not started
    1 =
    2 =
    3 =
    4 =
  • Rewards -
    • XP
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Normal
    2. Dumb

16. Discover lost Hoover Dam war and Sub-level 1 history and relaying information to FOA (Candice).

  • Initiator – Candice
  • Importance (Minor)
  • Scope – Small
  • Description –
    Once the player has found SL-1C, he must contend with the nasty centaurs and floaters in the area. Once they are eliminated, the player may safely dig around the computer archives (computer still works thanks to Hoover's generators) and discover a few bits about Hoover's history. The better science skill the PC has, the more info he can extrapolate. Relay this information back to the Followers of the Apocalypse and they will smile. In fact, they may even give a few books to the PC.
  • Character type completion breakdown –
    1. Combat Boy – Must... kill... nasties... Then must figure out how to use a computer (easy)
    2. Diplomacy Boy – Ditto
    3. Stealth Boy – Same
    4. Science Boy – If he can get rid of the critters, then the computers are no problem.
  • Quest flags – "12_Hoover_History"
    0 = not started
    1 =
    2 =
    3 =
    4 =
  • Rewards -
    • XP
    • Books
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Normal
    2. Dumb

17. Relay new history from traveling the wasteland to Candice.

  • Initiator – Candice
  • Importance (Minor)
  • Scope – Large
  • Description –
    The FOA, in particular Candice, are very interested in what is out in the wasteland. Any new information that pertains to the war is of great interest to the FOA. Candice will reward the player with books to repay the player for giving her information about things like the BOMB project, , the Twin Mothers, etc. Perhaps if the player gives Candice a lot of information, then the player can get the epithet of Wasteland Scribe.
  • Character type completion breakdown –
    1. Combat Boy – Just play the game, don't kill Candice and Dodge's people, and come back to Candice every once in a while to update her on wasteland history.
    2. Diplomacy Boy – Ditto
    3. Stealth Boy – Same
    4. Science Boy – Qui
  • Quest flags – "12_Wasteland-History"
    0 = not started
    1 =
    2 =
    3 =
    4 =
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Normal
    2. Dumb

18. Get Mary-Joe to stop turning tricks & get access to Scum Pits.

  • Initiator – Billy-Bob
  • Importance (Major)
  • Scope – Large
  • Description –
    Billy-Bob is the leader of the trogs, a group of hillbilly troglodytes who have taken up residence in Baseline in exchange for maintaining the working generators. Billy-Bob's youngest daughter, Mary-Joe, has taken a job with Dusty as an "escort." It's bad enough that Mary-Joe stays away from the safety of the earth's belly (what the trogs call caves and such), but she is also mixing with waste-walkers (what they call folks who live on the surface). Billy-Bob doesn't know Mary-Joe is actually fornicating with waste-walkers. If he did, then Hoover Dam would have another war on their hands. It will take more than just words to convince Billy-Bob that Mary-Joe is a prostitute; the player would have to tell Billy-Bob about a strange birthmark on Mary-Joe located on her inner thigh. And to keep Billy-bob from putting the player on a spit and slapping an apple in his mouth, the player can give the name of one of the male bar patrons so Billy-Bob can go interrogate him, personally. If that happens, then Hoover has two fronts to fight, not to mention the trogs will turn off all the power.
    Of course the player doesn't have to be an instigator and can instead try to get Mary- Joe to stop turning tricks. If the player can convince her to stop and have her return to the trogs, then Billy Bob will grant the player access to the Scum Pits. The player would need some pretty good Persuasion skills to convince Mary-Joe from taking money from all those nice, friendly men who just want to massage her – a lot. Dusty won't make noise since she would rather not deal with Billy-Bob.
    Another way to persuade Mary-Joe to go back to Billy-Bob, if the player's skills are lacking, is to buy Mary-Joe off of Dusty (1000 caps) and then get Dusty to tell her to leave. Mary-Joe will feel bad, but at least she'll be back with her kinfolk without causing more problems.
    Lastly, if the player buys some "time" with Mary-Joe, there is a one in five chance he will knock her up. This sets a ball in motion where after about three game months, the player will have some random encounters with bounty hunters from Hoover. If the player just ignores these encounters and presses on without investigating them, then the player will have random encounters with trogs. If the player still ignores the encounters (i.e. runs away or kills the bastards), then in the ninth month since fornicating with Mary-Joe, the player will get a random encounter with Billy-Bob and a mess o' his kin (insert "Deliverance" soundtrack here). He will "kindly" ask the player to do the right thing and marry Mary-Joe. If the player is speaky-guy, he can convince Billy-Bob that Mary-Joe and the baby are better off being brought up by their own kin. If the player cannot convince Billy-Bob, then he can go back and marry Mary-Joe (and then leave again – she'll stay behind with the baby). If the player is just a dick and refuses to cooperate in any way, blood can be spilled. This worse case scenario will also impact Baseline's efficiency since there will be no more trogs, or at least not enough kinsfolk to maintain Baseline. Oh, and Mary-Joe will still be turning tricks, but now to support her baby.
  • Character type completion breakdown –
    1. Combat Boy – Buy Mary-Joe back from Dusty.
    2. Diplomacy Boy – Talk Mary-Joe into going back to Pappy.
    3. Stealth Boy – Same as combat boy
    4. Science Boy – Ditto
  • Quest flags – "12_Deliverance"
    0 = not started
    1 =
    2 =
    3 =
    4 =
  • Rewards -
    • XP
    • Access to Scum Pits
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Normal
    2. Dumb

