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This is a transcript for dialogue with Grandma Junko.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 006DC95E 006E22B2 Anata... Doesn't this remind you of our wedding day? Everyone celebrating while stuck under a couple of umbrellas. A-na-ta. Imagining talking to her husband, reminiscing about their wedding on a rainy day.
2 006E22B3 Oi-dai, oi-dai. Aw, where did that little kitty go? Pronounced "Oi-Day". First part is said like trying to get the attention of a cat.
3 006E22B4 Oh... my knees. Her knees are sore from old age.
4 006E22B5 Kazuichi? Is that you dear? Oh... No... Of course not. Ka-Zu-EE-Chi. She thinks she sees her husband before sadly realizing it's not
5 006E22B6 When will you come back to me? I don't want to be alone. Player asked about her painful past.
6 006E22B7 I know he'll be here soon... I know it... Talking about her husband. Trying to reassure herself.
7 006E22B8 Something must be wrong with the taps. I swear my clothes are dirtier after I washed them.
8 006E22B9 Maybe it's time we look into signing up for one of those Vault-things. Are they still doing those?
9 006E22BA I wanted to peel some oranges for a healthy snack, but I'm having the darndest time finding any. Surprised Oranges are difficult to find
10 006E22BB Contrary to what she says, that new newscaster loves to talk about herself. Context: A character on the radio keeps talking about herself even after she says "I don't mean to talk about myself"
11 006E22BC Watoga must really love their fireworks. I swear I see flashes of light over there all the time. Context: Near Watoga players regular launch nukes
12 006E22BD I swear... the bees are getting bigger every year.
13 006E22BE <Quiet Sobbing> Remembered something really sad and can't repress it. Trying to not be too loud.
14 006DC95F 006E22C1 Hello dearie!
15 006E22C2 Come here and tell Grandma Junko about your day.
16 006E22C3 You're nothing but skin and bones! Come here and let Grandma whip up a little something. Player can use the character's cooking buff.
17 006E22C4 There you are! I just finished preparing a little dish. Eat. I don't want you being peckish later. Player can use the character's cooking buff.
18 006E22C5 Are you trying to make Obaachan sad? Eat something! Pronounced O-Bah-Chan. Player can use the character's cooking buff and they're starving
19 006E22C6 You've already eaten, but I'm sure you can make room for Obaachan's cooking. Pronounced O-Bah-Chan. Player can use the character's cooking buff but they are well fed
20 006E22C7 I heard your stomach before I could see you. Eat something, you're still growing. Player can use the character's cooking buff.
21 006E22C8 You're up early. Player is awake early
22 006E22C9 Morning sweetie. Player is awake early
23 006E22CA I would have peeled you an orange to eat if I knew you'd be up this early.
24 006E22CB Looks like someone is about to go on an adventure. You go have fun, but be back before dark. Second line said like a parent looking out for a child.
25 006E22CC Put on a scarf! It's going to be cold tonight. Grandmotherly concern
26 006E22CD Perfect weather for some tea. Weather is rainy.
27 006E22CE Are we playing make-believe today? Player is wearing a costume
28 006E22CF Aw, did someone dress themselves today? Remind me to have a talk with your mother about your wardrobe. Player is wearing a costume.
29 006E22D0 Welcome back.
30 006E22D1 There you are! Come talk to Obaachan for a bit. Pronounced O-Bah-Chan
31 006E22D2 You look like you're having fun.
32 006E22D3 Oh my dear sweet baby. Someone's got a fever. Drink some soup and get plenty of rest. Grandma's orders. Player is diseased.
33 006DC960 006DC961 Oh my word.
34 006E22DA Welcome back sweetie. I hope your day is as special as you are.
35 006E22DB Always happy to talk to you.
36 006E22DC Oh my! Please make yourself decent, for Grandma's sake. Player is not wearing clothes.
37 006E22DD You must be in quite a rush if you're forgetting your clothes.
38 006E22DE What's on your mind dearie?
