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This is a transcript for dialogue with Henry Cooke.


1AO_Companion_Bar_CookemyActor: Oi! Barkeep... set me up with your finest.Nothing but the best for someone as lovely as you, my dear.myActor: Finally, someone who knows how to properly treat a lady.A1a
2myActor: Oi! Barkeep... set me up with your finest.{Grateful/Friendly - Accepting a compliment on his bar. / Grateful} She ain't much, but I take good care of her.A2a
3{Friendly question - Asking Codsworth if there's anything he can do for him, knowing he's a robot and doesn't drink. / Question} I don't suppose there's anything I can do for a Mister Handy, though?myActor: Finally, someone who knows how to properly treat a lady.A2b
4myActor: Oi! Barkeep... set me up with your finest.Certainly, sweetheart. What'll you have?myActor: Finally, someone who knows how to properly treat a lady.A3a
5myActor: Oi! Barkeep... set me up with your finest.You're one of those Brotherhood of Steel soldiers, aren't you? Hope you're not going to start any trouble in here.myActor: Finally, someone who knows how to properly treat a lady.A4a
6myActor: Oi! Barkeep... set me up with your finest.What? Who are you?myActor: Finally, someone who knows how to properly treat a lady.A5a
7myActor: Oi! Barkeep... set me up with your finest.{Initially angry about finding a Ghoul in your bar, but then realizing it's no ordinary Ghoul. / Irritated} The hell you doin' in here, Gh-- wait. You're Mayor Hancock.myActor: Finally, someone who knows how to properly treat a lady.A6a
8myActor: Oi! Barkeep... set me up with your finest.MacCready... you son-of-a-bitch. I thought I told you our business was done.myActor: Finally, someone who knows how to properly treat a lady.A7a
9myActor: Oi! Barkeep... set me up with your finest.{Irritated} Oh no. I got nothing to say to you, Piper. Now you buying something?myActor: Finally, someone who knows how to properly treat a lady.A8a
10myActor: Oi! Barkeep... set me up with your finest.{Friendly} Sure thing. Name's Cooke, by the way. Henry Cooke. I don't think I've seen you in here before.myActor: Finally, someone who knows how to properly treat a lady.A9a
11myActor: Oi! Barkeep... set me up with your finest.{Afraid} Uh... whatever you say big fellah.myActor: Finally, someone who knows how to properly treat a lady.A10a
12myActor: Oi! Barkeep... set me up with your finest.{Not thrilled to see the person you're speaking to. / Irritated} Nick. You hear to drink or just snoop?myActor: Finally, someone who knows how to properly treat a lady.A11a
13myActor: Finally, someone who knows how to properly treat a lady.If you're unhappy hanging out with your crew, you could always work for me. Good pay and all the free drinks you can handle.myActor: As temptin' as your offer sounds, I'm afraid I'll have to pass. But if me luck changes, don't be surprised if I show up at your door.A1a
14myActor: Finally, someone who knows how to properly treat a lady.{Friendly - Meeting Codsworth and recognizing the use he'd have for an additional fully functional Mister Handy. / Friendly} Codsworth, eh? Henry Cooke. Nice to see another Handy up and about. If you ever find yourself in need of a job, come find me.myActor: As temptin' as your offer sounds, I'm afraid I'll have to pass. But if me luck changes, don't be surprised if I show up at your door.A2a
15myActor: Finally, someone who knows how to properly treat a lady.*laugh* Very funny. Tell you what, have this on the house.myActor: As temptin' as your offer sounds, I'm afraid I'll have to pass. But if me luck changes, don't be surprised if I show up at your door.A3a
16myActor: Finally, someone who knows how to properly treat a lady.Not at all, general. I run an honest place here.myActor: As temptin' as your offer sounds, I'm afraid I'll have to pass. But if me luck changes, don't be surprised if I show up at your door.A4a
17myActor: Finally, someone who knows how to properly treat a lady.Hey, stop that. You don't work here.myActor: As temptin' as your offer sounds, I'm afraid I'll have to pass. But if me luck changes, don't be surprised if I show up at your door.A5a
18myActor: Finally, someone who knows how to properly treat a lady.{A little nervous. The person you're speaking to has a reputation for mayhem and you might've just insulted him. / Concerned} And you ain't gonna tear the place up?myActor: As temptin' as your offer sounds, I'm afraid I'll have to pass. But if me luck changes, don't be surprised if I show up at your door.A6a
19myActor: Finally, someone who knows how to properly treat a lady.Yeah, and so you made off with his chems instead, leaving me with nothing.myActor: As temptin' as your offer sounds, I'm afraid I'll have to pass. But if me luck changes, don't be surprised if I show up at your door.A7a
20myActor: Finally, someone who knows how to properly treat a lady.{Irritated} How do I know you're not gonna twist anything I say to sell your damn paper?myActor: As temptin' as your offer sounds, I'm afraid I'll have to pass. But if me luck changes, don't be surprised if I show up at your door.A8a
21myActor: Finally, someone who knows how to properly treat a lady.{Friendly} Thanks. I try to provide a small oasis from life's troubles.myActor: As temptin' as your offer sounds, I'm afraid I'll have to pass. But if me luck changes, don't be surprised if I show up at your door.A9a
22myActor: Finally, someone who knows how to properly treat a lady.{Doing everything he can to no make Strong angry. / Nervous} Like I said. One drink. On the house.myActor: As temptin' as your offer sounds, I'm afraid I'll have to pass. But if me luck changes, don't be surprised if I show up at your door.A10a
23myActor: Finally, someone who knows how to properly treat a lady.{Irritated} You trying to tell me how to act in my own bar?myActor: As temptin' as your offer sounds, I'm afraid I'll have to pass. But if me luck changes, don't be surprised if I show up at your door.A11a


