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This is a transcript for dialogue with Giuseppe Della Ripa.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00652C81 0065318E Oh, I agree. Playful
2 00652C85 0065318A The offer's always open. Enticing
3 00652C8A 00653193 You have only ever seen me in the distance. Never up close. Look in any direction, and I will be there. What am I? Asking a riddle
4 00652C8D 00653187 Yes, the horizon! Forever in the distance. No matter how far you walk, you will never reach it. Happy
5 00652C90 00653191 That which is taller and older gives this gift in exchange... what is the "gift"? Asking a riddle
6 006547E1 I make you beautiful, I make you sly. What am I? Asking a riddle
7 006547E2 The more of me there is, the longer I'll stay. What am I? Asking a riddle.
8 00652C98 00653198 Correct yet again! We give carbon dioxide, and in return receive oxygen. Trees are taller and older, are they not?
9 00652CA1 0065318B You got it! Pick a lock, or use it to style your hair. It's the perfect multipurpose tool for getting exactly what you want.
10 00652CAD 00653194 That's right! The more radiation there is, the longer the half-life. Guess we've got a long ways to go around here, huh?
11 00652CAF 0065319A Ah, I believe in your language it is simply Italy. I was born there. I remember very little of it. A slight sadness
12 There's still a connection. I think there's something that binds you to where your ancestors are from. Genuine
13 It may not make sense if you've been raised in the place your family has always had roots in.
14 Ah, don't mind me. I'm just rambling at this point. A tinge of embarrassment, moving on
15 What makes it worse is knowing I can never go back. That, and not knowing what Italy's fate was after the bombs. Who knows what it looks like now? Sadness, longing
16 00652CB0 00653190 Do come back. A little sly
17 00652CB1 0065318D Let's just say I'm looking for some things I've lost that may be found again. I don't know if I can find them definitively, but it is worth the risk. Keeping at arm's length
18 00652CB2 00653196 I have books upon books of riddles. They keep a man entertained. Besides, it's a good conversation starter. Friendly
19 00652CB5 00653188 Fame and fortune. Or maybe just fortune. Perhaps neither. It's easier to earn money than to search for what you're really looking for. playful but mysterious, ending on a blunt note
20 00652CB6 00653192 Yes, we are friends. You're probably the most reliable person I know of. I suppose it is only fair. Well, you see, my mother died back in New York. Bringing down the defenses
21 She was all I had. And now...now I'm back in Appalachia looking for any family I might have. Hurt but determined
22 My family immigrated to Clarksburg from Italia before the war. So I might just have some surviving relatives here. If I'm lucky, that is. Hopeful
23 Of course, this all stays between us, capiche? I don't need every single soul and their mother in the Whitespring knowing my business. Drying the tears, returning to normal playfulness. Pronounced "capeesh"
24 00652CC0 00653195 You walk past and see a sparkle at the edge of your vision. Maybe it's a dusty mirror, or a long-forgotten urn. A decades-old music box. Painting a picture for the imagination
25 That's a curio. With importance
26 00652CC1 0065318C I've called many places home. Clarksburg, New York. Now Appalachia again. But none ring truer in my heart than the homeland. Nostalgia
27 Italia! With love
28 00652CC2 00653199 Buy, sell, trade, and count. I'm a collector of oddities and eccentricities. And I sell those eccentricities. For the right price. Pride
29 Perhaps I might have something to your liking. Enticing
30 00652CC8 00652CCC Nice try, but that's incorrect. Take a night to think it over, and I'm sure you'll get it tomorrow! Poor you
31 00652CCD Apologies, my friend. You've exhausted all of my best ones! A bit impressed
32 00652CCE Wonderful! Here it is. Excited
33 00652CCF You sure can. Excited
34 00652CC9 00652CE9 Skippy should live by his name and "skip" on down to my store. A thought to self
35 00652CEA Ellison's a good kid, but that Brotherhood gig of his isn't going to make him any money. A thought to self. The Brotherhood are soldiers-- Giuseppe doesn't understand the appeal
36 00652CEB Discount? Not in this damn bottle cap economy. As if reflecting on a previous conversation, to self
37 00652CEC Haven't been sleeping well lately. Maybe I should try counting sheep instead of stamps. To self
38 00652CED Curios and curiosities! Uh, do they mean the same thing? Carnival barker, then an aside to self
39 00652CEE I bet Rucker could use a trinket to cheer her up! Poor girl always looks exhausted. To self
40 00652CEF There are far worse places to set up shop than the Whitespring. Far worse. To self. Definitely remembering a bad time.
