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Fallout Wiki

Dialogue for male Broken Hills citizen.


{100}{}{You see a male biped of the species homosapien.}
{101}{}{You see a male townsperson.}
{102}{}{You see a male townsperson. He’s dirty, but he carries his head high.}

{131}{}{All the mutants… dead… I can’t believe it.}
{132}{}{Who’d do such a thing?}
{133}{}{Where did that poison come from?}
{134}{}{With all the mutants dead, we’re going to need NCR for protection.}
{135}{}{I want revenge on the bastards responsible.}
{136}{}{Who can we kill in return?}
{137}{}{Does NCR have an army? Who’ll protect us now?}
{138}{}{I guess we don’t have to worry about possible mutant uprisings now…}
{139}{}{Poor Marcus… who’ll lead us now?}

{147}{}{Is nowhere safe now?}
{148}{}{When did thuggery become so common?}
{149}{}{I’m thinking about moving… it’s not safe here anymore.}
{150}{}{I heard Franc and Manson are real mutie-haters.}
{151}{}{I’m glad they got out… I wonder where they are now.}
{152}{}{Franc and Manson are poison. This town will never be the same until they’re caught again.}
{153}{}{Who would kill those guards? That’s inhuman.}
{154}{}{I can’t believe that this town used to be so peaceful.}

{155}{}{How did you manage to convince the guards to let those two bastards out?}
{156}{}{Thanks for letting out Franc and Manson. They weren’t causing any real trouble.}
{157}{}{Where are Franc and Manson now? They really should be back in jail.}
{158}{}{Some of my best friends are mutants and ghouls…}
{159}{}{I wish we had some more lightbulbs.}
{160}{}{What’s that smell?}
{161}{}{I’m worried that NCR might try to suck us in.}
{162}{}{Do you think New Reno would be a good place to live?}
{163}{}{I don’t have anything against mutants, but they’re so funny looking.}

{164}{}{I’d tell you "nice work," but you’d probably turn me in.}
{165}{}{Jacob and Aileen were mutie-haters, huh? They seemed so nice.}
{166}{}{Come on… Aileen?}
{167}{}{I can’t believe that human/mutant relations have sunk so low.}
{168}{}{Marcus must be pissed at the humans now.}
{169}{}{I think all us humans better just relax and breathe easy for a while.}
{170}{}{I heard the mutants are getting together to destroy the humans!}
{171}{}{What do the ghouls think about all this?}

{172}{}{The mine… destroyed… our homes are worthless now. }
{173}{}{We’re ruined.}
{174}{}{This is the end of Broken Hills.}
{175}{}{I’m gonna head for NCR.}
{176}{}{Who would do such a thing?}
{177}{}{My god… the mine…}
{178}{}{Where’s the justice in the world?}
{179}{}{I guess I’ll just kill myself. Without the mine, I can’t support myself.}
{180}{}{Oh, baby… life is hard.}

{181}{}{Wow… I never knew anyone strong enough to beat Francis.}
{182}{}{You’re so strong!}
{183}{}{You’re real tough, huh?}
{184}{}{Sometimes I feel like a magic 8-ball. I just spout random sayings and walk away.}
{185}{}{Have you ever wrestled a deathclaw?}
{186}{}{Are you as smart as you are strong?}

{187}{}{Francis sure seems happy lately.}
{188}{}{Francis has quite a glow. Did he get laid?}
{189}{}{Hey there, gimp!}
{190}{}{Still walking straight?}
{191}{}{Did Francis scar you?}
{192}{}{You're walking a little loose, there.}
{193}{}{How could you be stupid enough to wrestle Francis for those odds?}
{194}{}{I hope you enjoyed it as much as Francis did.}

{198}{}{Glad to have you in town.}
{199}{}{Gonna stick around for a while?}
{200}{}{I hope you like it here!}
{201}{}{You’re doing a fine job. Ever consider being sheriff?}
{202}{}{Town seems so much nicer lately.}
{203}{}{I think things are finally starting to go our way.}

{204}{}{Get away from me, scumbag.}
{205}{}{I don’t associate with your kind.}
{206}{}{Who let you in?}
{207}{}{I don’t know why they don’t run you out of town.}
{208}{}{Please leave me alone.}
{209}{}{Don’t bother me.}
{210}{}{I can’t help you. Go away.}
{211}{}{Die in the desert, jerk.}
{212}{}{Go away.}

{213}{}{Help me!}
{214}{}{He’s over here!}
{218}{}{Leave me alone!}
{219}{}{No! No! No!}
{220}{}{Don’t touch me!}
{221}{}{Don’t hurt me!}

{250}{}{Those poor people.}
{251}{}{Who fell down Jacob’s ladder?}
{252}{}{Well, look what the desert dragged in.}
{253}{}{Some of my best friends are mutants and ghouls…}
{254}{}{I wish we had some more lightbulbs.}
{255}{}{What’s that smell?}
{256}{}{I’m worried that NCR might try to suck us in.}
{257}{}{Do you think New Reno would be a good place to live?}
{258}{}{I don’t have anything against mutants, but they’re so funny looking.}
{259}{}{Life is hard. Phil’s rotgut shouldn’t be.}
{260}{}{I can’t believe that son of a bitch.}
{261}{}{My cat’s breath smells like cat food.}