24CookeGreetScene{Player just witnessed the Pembroke's arguing in Henry Cooke's bar / Apologetic} Sorry you had to see that. Things are usually a lot quieter around here. Perfect place to drink, if you're buying.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
25{generic "coming from another conversation and getting back to business" line} Now, can I get you something to drink?Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
26{generic "coming from another conversation and getting back to business" line} Anyway, I got a bar to run. Ordering?Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
27{generic "coming from another conversation and getting back to business" line} Now, you need to order anything?Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
28{smoothly} Got plenty of drinks on tap.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
29{MARK FOR RE-RECORD.smoothly} You here for a beer, or maybe something a little stronger?Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
30{smoothly} You look like a man who could use another drink.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
31{smoothly} You look like you could use another drink, darling.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
32{smoothly} I hope you're drinking, because if you're not, well, I really can't help you.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
33Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{selling drinks} Bottoms up...A1a
34Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{selling drinks} Here's the menu...A2a
35Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{selling drinks} Cheers...A3a
36Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{selling drinks} Plenty on tap.A4a
37Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{selling drinks} Here's what we got.A5a
38Player Default: Not interested.All right, then.B1a
39Player Default: Not interested.Well, we're always open...B2a
40Player Default: Not interested.Gotcha.B3a
41Player Default: Not interested.Let me know if that changes.B4a
42Player Default: Not interested.Some other time.B5a
43Player Default: I'll think about it.Take as much time as you need.X1a
44Player Default: I'll think about it.Not a problem.X2a
45Player Default: I'll think about it.Later, then.X3a
46Player Default: I'll think about it.All right.X4a
47Player Default: I'll think about it.Okay. Let me know.X5a
48Player Default: So is this your place?That's right. Owner, bartender, sympathetic ear. I try to provide a little oasis from the hardships of life.HenryCooke: Name's Cooke, by the way. Henry Cooke. Let me know if I can get you anything.Y1a
49HenryCooke: That's right. Owner, bartender, sympathetic ear. I try to provide a little oasis from the hardships of life.{friendly} Name's Cooke, by the way. Henry Cooke. Let me know if I can get you anything.HenryCooke: That's right. Owner, bartender, sympathetic ear. I try to provide a little oasis from the hardships of life.Y1a
50HenryCooke: That's right. Owner, bartender, sympathetic ear. I try to provide a little oasis from the hardships of life.Let me know if I can get you a drink.HenryCooke: That's right. Owner, bartender, sympathetic ear. I try to provide a little oasis from the hardships of life.Y2a
51-You're...not saying anything...
52Had one too many?
53Hey, don't keep me waiting now...
54{friendly} Anything else I can do for you?
55{friendly} Name's Cooke, by the way. Henry Cooke. You new in town, or just passing through?
56Bottoms up, friend.
59Oh, hey.
60Good to see you.


61-{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Gah!
62{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Nargh!
63{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Unf!
64{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Grrh!
65{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Nnh!
66{InPain} Agh.
67{InPain} Damn it.
68{InPain} God damn it.
69{Bill Murray, you slay me / InPain} Mother puss-bucket.
70{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Argh!
71{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Weergh!
72{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Yeagh!
73{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Nargh!
74{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Oof!
75{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Agh!
76{Powerfully swinging a weapon, up over your head and bringing it down hard on your opponent. Quick and violent, not drawn out.} Aaaayyyaarrrrgghh!
77{Powerfully swinging a weapon, up over your head and bringing it down hard on your opponent. Quick and violent, not drawn out.} Yyyaaaarrgghh!
78{Powerfully swinging a weapon, up over your head and bringing it down hard on your opponent. Quick and violent, not drawn out.} Rrrraaaaarrggghhhh!
79{Suspicious} Did you hear that?
80{Suspicious} I thought I saw something moving...
81{Suspicious} What's that?
82{Defiant} Here we go.
83{Sarcastic} This is going to be fun.
84{Confident} This one's mine.
85{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Grrargh!
86{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Aggghh!
87{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Nyyarrggh!
88{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Rrarggh!
89{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Yearrgh!
90{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Hyargh!
91{Quick and violent shove, a sharp, short exertion!} Hunh!
92{Quick and violent shove, a sharp, short exertion!} Gah!
93{Quick and violent shove, a sharp, short exertion!} Yah!
94{Quick and violent shove, a sharp, short exertion!} Rargh!
95{Heavy breathing and coughing, clutching a mortal wound and struggling to stay alive} *heavy breathing* *cough cough*
96{Heavy breathing and coughing, clutching a mortal wound and struggling to stay alive} Oof! *heavy breathing*
97{Heavy breathing and coughing, clutching a mortal wound and struggling to stay alive} Agh! *cough* *wheeze*
98{SinisterSmile} Hold still, will you?