39 006E22DF Oh dearie... did you scrape your knee? Let me see if I can find a bandage for you. Player is highly damaged
40 006E22E0 Tsk tsk tsk, did someone get in a fight with the neighbor again? Player is visibly damaged
41 006E22E1 I always knew you were a bright youngster, but it almost seems like you're glowing! Player is highly irradiated
42 006E22E2 Everything is high-tech these days. When I was your age, that robot costume you stepped into would have been made out of cardboard and bits of string. Player is wearing power armor
43 006E22E3 I know you like your soda pop, but be careful not to rot your teeth out. Player has consumed a lot of soda
44 006E22E4 Well, would you look who it is. Player was Rude to the character and she's waiting for an apology
45 006E22E5 I'm afraid I'm not ready to talk yet. Character just talked about a sensitive subject.
46 006E22E6 I still need some time to... think about things. Character just talked about a sensitive subject.
47 006E22E7 Please give me just a little bit more time. Character just talked about a sensitive subject.
48 006E228D 006E22A5 Aw, thank you dearie.
49 006E34ED Oh! So the cure is in Nuka-Cola? I'll get right on that sweetie. Playfully agreeing like being told a story by a child. Semi-sarcastically says the second line.
50 Just don't drink too much medicine, you'll rot your teeth out.
51 006E34EE I'd appreciate that. Yes, let's do that. Relieved
52 006E34EF It's okay dearie. Let's pretend this never happened. Relieved to not be talking about this anymore.
53 006E34F0 Why do you think I didn't want to talk about it? Cannot believe the player forced her to talk about it and then has the nerve to apologize. Annoyed Disbelief
54 I need some time to think. To package that back up. Trying to handle her emotions.
55 Please give me some space.
56 006E228E 006E22A8 Oh my, where are my manners? My name is Junko, but please feel free to call me Grandma. Or Nana, or Bubba, or anything you want sweetie. Pronounced: June-Ko, na-na, bub-ah
57 My grandchildren have given me many nicknames over the years.
58 006E2293 006E22BF You mean aside from being courteous? A bit surprised that the player isn't being nicer.
59 Well, I am pretty handy in the kitchen, so I'm sure I can whip you up something if your tummy gets rumble-y.
60 006E2295 006E22AC Oh bless you. And don't you worry, I'll be sure to pull my weight while I'm here.
61 I don't mean to brag, but I do know my way around the kitchen, so I'm sure I can whip you up something if your tummy gets rumble-y.
62 006E2297 006E22A6 Oh, there's no need to call yourself a fool, or to run an errand. Unintentionally being sassy
63 And I don't need your help, dearie. Just a place to rest for a moment.
64 006E2299 006E22AE Just a comfortable seat to rest these weary bones, and some time to get my bearings.
65 006E229B 006E22A9 Oh, I appreciate the sentiment, but they know better than to talk to strangers.
66 All I need right now is some time to readjust to the surroundings.
67 006E229D 006E22B0 You see, my dear, sweet grandchildren live in Appalachia.
68 My daughter, their mother, has never been good at updating little ol' me, but even so it feels like an age since she called.
69 006E229E 006E22AD Sorry dearie, my hearing isn't what it used to be. Did you ask if I'm lost? I certainly seem to be.
70 006E22A0 006E22A7 I was trying to find someone but it seems now I'm the one that's lost.
71 006E22A2 006E22AB I'm afraid not. I thought I knew my way, but I seem to have gotten all turned around.
72 006E22A4 006E22D8 Appalachia seems to change every time I visit.
73 It seems my map is already out of date.
74 006E3436 006E34D2 They kept getting delayed. Traffic or something. Where were they? I-I didn't know, but I did know to always had a meal ready.
75 Kazu-kun said something about "limited supplies", but I needed to be ready for my babies. Trying to explain her point of view.
76 He left at one point to restock. He got food, but came back... different. Sick. Tired. Take a beat or moment before saying "Different" "Sick", and "tired".
77 I tried to help, but I swear he's such a sleepyhead. I couldn't get him to stay awake. <Cries> Trying to play it off as him being sleepy, but she's destroyed. Emotional.
78 I left a note saying I went to find our family. He'll come find me when he wakes up. I know it... Sad, emotional but trying to be confident.
79 Yes. When he wakes up. I know Kazu-kun will find me. Emphasis on "When".
80 006E3438 006E3506 Oh good. <Sighs> Grandma needs to uh- to pack that back up. Trying to get a handle on her emotions again.
