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Fallout Wiki

Henry David Thoreau was a transcendentalist writer and philosopher.


The author of On Civil Disobedience, Thoreau stayed at a cabin on the shore of Walden Pond for over two years starting in the summer of 1845.[1] This was done to better understand society, by living off of the land with few material possessions, experimenting on being truly self-reliant.[1] Some of his works were published by Ticknor and Fields, based out of the Old Corner Bookstore in Boston.[2]

In 2287, two members of a raider gang named Tweez and Bear headquartered at Walden Pond discussed his theories to the best of their ability, and companions will comment on the author in front of the pond.

Location comments
Character Comment
Codsworth "Thoreau's cabin survived the bombs. I'm sure he never thought it'd take a nuclear war to bring us back to humble living."
Curie "Henry David Thoreau lived here!"
John Hancock "Guess this Thoreau guy found claustrophobia inspiring."
Piper Wright "You know the guy who owned this place wrote the book 'On Civil Disobedience.'"
Robert MacCready "Make sure you search the entire cabin Thoreau-ly. *Laughs* No?



Henry David Thoreau is mentioned in Fallout 4 and Fallout Shelter Online.



  1. 1.0 1.1 Walden Pond audio tour
  2. Placard at Old Corner Bookstore: "The Old Corner Bookstore was originally built as an apothecary after the devastating Great Fire of 1711. Originally the land belonged to Anne Hutchinson, the controversial puritan who was excommunicated and banished from Massachusetts for her "heretical" beliefs and sermons. During the mid-nineteenth century, the Old Corner Bookstore was the home of the leading American publisher Ticknor and Fields. They published the works of such luminaries as Charles Dickens, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and Henry Dave Thoreau. Many of those were frequent visitors to the site."