99{Angry} You're not going to win this.
100{Angry} You're not walking away from this one.
101{Confident} I got this one.
102{Angry} We've got to get around behind those bastards.
103{SinisterSmile} Gotcha.
104{SinisterSmile} I was right.
105{SinisterSmile} Say goodbye.
106{Puzzled} Hmm. Nothing here.
107{Relieved} Oh well.
108{Suspicious} I guess it was nothing...
109{SinisterSmile} You won't get far.
110{Angry} Where'd they go?
111{Angry} Find those bastards.
112{Defiant} That takes care of that.
113{SinisterSmile} That'll teach you.
114{SinisterSmile} I guess we're done here.
115{SinisterSmile} There you are.
116{SinisterSmile} Found 'em.
117{SinisterSmile} I'll make this quick.


118-You still thinking about it?
119Don't mean to rush you, but...
120You were saying...?


121MS13BAfterConfrontationPlayerVoiceFemale01: Let's hear this plan of yours.{Friendly} Here's the deal. I have some other... businesses on the side.A1a
122{Conspiratorial} One of them is helping Nelson Latimer spend his dad's money to make himself feel like a gangster.Player Default: And we're going to relieve Mr. Latimer of some of his money.A1b
123PaulPembroke: Holy shit, Cooke. Does Malcolm know about this?{Defiant} What do you think? No, of course not. Anyway, that's between him and Nelson.HenryCooke: So where was I? Oh, yeah.A1a
124PaulPembroke: Holy shit, Cooke. Does Malcolm know about this?{SinisterSmile} Right. Without anyone being the wiser.HenryCooke: So where was I? Oh, yeah.A2a
125PaulPembroke: Holy shit, Cooke. Does Malcolm know about this?{Irritated} I'm getting to it.HenryCooke: So where was I? Oh, yeah.B2a
126Player Default: Who's Nelson Latimer?{Disgust} Malcolm's kid. An arrogant little pissant.Y1a
127{with a thin smile / SinisterSmile} But useful since he has all the money in the world, and likes to think of himself as a budding crime boss.HenryCooke: Me and Nelson are supposed to be meeting some gentlemen from Goodneighbor to exchange Nelson's cash for their chems.Y1b
128HenryCooke: What do you think? No, of course not. Anyway, that's between him and Nelson.{Puzzled} So where was I? Oh, yeah.HenryCooke: Me and Nelson are supposed to be meeting some gentlemen from Goodneighbor to exchange Nelson's cash for their chems.A1a
129HenryCooke: So where was I? Oh, yeah.{Conspiratorial} Me and Nelson are supposed to be meeting some gentlemen from Goodneighbor to exchange Nelson's cash for their chems.A1a
130{SinisterSmile} My plan is simple - we take the money and the chems.Player Default: I'm in. Let's do this.A1b
131Player Default: I don't know. An awful lot of unknowns.{Confident} Trust me, we can do this, no problem. The meeting's always in the same place, they always bring the same number of guys.X1a
132{SinisterSmile} They'll never know what hit them.Player Default: I'm in. Let's do this.X1b
133HenryCooke: What do you say, Paul? Are we good?{Friendly} Now you're talking. I promise, you won't regret it. In a few hours we're both going to be sitting pretty.PaulPembroke: Good? Hardly. But I don't mind you helping me get rich.A1a
134Player Default: I'm in. Let's do this.{Friendly} What do you say, Paul? Are we good?HenryCooke: Now you're talking. I promise, you won't regret it. In a few hours we're both going to be sitting pretty.A1a
135MS13BAfterConfrontationCookeQuestions{Question} Anything else?Player Default: Why smuggle chems into Diamond City? Chems aren't illegal here.A
136PlayerVoiceFemale01: Hold on a minute, Cooke.{Question} Yeah? What is it?Player Default: Why smuggle chems into Diamond City? Chems aren't illegal here.A1a
137Player Default: Why smuggle chems into Diamond City? Chems aren't illegal here.{Conspiratorial} Sure, but Mayor McDonough takes a big cut of all the chems brought into town. Not everybody thinks that's good business.A1a
138{Confident} That's where me and Nelson come in. He fronts the cash, I make the arrangements. Cheap chems for Diamond City. Everybody wins.HenryCooke: Anything else?A1b
139Player Default: That's it.{Question} Okay, so you're in then?Player Default: I'm in. Let's do this.B1a
140Player Default: What about afterwards? Won't everyone be after us?{because you're going to kill them all / Somber} Come on. You know the answer. No witnesses.HenryCooke: Anything else?X1a
141Player Default: Why do you want to screw these guys over all of a sudden?{Conspiratorial} Oh, it isn't all of a sudden. Nelson's been complaining about my cut for a while now. He may be thinking about trying to strike out on his own.Y1a
142{grim smile / SinisterSmile} I've been waiting for the right opportunity to present itself. And here it is.HenryCooke: Anything else?Y1b
143Player Default: That's where me and Nelson come in. He fronts the cash, I make the arrangements. Cheap chems for Diamond City. Everybody wins.{Question} Anything else?A1a
144Player Default: That's it.{SinisterSmile} Let's go then.B1a
145MS13BAfterConfrontationPaulDeadNPCMHenryCooke: What a mess. Too bad you got yourself mixed up in all of this.{Depressed} Don't get me wrong. I don't blame you for anything. I should have known better than to fool around with Darcy of all people.HenryCooke: Paul... he used to be one of my best pals... ah, hell.A1a
