Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

This page lists the Greater Watoga BBS terminal entries, a bulletin-board system installed on several terminals in Watoga in Fallout 76. The entries can be found on many terminals throughout the city, and are the same each time.

Connect to GWBBS[]


| Welcome to The Greater Watoga BBS |

Please select a board to view:

Community Announcements[]


Please select a post:

Notice of Seasonal Pool Closures! [ERROR][]


:: ERROR ::........:: ERROR ::
Either this item is no longer accessible or cannot be loaded at this time.
Please contact the Greater Watoga BBS System Administrator for assistance!
 :: ERROR ::........:: ERROR ::

Main Menu[]

Note: Accessing this command brings one back to the main menu.

Watoga High School Student Study Nights [ERROR][]


:: ERROR ::........:: ERROR ::
Either this item is no longer accessible or cannot be loaded at this time.
Please contact the Greater Watoga BBS System Administrator for assistance!
 :: ERROR ::........:: ERROR ::

Main Menu[]

Note: Accessing this command brings one back to the main menu.

Halloween at Watoga Estates - STICKERS AVAILABLE NOW![]


Notice to all residents:
Hello to everyone that's expressed interest in participating in Halloween festivities at Watoga Estates!

Please stop by the front desk for your building or submit a request for a participation sticker for your door. Miss Nanny bots will be looking for these stickers when they bring children around for candy, so if you don't have a sticker then you won't get to see any cute costumes!

Use stickers ONLY as directed. We don't want a repeat of last year's Stairwell Pile-Up! Thank you for your cooperation.

Music Festival Schedule for Fall [ERROR][]


:: ERROR ::........:: ERROR ::
Either this item is no longer accessible or cannot be loaded at this time.
Please contact the Greater Watoga BBS System Administrator for assistance!
 :: ERROR ::........:: ERROR ::

Main Menu[]

Note: Accessing this command brings one back to the main menu.

Veteran's Day Raffle at Watoga Estates - UNLIMITED INDOOR POOL ACCESS![]


Notice to all residents:
Watoga Estates would like to help support our active military and military veterans with a unique opportunity!

We will be raffling off one month of unlimited access to our indoor pool facilities to residents who turn off lights in their home during the first week of November. Tell your Mr Handy to "Opt-In!" today to start earning tickets for our Veteran's Day raffle. Having one light off for 24 hours will earn one ticket.

Thanksgiving Farmer's Market and Food Bot Schedule [ERROR][]


:: ERROR ::........:: ERROR ::
Either this item is no longer accessible or cannot be loaded at this time.
Please contact the Greater Watoga BBS System Administrator for assistance!
 :: ERROR ::........:: ERROR ::

Main Menu[]

Note: Accessing this command brings one back to the main menu.

General Discussion[]


Please select a post:

To the next Mayor, since this Mayor is An Idiot!! [ERROR][]


:: ERROR ::........:: ERROR ::
Either this item is no longer accessible or cannot be loaded at this time.
Please contact the Greater Watoga BBS System Administrator for assistance!
 :: ERROR ::........:: ERROR ::

Main Menu[]

Note: Accessing this command brings one back to the main menu.

Miss Nanny's New Haircut Features ... Parents BEWARE![]


As a single father, I don't really know what the best looks are for my young daughter. I was initially so glad to hear about this feature! I thought it would make it easy for her to primp and style her hair properly.
HOWEVER! She selected a hairstyle from the default list, and now she only has a single stripe of hair left on her head! I am not sure what to do, because the salon cannot see her until next week. She can't go to high school like this! It is utterly unbelievable that such a hairstyle would be considered default for young ladies.
I can't believe she's not bawling her eyes out over such a disaster, but so far she's not complained even once. What a proper and well mannered young lady! You would almost believe that she wasn't upset at all by the horrible haircut that Miss Nanny gave her.