19. Help Beatrice in a bar fight.

  • Initiator –Beatrice
  • Importance (Major)
  • Scope – Small
  • Description –
    Beatrice is a super mutant bouncer for Dusty's Desires Bar & Entertainment. On this night in question, there is an unruly bunch of caravaners who are staying the night at Hoover Dam. They get too much to drink and try to get freebies off the hookers. Three of them decide they don't like super mutants and decide to pick a fight with Beatrice. Combat starts and two are using cattle prods at Beatrice while one whips out a pool cue. They will start to get the best of Beatrice fairly quick. Dusty would normally pull out her shotgun, but one of the other caravaners has a rifle pointed at her and told her not to move. If the PC intervenes by fighting for Beatrice and manages to kill only two of the caravaners, that will be enough to scare the rest off. If Beatrice kills off two while the PC helped, Beatrice will still appreciate the gesture. The player may also talk his way out of the fight, calming things down with the smoothness of his speech skills. Either way, Beatrice will be grateful and ask if he can come along with the player as a CNPC. But if the player does nothing and Beatrice lives through the battle, Beatrice will not offer, ever, to join with the PC. Of course attacking Beatrice kills the whole joining thing, as well.
    Finally, after the fight, no matter the outcome or if it is still going on (there will be a five round limit), Ralph Peoples, the chief of police, will enter with his posse and lay the smack down on the caravaners.
  • Character type completion breakdown –
    1. Combat Boy – Step up or step out
    2. Diplomacy Boy – Sooth the beasts with soothing words
    3. Stealth Boy – Either, or
    4. Science Boy – Same
  • Quest flags – "12_Help_Beatrice"
    0 = not started
    1 =
    2 =
    3 =
    4 =
  • Rewards -
    • XP
    • Beatrice could join PC
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Normal
    2. Dumb

20. Do Bob's bounty hunter jobs.

  • Initiator – Bob of Hock-it to Bob
  • Importance (Minor)
  • Scope – Large
  • Description –
    Bob doubles as a bounty hunter dispatcher. If the player inquires about jobs at Hoover Dam, Bob will say what he can provide. If the player accepts, then Bob will give him a bounty. This is where the other designers come in. I'd like there to be a bounty in the more populated areas that would take in a stranger. The more the merrier (without getting ridiculous). About 5 or 6 bounties throughout the wasteland sounds reasonable. Each bounty gives the player 1000 caps. Also, all bounties are to the death. The player needs to take back the head of the bounty to Bob for verification. One bounty at a time.
  • Character type completion breakdown –
    1. Combat Boy – All bout the combat.
    2. Diplomacy Boy – Ditto
    3. Stealth Boy – Same
    4. Science Boy – yep
  • Quest flags – "12_Bobs_Bounties"
    0 = not started
    1 =
    2 =
    3 =
    4 =
  • Rewards -
    • XP
    • 1000 caps per bounty
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Normal
    2. Dumb

21. Clear out Sub-level 1 - Classified of all the monsters.

  • Initiator – PC and Joseph Dodge
  • Importance (Major)
  • Scope – Small
  • Description –
    Like the title says, clear out the centaurs and floaters, and the science lab and all the info on the computer are yours for the taking. Of course the player needs to get to the access hatch on the Scum Pits to get here, but you knew that, right?
  • Character type completion breakdown –
    1. Combat Boy – Just do it.
    2. Diplomacy Boy – Ditto
    3. Stealth Boy – Same
    4. Science Boy – Qui
  • Quest flags – "12_Clear_SL1C"
    0 = not started
    1 =
    2 =
    3 =
    4 =
  • Rewards -
    • XP
    • Use of the science lab
    • History of Hoover and other goodies on the main computer
    • Remnants of Chinese stealth armor.
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Normal
    2. Dumb

22. Recalibrate the two working power generators to be more efficient and increase power.

  • Initiator – PC and Joseph Dodge
  • Importance (Major)
  • Scope – Small
  • Description –
    Even thought the two working power generators are working, they could be more efficient and powerful. If the PC has the mechanical and science skills (both medium), then he can recalibrate the generators to perform better.
  • Character type completion breakdown –
    1. Combat Boy – If he has the skills.
    2. Diplomacy Boy – Ditto
    3. Stealth Boy – Same
    4. Science Boy – Qui
  • Quest flags – "12_Recalibrate_Generators"
    0 = not started
    1 =
    2 =
    3 =
    4 =
  • Rewards -
  • Journal Entries –
    1. Normal
    2. Dumb

Quest Table

Area Quest Name Designer DStatus Script SStatus Log Stat Passable QA 100%
Hoover Dam
The Rim Get a meeting with Gov. Dodge Foletto
The Rim Successfully negotiate peace between Hoover and BOS Foletto
The Rim Get City Council members to City Council meetings Foletto
The Rim Join with 3-Some Foletto
The Rim Successfully spy on Crimson Foletto
The Rim Join up with Crimson Foletto
The Rim Successfully frame 3-Some Foletto
The Rim Successfully extort Crimson Foletto
The Rim Expose Crimson Foletto
The Rim Give schematics to scribes Foletto
The Rim Get school attendance up Foletto
The Rim Teach class Foletto
Downtown Clear out critters on Scum Pits Foletto
Downtown Successfully get building material sent from Denver Foletto
Scum Pits Discover Sub-level-1C Foletto
SL-1C Discover Hoover history and SL-1C history Foletto
The Rim Relay history to Candice & FOA Foletto
Baseline Get Mary-Joe to stop turning tricks Foletto
Downtown Bounty hunter jobs Foletto
SL-1C Clear out critters in Sub-level-1-Classified Foletto
Baseline Recalibrate two working generators Foletto
Previous: Part 3Up: Hoover Dam design documentNext: Part 5