146HenryCooke: Don't get me wrong. I don't blame you for anything. I should have known better than to fool around with Darcy of all people.{looking over at Paul's body - you ended up killing him after an argument / Depressed} Paul... he used to be one of my best pals... ah, hell.HenryCooke: Look... I've been thinking about making a break for a while now, and, well... time to take action. Past time.A1a
147{Apologetic} What a mess. Too bad you got yourself mixed up in all of this.HenryCooke: Don't get me wrong. I don't blame you for anything. I should have known better than to fool around with Darcy of all people.A
148HenryCooke: Paul... he used to be one of my best pals... ah, hell.{Tired} Look... I've been thinking about making a break for a while now, and, well... time to take action. Past time.HenryCooke: So I have an idea... maybe we can help each other. Put this all behind us, you know?A1a
149HenryCooke: Look... I've been thinking about making a break for a while now, and, well... time to take action. Past time.{Conspiratorial} So I have an idea... maybe we can help each other. Put this all behind us, you know?Player Default: You've got my attention. Let's hear this idea.A1a
150MS13BConfrontCookePaulPembroke: Keep talking.{Concerned} Look, I'll, uh, I'll stay away from Darcy from now on. It's over. You have my word on that.PaulPembroke: Your word? What's your fucking word worth, huh?A1a
151PaulPembroke: Screw that.{Pleading} Hold on. I'm sure we can work this out.PaulPembroke: Keep talking.A1a
152PaulPembroke: Too late.{Pleading} Wait. I can make this right, Paul.PaulPembroke: Keep talking.X1a
153PaulPembroke: He never listens.{Friendly} I get it, Paul. You've got every right to be pissed off at me. But we can work this out.PaulPembroke: Keep talking.Y1a
154PaulPembroke: Your word? What's your fucking word worth, huh?{Pleading} I'll make it up to you! I know a way to get a lot of money. Right now.A1a
155{Concerned} You and I both know the only reason Darcy comes up here is she's pissed at you.A1b
156{Concerned} If you were flush again, everything would be different. Besides, I owe you. For what I've done.PaulPembroke: Well... what do you think?A1c
157Player Default: Sounds like a win-win to me.{Happy} Damn right it is.A1a
158Player Default: He'd say anything right now to save his skin.{Defiant} To hell with both of you then!B1a
159Player Default: We can always kill him later if it doesn't work out.{Irritated} I'm going to choose to ignore that comment.X1a
160Player Default: How are you going to make us all rich, Cooke?{with a smile of relief - your offer succeeded, no need for violence / Happy} Gather round and I'll tell you.Y1a
161PaulPembroke: We need to talk.{wearily - you're tired of dealing with Paul's shit / Tired} Jesus, Paul, what now?PaulPembroke: It's time for you to shut up and listen, Cooke.A1a
162PaulPembroke: It's time for you to shut up and listen, Cooke.{emphasis on "you" - wondering why the player is here along with Paul / Suspicious} What the hell is this? And what are you doing here?A1a
163{scornfully / Disbelief} Don't tell me he's hired you to help lean on me?Player Default: That's right. You should listen to what Paul has to say.A1b
164Player Default: That's right. You should listen to what Paul has to say.{Suspicious} You're making a mistake, getting mixed up in this.HenryCooke: Well, I'm listening Paul. What do you have to say this time?A1a
165PaulPembroke: Well thanks for nothing. Should have known better than to trust you.{SinisterSmile} Good answer.HenryCooke: Well, I'm listening Paul. What do you have to say this time?B1a
166Player Default: Paul just asked me to come with him.{Suspicious} Is that how it is? Okay...HenryCooke: Well, I'm listening Paul. What do you have to say this time?X1a
167Player Default: What difference does it make?{coolly / SinisterSmile} I just like to know who to shoot at when the guns come out.HenryCooke: Well, I'm listening Paul. What do you have to say this time?Y1a
168HenryCooke: You're making a mistake, getting mixed up in this.{Tired} Well, I'm listening Paul. What do you have to say this time?PaulPembroke: Just this. You leave Darcy alone, starting now. Or else.A1a
169PaulPembroke: Just this. You leave Darcy alone, starting now. Or else.{RERECORD: more intense, more menacing (current take feels too leisurely and kind of unconcerned). / Disbelief} Now that is a very bad idea. You don't want to pull a gun on me unless you intend to use it.PaulPembroke: You think I won't use it? Do I just need to kill you, is that what you're saying?A1a
170MS13BConfrontCookeAlonePlayer Default: Yes. The problem is you sleeping with Paul Pembroke's wife.{Surprised} What?! Even if that was true, what the hell does it have to do with you?Player Default: Paul asked me to talk to you, so here I am. Asking nicely.A1a
171Player Default: You're going to leave Darcy alone, starting now.{Defiant} Now wait just a goddamn minute. Who do you think you are, walking into my bar and telling me what I'm going to do?Player Default: Paul asked me to talk to you, so here I am. Asking nicely.B1a