Free desk sitting outside of Block Q, move it yourself before someone else gets it! [ERROR][]


:: ERROR ::........:: ERROR ::
Either this item is no longer accessible or cannot be loaded at this time.
Please contact the Greater Watoga BBS System Administrator for assistance!
 :: ERROR ::........:: ERROR ::

Main Menu[]

Note: Accessing this command brings one back to the main menu.

I was Mayor for EXACTLY one DAY?[]


I was really excited originally when I came to this town. What an exciting concept.

Anyone can be the mayor just for one day? But then I became the mayor and it lasted ONLY NINE HOURS!

Can someone explain to me why the random rotation goes by so quickly and how do I become the mayor again? Or am I not able to be the mayor ever again since I already did it.


[Q&A] Automated Garbage Disposal Problem? [ANSWERED][]


[QUESTION]DoesIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar anyone know why the automated garbage disposal system on Block C doesn't seem to accept the plastic scrap that my Mr Handy tries to deposit in it?

[CONFIRMED ANSWER] Darel: If the building's disposal system has too much of one kind of scrap, it will stop accepting more until management empties it.

[ANSWER] Naz: Did you ensure that the Handy knows where the scrap deposit chutes are located? It's a common user error during setup.

[ANSWER] Naz: Another thing you could try, if you know how, is to query whether the Handy is detecting an item as plastic. It's good to rule out human error.

To the Well-Coifed Gentleman with the Gold Handy in Block H - Inquiry about your stylist. [ERROR][]


:: ERROR ::........:: ERROR ::
Either this item is no longer accessible or cannot be loaded at this time.
Please contact the Greater Watoga BBS System Administrator for assistance!
 :: ERROR ::........:: ERROR ::

Main Menu[]

Note: Accessing this command brings one back to the main menu.

Pop Culture Talk[]


Please select a post:

Hubris Comics now offers free Automated Pickup in Watoga![]


Your comics are in GOOD HANDS. Get all of your favorite titles delivered directly to your door by your own Mr Handy--and skip waiting in line!

Hubris Comics is not responsible for the condition of your comics or their arrival. Your Handy might try to keep them for himself, after all!

In order to begin receiving your comics at home, stop by the store with your Handy any time. Our friendly automated (and living!) staff are always happy to assist you.

Do you think Grognak and Manta-Man have to hang out a lot because the other Unstoppables are all busy solving crimes? [ERROR][]


ERROR ::........:: ERROR ::
Either this item is no longer accessible or cannot be loaded at this time.
Please contact the Greater Watoga BBS System Administrator for assistance!
 :: ERROR ::........:: ERROR ::

Main Menu[]

Note: Accessing this command brings one back to the main menu.

Atomic Command: Fan Made Watoga Level! [ERROR][]


:: ERROR ::........:: ERROR ::
Either this item is no longer accessible or cannot be loaded at this time.
Please contact the Greater Watoga BBS System Administrator for assistance!
 :: ERROR ::........:: ERROR ::

Main Menu[]

Note: Accessing this command brings one back to the main menu.

Hubris Comics Manta-Man back issue sale! Buy one, get one free![]



Exclusive offer for Watoga residents ONLY.

Backstroke through some Manta-Man Back Issues with our end of summer sale!

Scout's Life back issues looking for a good home ... Send me your best offers. [ERROR][]


:: ERROR ::........:: ERROR ::
Either this item is no longer accessible or cannot be loaded at this time.
Please contact the Greater Watoga BBS System Administrator for assistance!
 :: ERROR ::........:: ERROR ::

Main Menu[]

Note: Accessing this command brings one back to the main menu.

Job Postings [ERROR][]


:: ERROR ::........:: ERROR ::
Either this item is no longer accessible or cannot be loaded at this time.
Please contact the Greater Watoga BBS System Administrator for assistance!
 :: ERROR ::........:: ERROR ::

Main Menu[]

Note: Accessing this command brings one back to the main menu.
