Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Gary was an employee at the Gilman lumber mill before the Great War.


Assuming that he was sick of cutting wood at the lumber mill, Paul wrote to Gary describing a much better job opportunity at WV Lumber Co., which was not automated and had much better pay. Because the foreman was looking for more workers, Paul told Gary to "grab the gang" and transfer to the WV Lumber Co. before it was too late.[1]

However, Gary never followed through with the offer. His skeleton could be found at the Gilman lumber mill, sitting in a chair with Paul's note on a crate next to him. When the Responders occupied the lumber mill in 2105, Gary's remains were removed.


Gary's skeleton appeared in Fallout 76. It was removed in the Expeditions: Atlantic City update, when the Gilman lumber mill was overhauled.