172Player Default: Maybe. Paul Pembroke sent me to sort things out.{Disbelief} You've got to be kidding me. Paul sent you?X1a
173{Disgust} That weaselly little shit never could solve his own problems.Player Default: Paul asked me to talk to you, so here I am. Asking nicely.X1b
174Player Default: Are you sleeping with Paul Pembroke's wife?{Suspicious} I really don't see what business it is of yours who I'm sleeping with.Player Default: Paul asked me to talk to you, so here I am. Asking nicely.Y1a
175Player Default: Paul asked me to talk to you, so here I am. Asking nicely.{Defiant} And I'm asking you... nicely... to turn back around and go tell Paul to come talk to me himself, if he's man enough.Player Default: Think this through. Darcy isn't worth dying for - or killing for.A1a
176Player Default: We can do this the hard way if you want.{scornfully / Defiant} I've left tougher than you bleeding in the dirt. You'd better turn yourself around before you find out what the hard way really means.Player Default: Think this through. Darcy isn't worth dying for - or killing for.B1a
177Player Default: I told Paul I'd get you to leave Darcy alone. Nothing personal. Just business.{Angry} Nobody tells me what what to do in my own place. You'd better turn around and walk out of here while you still can.Player Default: Think this through. Darcy isn't worth dying for - or killing for.X1a
178Player Default: Think this through. Darcy isn't worth dying for - or killing for.{Somber} You know what? You're right.HenryCooke: This whole thing with Darcy and me... bad idea, I admit it.A1a
179Player Default: Think this through. Darcy isn't worth dying for - or killing for.{Defiant} I'm not scared of you.HenryCooke: This whole thing with Darcy and me... bad idea, I admit it.A2a
180Player Default: I'm counting to three. One... two...{Pleading} Hold up. Don't get crazy on me. We can talk this out.HenryCooke: This whole thing with Darcy and me... bad idea, I admit it.B1a
181Player Default: I told you what you need to do. The next move is up to you.{Angry} This is how I deal with assholes like you.HenryCooke: This whole thing with Darcy and me... bad idea, I admit it.X1a
182Player Default: Last chance - are you going to stay away from Darcy or not?{Pleading} Take it easy. We can talk this through.HenryCooke: This whole thing with Darcy and me... bad idea, I admit it.Y1a
183HenryCooke: You know what? You're right.{Apologetic} This whole thing with Darcy and me... bad idea, I admit it.A1a
184{defensively / Apologetic} Not like I planned it or anything. She was just always hanging around here. You know how it is.A1b
185{Conspiratorial} Look. Tell Paul it's over. I swear. I won't even let her in my bar anymore. Is that good enough for you?Player Default: It's a good start. Something more... concrete would help.A1c
186Player Default: It's a good start. Something more... concrete would help.{Concerned} Yeah, okay, I get it.HenryCooke: I have an idea. Something I've been thinking about for a while already. Kill two birds with one stone, you know?A1a
187Player Default: No. Paul wanted me to make you suffer.{Worried} Okay, okay. I get it. He's pissed, for good reason.HenryCooke: I have an idea. Something I've been thinking about for a while already. Kill two birds with one stone, you know?B1a
188Player Default: A promise isn't enough.{stopping yourself as you have an idea / Puzzled} Well, then, what do you want me...HenryCooke: I have an idea. Something I've been thinking about for a while already. Kill two birds with one stone, you know?X1a
189Player Default: A promise to be good? That's your offer?{heavily - admitting to yourself what an asshole you've been / Concerned} You're right. It wouldn't be enough if I was in his shoes.HenryCooke: I have an idea. Something I've been thinking about for a while already. Kill two birds with one stone, you know?Y1a
190Player Default: Yeah, okay, I get it.{Thinking} I have an idea. Something I've been thinking about for a while already. Kill two birds with one stone, you know?Player Default: You've got my attention. Let's hear this idea.A1a
191PlayerVoiceFemale01: We need to talk, Cooke.{Suspicious} That's right. This is my place. Why, is there some kind of problem?Player Default: Yes. The problem is you sleeping with Paul Pembroke's wife.A1a
192PlayerVoiceFemale01: We need to talk, Cooke.{Suspicious} Oh yeah? Is there some kind of problem?Player Default: Yes. The problem is you sleeping with Paul Pembroke's wife.A2a
193MS13BConfrontCookeCombat{Stern} Think about what you're doing.HenryCooke: Damn fool.A1a
194HenryCooke: Think about what you're doing.{Disgust} Damn fool.A1a
195MS13BConfrontCookeNelsonIntroNelsonLatimer: I'll meet you there, then. Don't be late.{Irritated} I'll be there. I just have to close up.A1a
196MS13CAmbushCookeHenryCooke: There's always four of Marowski's goons: Trish, who's in charge, and then three other guys to unload the boat and wave their guns around.{quietly - you don't want your voice to carry / Conspiratorial} You should be able to work your way around these buildings to get a good angle on them.A1a