41 00652CF0 My curios are not junk. I'd like to think of them as refined junk. Pride. Emphasis on refined
42 00652CF1 That riddle is driving me insane. Self. a bit annoyed
43 00652CF2 Sometimes these days get so long I forget why I came here in the first place. Exhausted, longing for more
44 00652CF3 I could really use a day off. But this shop won't run itself. Tired, but trying to renew self
45 00652CF4 There must be some pre-war books lying around the Whitespring, ripe for the taking! Money in his eyes
46 00652CCA 00652CD0 You look like you could lose some weight... from your pockets! Playful
47 00652CD1 An abundance of trinkets for sale, available for your perusal! Well, maybe not an abundance. Enticing a nearby customer. Emphasis on second abundance
48 00652CD2 You don't look so good, friend... May I interest you in my all-encompassing miracle cure? Seeming genuine concern turning into a sales pitch
49 00652CD3 Try not to track all of that dirt into my shop. I already near broke my back trying to wash up the fallout. Friendly if a little snooty
50 00652CD4 Have you ever read a book so much its pages faded? I think I'll go crazy when I lose the answers to my riddle book. Slight worry
51 00652CD5 Need any help carrying all those stamps? Greedy for caps
52 00652CD6 Oh, you think I'm a good salesman? You should've met my mother. That woman could get you to sell the shirt off your back! Fond remembering, humorous
53 00652CD7 The world runs on caps. You'd do well to remember that. Friendly advice
54 00652CD8 Do you read much? It's about all that keeps me sane these days. Perhaps not actually caring about the answer-- more interested in expressing his own story
55 00652CD9 Ever been to Clarksburg? Why would you ever need to go when you've got everything you need at Giuseppe's Curios?
56 00652CDA Here's an easy riddle for you: I am all around you, but you cannot see me. You know me, but have never met me. What am I? Playful, mysterious
57 00652CDB You're very... jumpy, aren't you? Perhaps it's nerves. Maybe a little judgy
58 00652CCB 00652CDC I made quite the profitable trade yesterday. Good things come to those who wait. Or those who survive a nuclear apocalypse. Proud, cheeky at the end
59 00652CDD If you happen to see Giuseppe, tell them that no matter how much they call me "darling" they still owe me fifty stamps for the gold watch. A bit playful, but not joking
60 00652CDE Salutations, my friend! Have you come to buy today? Friendly
61 00652CDF Ah, my loyal customer! Returning once again with the desire to shop, I hope? Warm
62 00652CE0 I see you're up bright and early! I bet you needed to get some morning shopping done. Warm
63 00652CE1 It's a fine day, isn't it? And you're spending it inside of my shop. A little strange, but I'm not complaining! Friendly
64 00652CE2 Your lack of stamps brings pity to my Italian heart. Here, take this. It should get you started. Slightly condescending, but friendly
65 Consider it a customer loyalty program. When you have more money in your wallet, you know where to spend it, yeah? Money in the eyes
66 00652CE3 See anything you like? You might just be able to fill that emotional void in your heart with one of my wares! Playful
67 00652CE4 There are not many people I trust in Appalachia, but the Whitespring is a safe place. Peaceful
68 00652CE5 Those robots running the shops in the Whitespring? I wouldn't trust them. A bunch of racketeers, all of them! Distrustful of robots, but confiding in the player. Humorous tone
69 00652CE6 Ah, a customer! Here to peruse or buy? Excitement
70 Either way, prepare your eyes for a feast of the senses! A spectacle like no other! Drumming up anticipation
71 Oh, I got a bit carried away, didn't I? Forgot to properly introduce myself. A tinge of embarrassment
72 Giuseppe Della Ripa, at your service. Tradesman and curio collector. Welcome to Giuseppe's Curios. Dramatic but welcoming
73 00652CE7 I see we meet once again. Welcome to Giuseppe's Curios! Excitement
74 006547C9 006547DE If you're someone who has called many places home such as myself, stamps become sentimental. Charming.
75 They remind you of places that have been and places that could be. As such, I collect them. Still quite charming.
76 If you don't want them, I'll gladly take them. I'll trade you for it. Trying to make it sound like a good deal.
77 006547CA 006547D6 Of course. Friendly and happy that the player asked.
78 006547CC 006547E5 Stamps you say? This conversation just got a lot more interesting, my friend. Interested for personal gain.