81 I need some time by myself. To think about things.
82 006E343A 006E34D7 I... I didn't know what was happening. Kazu-kun told me it was time. We had to go. Emotional, she's opening up stuff she had locked away for a long time.
83 He... he had a secret room prepared, and it was built under our house. He knew something big was coming. Probably heard something through work.
84 But the kids knew we had that room! They... they knew to come if ANYTHING happened! A bit hysterical.
85 So we waited as long as we could, and they... didn't come. But they knew to come! We were waiting. Trying to reassure herself.
86 The kids were going to come soon. I knew it! And they would be so hungry. So I- I uh... I made food for them. Emphasis on "I knew it"
87 006E343E 006E34DD Please... Don't make me remember. Quietly pleading the player to stop.
88 Don't make me go back! Pleading.
89 006E3442 006E34E4 I... it's uh... not that. Her lie is falling apart and she's getting closer to facing something she doesn't want to.
90 006E3446 006E34C7 Fine. If you must know, he's been a bit nauseous, and he's self-conscious about rapidly losing hair.
91 006E344A 006E34CF I'd really prefer to not discuss this. Medical issues are personal.
92 006E344E 006E34D4 Oh, silly me. I meant to say he hasn't been feeling well. It's a quick trip so I decided to pop over by myself. Trying to hide something. This is something she's not comfortable talking about.
93 006E3452 006E34D9 Oh... Uh, he's been incredibly busy with work, and wants to save his few vacation days for when we're all together. Hiding something.
94 006E3454 006E34BB Of course I do. But soon I'll find Sayoko and we can all go home together.
95 Don't fret, I'll still write. I hope you like New Year cards!
96 006E3456 006E34F2 Just a simple spread. Onigiri, yakizakana, ohitashi, and an extra large serving of miso soup to wash it down. Pronounced "O-nee-gee-ree" "Ya-kee-za-ka-na" "O-hee-ta-she" "mee-sew"
97 Eh, had to make a couple of substitutions for ingredients I couldn't find, but it's all Obaachan approved.
98 006E34F3 I wasn't sure what you were in the mood for, so I made katsudon, gyuudon, oyakodon, and some hiyayakko. Pronounced "kat-su-don" "Gyu-don" "O-ya-ko-don" "Hee-ya-ya-ko"
99 Oh, you would not believe how difficult it was to get some of these ingredients, so eat up! Surprised by the difficulty by which it took to get the ingredients
100 006E34F4 In case you want something sweet, Grandma has prepared some cake, a cobbler, cookies, and an apple pie!
101 At least I think those were apples. Hahaha. Quietly, almost to herself.
102 006E34F5 Ah, got some nikujaga, karaage, and various pieces of tempura, all homemade and filled with love! Pronounced "nee-ku-ja-ga" "ka-ra-gei" "tem-pu-ra"
103 I had to improvise a bit, but it's still tasty, don't you worry.
104 006E3457 006E34CC Oh. Was there anything else?
105 006E3459 006E3507 I knew I should have made a bigger batch, you're still growing after all. Context: Player is currently buffed
106 Obaachan's going to make it up to you tomorrow, okay sweetie?
107 006E3508 You're going to eat me out of house and home. Context: Player has already been buffed, and the buff is in cooldown. Said playfully
108 Tell you what, let Grandma grab some groceries, and I'll get you a nice big meal tomorrow.
109 006E3509 Ha, I had a feeling you were going to ask so I prepared you a little something. Nothing too crazy. Emphasis on "too"
110 006E345B 006E3501 I hope you like knick-knacks and trinkets.
111 006E3502 Oh, do you want to show me your bottle cap collection? Of course Sweetie.
112 006E3503 Hmm, if you're too impatient to wait for your birthday, then I guess I can make an exception.
113 006E345D 006E34B7 Is that what you call it? I'm so proud of you for trying. Emphasis on "that". Doesn't want to seem rude but is looking down on the player a bit.
114 Let me see if I can't find some recipes for you to create something with... more flavor. Concerned in a caring manner
115 006E345F 006E34DE Don't talk to strangers!
116 006E34DF Make sure you finish up your chores BEFORE you go off gallivanting with your friends. Pronounced "Ga-le-van-ting"
117 006E34E0 I want you home when the street lights turn on. Said in the morning.