197{Conspiratorial} I'll wait for the shooting to start, then join in from here.A1b
198{Somber} Remember, we can't afford to let anybody get away.Player Default: Sounds good.A1c
199{quietly - you don't want your voice to carry / Conspiratorial} Here we are. The meet is just ahead.HenryCooke: There's always four of Marowski's goons: Trish, who's in charge, and then three other guys to unload the boat and wave their guns around.A1a
200HenryCooke: Here we are. The meet is just ahead.{quietly - you don't want your voice to carry / Conspiratorial} There's always four of Marowski's goons: Trish, who's in charge, and then three other guys to unload the boat and wave their guns around.HenryCooke: You should be able to work your way around these buildings to get a good angle on them.A1a
201Player Default: You first. I'll back you up.{quietly - you don't want your voice to carry / Suspicious} Okay. But don't leave me hanging. Even I might have trouble taking them all out by myself.B1a
202Player Default: What about Nelson?{quietly - you don't want your voice to carry / SinisterSmile} I'll deal with Nelson. You worry about Marowski's crew.Y1a
203{Question} Now, are we all set?Player Default: Sounds good.Y1b
204MS13CAmbushCookeKillTrishHenryCooke: Sorry, Trish.{Angry} Don't let her get away!HenryCooke: We couldn't let her get away. She would have told Marowski everything, count on it.A2a
205HenryCooke: Sorry, Trish.{Angry} She'll rat us out to Marowski, no matter what she promised.HenryCooke: We couldn't let her get away. She would have told Marowski everything, count on it.A3a
206HenryCooke: Sorry, Trish.{Angry} You've got to stop her!HenryCooke: We couldn't let her get away. She would have told Marowski everything, count on it.A4a
207{Apologetic} Sorry, Trish.HenryCooke: We couldn't let her get away. She would have told Marowski everything, count on it.A1a
208{Apologetic} We couldn't let her get away. She would have told Marowski everything, count on it.A1a
209{Worried} Damn. We shouldn't have let Trish get away. She'll tell Marowski everything, count on it.A2a
210MS13CAmbushTrishInterrogationPlayer Default: And if Cooke hadn't been such a backstabbing son-of-a-bitch, nobody would have ever cracked it.{mockingly / SinisterSmile} Sticks and stones...Trish: There's a terminal that will bypass the tripwires and open the door to the lab. And I have the password.A1a
211Trish: Cooke, you bastard. Marowski's going to kill you for this!{with a cold smile / SinisterSmile} I think you have more immediate problems.Trish: Wait, I can help you! This here, this is nothing compared to what's at Marowski's chem lab.A1a
212MS13CAmbushTrishInterrogationPlayerPlayer Default: How can I be sure you won't send anyone after me?{Worried} You're not actually thinking about leaving her alive?Trish: I'll tell Marowski it was Gunners, okay? You can trust me!Y1a
213Player Default: Give me a reason not to kill you.{SinisterSmile} I don't need a better reason than to shut her up.Trish: I'll tell Marowski it was Gunners, okay? You can trust me!A1a
214MS13CookeIntro{Amused} Oh, nothing much.HenryCooke: You see, Darcy here likes to relax and enjoy life from time to time, and her husband Paul doesn't.A1a
215DarcyPembroke: That's more like it. I hope you stick around. I think we might become good friends.{sarcastically / Sarcastic} Free booze. The fastest way to your heart.A1a
216DarcyPembroke: Aren't you all high and mighty, then? Why don't you get lost so I can drink in peace.{Irritated} Lighten up, Darcy. This isn't your own private bar, no matter what you might think.B1a
217DarcyPembroke: You heard the man, Henry. Give me more of what I like.{sarcastically, as you pour her another drink / Sarcastic} Let's see if I can remember...X1a
218DarcyPembroke: As often as I can. Henry is so good at listening to my troubles.{a little derisively / Amused} Troubles? What would you know about that?Y1a
219HenryCooke: Oh, nothing much.{Amused} You see, Darcy here likes to relax and enjoy life from time to time, and her husband Paul doesn't.HenryCooke: He's not a bad guy, really. Just a little uptight. Too bad he can't learn to relax, eh, Darcy?A1a
220HenryCooke: You see, Darcy here likes to relax and enjoy life from time to time, and her husband Paul doesn't.{Friendly} He's not a bad guy, really. Just a little uptight. Too bad he can't learn to relax, eh, Darcy?DarcyPembroke: Shut up. I don't come here to talk about Paul.A1a
221MS13CTravelChatterCookePaul{Confident} Trust me, Paul. This is all going to work out for the best.PaulPembroke: We'll see. You better not be trying to screw me over again.A1a
222PaulPembroke: We'll see. You better not be trying to screw me over again.{Surprised} Jesus, Paul. Why would you think that?PaulPembroke: I know you and Malcolm have been laughing at me for years. "Poor Paul, why's he such a screw up at everything."A1a
223PaulPembroke: I know you and Malcolm have been laughing at me for years. "Poor Paul, why's he such a screw up at everything."{Surprised} What? No. Of course not. I thought we were friends.PaulPembroke: Yeah, so did I.A1a
224PaulPembroke: Yeah, so did I.{Apologetic} Okay, I deserve that. But you've got it all wrong. This whole thing with Darcy... like I said... it just happened. It wasn't about you, Paul.PaulPembroke: I don't want to talk about it any more.A1a
225PaulPembroke: I don't want to talk about it any more.{Friendly} Whatever you want.A1a
226MS13DarcyIntroDarcyPembroke: It's really none of your business, is it?{smooth, light bartender banter / Friendly} Darcy, don't be rude to my customers.A1a
227MS13DivideSpoilsCookePaulPembroke: Just like that? You're leaving town and never coming back?{Somber} Yeah. You won't be able to blame me for all your problems any more.A1a
228{Concerned} Well that's it then. It's a damn shame that Nelson got away. That could cause serious trouble.HenryCooke: The money should still be on Nelson's body. And then there's these chems, which you'll need to sell somehow.A1a
229{Happy} So that's that. I told you it was no problem.HenryCooke: The money should still be on Nelson's body. And then there's these chems, which you'll need to sell somehow.A2a
230HenryCooke: Well that's it then. It's a damn shame that Nelson got away. That could cause serious trouble.{Confident} The money should still be on Nelson's body. And then there's these chems, which you'll need to sell somehow.HenryCooke: But that's your problem now. I'm leaving town, for good.A1a
231HenryCooke: Well that's it then. It's a damn shame that Nelson got away. That could cause serious trouble.{Confident} You'll have to figure out how to turn these chems into cash.HenryCooke: But that's your problem now. I'm leaving town, for good.A2a
232HenryCooke: Well that's it then. It's a damn shame that Nelson got away. That could cause serious trouble.{Confident} You'll have to figure out how to sell these chems and divide the take.HenryCooke: But that's your problem now. I'm leaving town, for good.A3a
233HenryCooke: The money should still be on Nelson's body. And then there's these chems, which you'll need to sell somehow.{Happy} But that's your problem now. I'm leaving town, for good.A1a
234{Amused} There's no plausible way I could explain to Marowski how I wasn't involved in this - unless I "die" here along with everyone else.PaulPembroke: Just like that? You're leaving town and never coming back?A1b
235HenryCooke: The money should still be on Nelson's body. And then there's these chems, which you'll need to sell somehow.{Happy} But that's your problem now. I'm leaving town, for good. Should make things easier for Paul to have me gone.A2a
236{Amused} Plus there's no plausible way I could explain to Marowski how I wasn't involved in this - unless I "die" here along with everyone else.PaulPembroke: Just like that? You're leaving town and never coming back?A2b
237MS13EDivideSpoilsCookePlayerPlayer Default: We'll all be better off without you around.{Sarcastic} The feeling's mutual. Which is why I'm leaving town.B1a
238Player Default: You're leaving already? But we were having so much fun together.{Sarcastic} I think I'm getting too old for your kind of fun.X1a
239Player Default: What are you going to do now?{more defiantly than in a friendly way / Suspicious} I think I'll just keep that to myself. But don't worry. I've been planning this move for a while. I'll be fine.Y1a
240Player Default: Good luck, Cooke. I hope it works out for you.{Confident} Don't worry about me. I've been planning this move for a while. I'll be fine.A1a
241MS13IntroAfterFight{emotionless - flatly / Neutral} Go on. Get out of here.PaulPembroke: I'll be at home, Darcy. Taking care of our son.A1a
242MS13IntroScenePaulPembroke: You smug bastard. You keep away from my wife, godammit!{coldly, barely veiled threat / Confident} You'd better get out of here. Before you do something stupid.A1a
243PaulPembroke: Come on, Darcy! Let's go!{Friendly} Take it easy. I don't think she wants to leave just yet.PaulPembroke: This is between me and my wife!A1a
244PaulPembroke: I can't believe you'd do this to me, Cooke.{coolly - you know he knows you're sleeping with his wife but nobody's going to say it out loud just yet / Defiant} Do what to you, Paul?PaulPembroke: You smug bastard. You keep away from my wife, godammit!A1a
245-{regretfully, looking at dead friend / Sad} Why couldn't you just leave it alone, Paul?
246{regretfully, looking at dead friend / Sad} It didn't have to turn out like this, Paul.
247{Friendly} Just stick with me.
248{Amused} Funny how life works out, isn't it?
249{SinisterSmile} Nelson's starting to think he doesn't need me.
250{SinisterSmile} We're late but I'm sure Trish won't hand over the chems until I get there. See, I'm the one she trusts.
251{SinisterSmile} Luckily, he's not nearly as smart as he thinks he is.
252{Angry} You come into my bar, pull a gun on me. What did you think was going to happen?
253{Angry} Goddammit, Paul.
254{Angry} She's not worth it.
255{Angry} It didn't have to end this way.
256{Angry} You're leaving me no choice, Paul!
257{SinisterSmile} Nothing personal.
258Time's wasting. Are you in or out?
259So, what do you say?
260So are we doing this or not?
261{SinisterSmile} Ready when you are.
262{Confident} I'll follow your lead.