118 006E34E1 You should sleep soon. It's getting late and you need a full eight hours.
119 006E3461 006E34E6 Oh! Exciting! Please tell grandma all about your little "adventures". Excited like a grandmother being told a story by their grandchild.
120 006E3463 006E34C5 What would you like to know, dearie?
121 006E3465 006E34F7 Of course dearie, what can Obaachan do for you?
122 006E3467 006E34CE Of course dearie. I didn't want to say anything that may affect your self esteem, but you're too skinny.
123 Come here and let Grandma Junko fill your heart and your stomach with some food made fresh with an extra serving of love.
124 006E3469 006E34FE Enough with memory lane for now.
125 006E346B 006E34D3 I have a beautiful family and I have told you about them in-depth last time.
126 We're done with that topic.
127 006E346D 006E34B5 Oh, my favorite subject! Excited
128 Well there's Kazuichi, my darling husband. Quiet, but caring. He's just recently retired you know. Pronounced "Ka-zu-E-chi"
129 There's Sayoko, my brilliant and beautiful daughter. She lives in this neck of the woods with her husband, Manabu. Pronounced "Sa-yo-ko"
130 And of course I have 3 grandchildren. Asa-chan, Kei-kun, and Mako-chan. Ah, it's been too long since I've seen them. Grateful, but longing to see them. Pronounced "A-sa" "Kay" (as in the letter), and "Ma-ko"
131 006E346F 006E34D8 A little bit of everywhere. My family comes from a small city known as Inzai over in Japan. Pronounced In-za-e
132 We moved here when I was young, and I grew up mainly in small towns over on the west coast.
133 Once I got married, we moved around to various cities for my husband's work.
134 It was difficult leaving my friends, but we were together, and we were able to travel all over this beautiful country.
135 006E3471 006E34DC It's pronounced "June-Ko". It means "pure child".
136 My father wasn't a very sentimental man, but he apparently picked that name the moment he first saw me. Reminiscing on her family.
137 I don't have much to remember him by, but thinking of that makes me smile.
138 006E3473 006E34BE War? Wait, which war? How old do you think I am? Context, the last war she can think of was a very long time ago
139 006E3475 006E34E3 What a rude question! If you must know, it's a combination of yoga, and eating well. Starts insulted, second sentence said very matter-of-fact
140 Also a piece of chocolate to keep me feeling young.
141 006E3477 006E34C2 Interesting is one way to put it. Who wears tires for fashion? Like some grandmotherly gossip
142 And what are those green crystals people glue to themselves? Do they not see how irritated it is making their skin?
143 Oh my, I'm rambling. I meant, did you have anyone in particular?
144 006E347A 006E34E9 Oh of course you did. I'm so proud of you. And where is this cure? Said like talking to a child. Not fully believing them
145 006E347C 006E34C9 Oh is this one of those... Nandakke... Oh, one of those comic book things? Says "Nandakke" as she struggles to remember. Pause for a moment. Pronounced "Nan-Da-kay"
146 Just be careful with your playfighting. There's a reason my uncle walked with a limp. Said as a word of warning.
147 006E347E 006E34FA What? No! And you didn't invite me to the graduation? Tsk, tsk, I could have used a full page in the scrapbook.
148 Oh, you grow up so fast.
149 006E3480 006E34D0 You have such a vivid imagination. Don't let anyone take that from you. Said with love, but like she's talking to an overactive kid.
150 006E3482 006E3504 Oh that's an adventure Obaachan has gone through more than once. Pronounced "Oh-bah-chan". Said as though she has been through this herself.
151 Had to fight someone off with my cane last time. I've never seen someone so keen to steal a spot in line. In Disbelief at how disrespectful people could be.
152 006E3484 006E34D5 Of course, let's do that.
153 006E348A 006E34BC Very sad, but this is what happens to the youth of today when they drop out of college.
154 They can't string together a coherent sentence, and their lack of basic hygiene has made them sickly and green.
155 Oh, and their pets! One of their dogs almost bit me! Did I get an apology? No! Not until after I got through scolding him! Hmph. More annoyed than angry. Emphasis on "after"
156 Last time I go to Huntersville! More annoyed than angry.
157 006E348C 006E34E2 You mean the University's Entomology students? Yes they're rather odd, but I guess that's just what their hazing is like these days. Pronounced "En-tuh-ma-luh-jee"
158 Oh that brings me back. Back when I was in school, if you wanted to pledge to a house you'd have to streak buck-naked through... Reminiscing about her younger days before realizing the topic isn't appropriate.