263MS13FindPhotoCooke{Question} Yeah. You talked me up to 500 caps, remember? You selling?Player Default: Deal. Here's the photo.A1a
264{Question} Sure, 300 caps is the standing offer. You selling?Player Default: Deal. Here's the photo.A2a
265{Surprised} Goddammit. Where'd you get that?Player Default: Darcy gave it to me. She found it in Paul's things.A3a
266{Suspicious} Of course I do.Player Default: Here, it's yours.A4a
267Player Default: Here, it's yours.{Relieved} Really? You just gave it to me? Ha ha! Here I thought you came to shake me down.A1a
268{Grateful} Look, I'd have paid more than this if you twisted my arm, but I feel like I owe you something.A1b
269{Friendly} Here, take it. Maybe I'll start relying on the kindness of strangers more.Player Default: Deal. Here's the photo.A1c
270Player Default: Never mind. I think I'll hang on to it.{Defiant} I get it. You think you can get more from Marowski. Go for it. Thing is, I'm not actually scared of him and his low-rent wiseguys.B1a
271{Neutral} So, here's my offer. 300 caps. If you think you can get a better offer somewhere else, be my guest.Player Default: Deal. Here's the photo.B1b
272Player Default: The price would have to be right.{Defiant} I'll pay you 300 caps to save myself from being hassled by Marowski's low-rent wiseguys. Take it or leave it.Player Default: Deal. Here's the photo.X1a
273Player Default: How much do you think Marowski would pay me for this photo?{MARK FOR RE-RECORD. / Defiant} Go ahead and find out. I'll give you 300 caps right now, if you want to save yourself the walk... and having to talk to Marowski.Player Default: Deal. Here's the photo.Y1a
274Player Default: How much do you think Marowski would pay me for this photo?{Nervous} Nothing important. Young idiots playing a stupid prank.Y2a
275{MARK FOR RE-RECORD. / Question} Look, I assume you're here to sell me the photo. I'll give you 300 caps for it. Deal?Player Default: Deal. Here's the photo.Y2b
276Player Default: Deal. Here's the photo.{Grateful} Okay then. I think we're done here.A1a
277Player Default: I'll have to think about it.{Defiant} Suit yourself.B1a
278Player Default: I think it's worth a lot more than that.{Irritated} Okay, I'll play the game. 500 caps. But that's it.Player Default: Deal. Here's the photo.X1a
279Player Default: I think it's worth a lot more than that.{Defiant} I don't want it that bad. 300 caps, take it or leave it.Player Default: Deal. Here's the photo.X2a
280Player Default: So how do you go from the Marowski Heist to running a bar?{Friendly} I have many layers. Seriously though, I used that score to buy the Taphouse.Y1a
281{Neutral} Nice steady income, much less chance of getting your head blown off by some stimmed-out asshole.Y1b
282{Conspiratorial} But you were about to sell me that photo... right?Player Default: Deal. Here's the photo.Y1c
283Player Default: So how do you go from the Marowski Heist to running a bar?{Somber} Me and Paul Pembroke and Malcolm Latimer. Back in the old days when we were all poor and stupid and happy.Y2a
284{Conspiratorial} But you were about to sell me that photo... right?Player Default: Deal. Here's the photo.Y2b
285MS13FindPhotoCookeIntroPlayer Default: Darcy gave it to me. She found it in Paul's things.{Disbelief} I can't believe that idiot hung onto it.A1a
286{Thinking} Water under the bridge. Here we are - you've got it, I want it.A1b
287Player Default: None of your business.{Thinking} Doesn't matter anyway. You've got it. I want it.B1a
288Player Default: It doesn't matter.{Thinking} You're right. You've got it, I want it.X1a
289Player Default: Do you know what photo I'm talking about?{Thinking} I've got a pretty good idea. Me, Paul Pembroke and Malcolm Latimer, looking about 20 years younger.Y1a
290{Sarcastic} Not hard to guess since I've only had one picture taken of me in my life.Y1b
291{Question} So here we are. You've got it. I want it. What now?Y1c


292MS13PaulDiesCookeKilledPaulPlayer Default: If you say so. Just thought I'd ask.{blandly / Friendly} Well, I hope he turns up. Even after everything, I still have a soft spot for that little bastard.A1a
293Player Default: You'd better tell me what you know, or else.{surprised at player's vehemence / Surprised} I don't know what you're so hot about. Was Paul a friend of yours or something?HenryCooke: Look, he came in here and started waving a gun in my face. I had no choice but to defend myself.B1a
294Player Default: You'd better tell me what you know, or else.{evenly but with an edge of anger / Stern} You better cool, off friend. I don't like people threatening me in my own place. And like I said, I haven't seen Paul.B2a
295Player Default: I find that hard to believe. I think you do know something.{kind of a relief to confess / Depressed} Ah, Christ, you're right. Poor little bastard is dead.HenryCooke: Look, he came in here and started waving a gun in my face. I had no choice but to defend myself.X1a
296Player Default: I find that hard to believe. I think you do know something.{evenly but with an edge of anger / Stern} I'm going to pretend you didn't just call me a liar. You must not have heard me when I told you I don't know where Paul is.X2a
297Player Default: Any idea where he might have gone?{coolly - you're lying - you actually killed him / Thinking} Hmm. I don't know. Maybe one of his get-rich-quick schemes finally blew up in his face.Y1a
298{blandly / Puzzled} Paul? I haven't seen him since he threw his little tantrum about me and Darcy.Player Default: If you say so. Just thought I'd ask.A1a
299MS13PaulDiesCookeKilledPaulConfess{placatingly / Apologetic} Look, he came in here and started waving a gun in my face. I had no choice but to defend myself.A1a
300{Defiant} I cleaned things up quietly. Didn't see any need for a big fuss. That wasn't going to help anybody at that point.A1b
301{Conspiratorial} You're not going to spread this around, right?A1c