159 Actually I'll tell you that story when you're older.
160 006E348E 006E34C1 Terribly rude. They were pushy and insisted that I stay the night but required I wear a gaudy necklace.
161 I managed to slip away but I would never recommend their accommodations to anyone. Like she's giving a review on a bad hotel.
162 006E3490 006E34E7 I'm all for supporting a good cause, but did they have to make such a mess?
163 The Whitespring used to be a refined location. Now there's a man trading resources for stamps of all things! Incredulous
164 Oh and their chef. Lovely stew, but it seems they could really use an assistant to prepare the ingredients.
165 006E3492 006E34C6 Oh dear, I've met them. More young minds rotten to the core. They can hardly speak and they are constantly jittery. Tsk tsk tsk. Concerned about the youth
166 This is why winners don't use chems. And you're a winner to grandma, okay? Don't forget that. Like she's giving her child an anti-drug talk
167 006E3494 006E34CD Oh they're just darling, insisting I stay when I came to buy some groceries.
168 While it was tempting, I don't think I could stay somewhere that leaves cooking to a robot.
169 I wanted to try a sandwich, but instead it gave me some ravioli!
170 006E3496 006E34FD Ah yes, I remember them. They're the new local police force, yes?
171 I recall they had this sweet young thing with them... Odyssey... Odessa... something like that. Struggling to remember the name after the ellipses.
172 She was a dear. Her rude friend was keen to leave, but she remained and was talking my ear off, asking about appliances of all things.
173 006E3498 006E34C4 Oh sweetie, I think you're confused.
174 The word you're looking for is "Government", and while they may run things, it's our votes that make all the difference.
175 006E349A 006E34F6 Of course sweetie.
176 006E349B 006E34E5 Have you learned how to apologize?
177 006E349D 006E34BF I'm glad to hear it. Now then, where were we?
178 006E349F 006E34EA I'm sorry to hear that. Oh look, "Sorry". See how easy it is? Condescending.
179 006E34EB Ah, I'm sure you'll find some manners eventually.
180 006E34EC That's a shame. Well, I'll be here should you learn how to be a decent human being.
181 006E34A1 006E34CA Oh I've seen the sorry state of food you youngins are whipping up.
182 You'll get none of those college-styled instant meals from me, no siree.
183 Only the finest in grandmotherly cooking! Chock full of tender love and care. Proud of herself
184 006E34A3 006E34FB It's what everyone needs dearie.
185 006E34A5 006E34D1 Well I never! How dare you undercut the importance of a loving home-cooked meal! Annoyed and insulted.
186 If you're going to be rude, you get to be rude all by yourself!
187 Let me know when you want to apologize. Says this as the final word in the conversation.
188 006E34A6 006E3505 But enough of that. Let grandma know when you're feeling peckish and I'll whip you up something special.
189 006E34A8 006E34D6 Ah, yokatta! Pronounced "Yo-kat-ta"
190 006E34AA 006E34B9 Of course sweetie. A full stomach leads to a full heart!
191 006E34AC 006E34DB Oh my! Hahaha. I'm... glad you liked it.
192 006E34AE 006E34BD That's also rude! I know Appalachia isn't for everyone, but no need to phrase it like that.
193 006E34B0 006E34E8 Oh that's simple sweetie, I keep my nose out of other people's business.
194 If I stay uninvolved, I find most people pay me no mind.
195 006E34B2 006E34C8 Honey, war is never great. Serious and a bit sad
196 It's dark, depressing and isolating. At least I would assume so. I've been very fortunate in that regard.
197 006E34B4 006E34F9 Well I never! Seems like someone is being cranky. Insulted.
198 You have a nap and come back when you're ready to not be a brat.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes

77 005A21AB 006E22D5 They didn't mention they'd be having friends over. You wait there and I'll whip something up! Non-owning Player Character
78 006E22D6 Oh hello there. Please be a good friend for them. Non-owning player character
79 006E22D7 I think you have the wrong house. Are you lost? Non-Owning Player Character