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This is a transcript for dialogue with Lenny.

{100}{}{You see an especially short, older ghoul.}
{101}{}{You see Lenny, Harold’s assistant.}
{102}{}{You see a short, older ghoul. He appears to be preoccupied.}

{110}{}{Hello there, my name’s Lenny. H’how can I h’help you?}
{111}{}{Hello ag’gain. How c’can I help you?}
{112}{}{I hear that you’re the Descendant of the Vault Dweller. You know, I met the Vault Dweller once.}
{113}{}{Hello there. I j’just can’t g’get over h’how much you look like the Vault Dweller. Wh’what c’can I do for you?}
{114}{}{Grenny? Heewo.}
{115}{}{What do you do here?}
{116}{}{I’m wounded. Can you help me?}
{117}{}{One of my friends is hurt. Can you help them?}
{118}{}{My friends are hurt. Can you help them?}
{119}{}{Lenny, have you ever heard of something called a Garden of Eden Creation Kit?}
{120}{}{You met my ancestor?}
{121}{}{I’m just looking around. Goodbye.}
{122}{}{Can you provide healing.}

{125}{}{Yes. What do you need?}
{126}{}{I guess I don’t need anything right now.}

{130}{}{Y’you sh’shouldn’t have left your village. G’go home now.}
{131}{}{Home? Goobye.}

{140}{}{Y’you sh’should go home.}
{141}{}{I c’can’t take time for you.}
{142}{}{Sh’shoo. Go away!}

{150}{}{A G’garden of Eden C’creation K’kit? I heard that Vault City had one of those. That’s the only one I’ve ever heard of, though.}
{151}{}{I’m wounded. Can you help me?}
{152}{}{One of my friends is hurt. Can you help them?}
{153}{}{Well, my ancestor, the Vault Dweller, said that Vault 13 owes us one. I need to find it.}
{154}{}{I guess that’s all I need to know. Goodbye.}

{160}{}{W’well, I h’help H’harold mostly. Wh’when people get hurt, I h’help them out.}
{161}{}{Help Harold do what?}
{162}{}{Let me ask you something else.}
{163}{}{You can heal people?}
{164}{}{I’m wounded. Can you help me?}
{165}{}{One of my friends is hurt. Can you help them?}
{166}{}{I’ll have to keep that in mind, if I get hurt. Thanks. Goodbye.}

{170}{}{L’let me t’take a look at that. I th’think I c’can help you.}
{171}{}{Isn’t this going to cost me anything?}
{172}{}{Thanks, Lenny. Let me ask you something else.}
{173}{}{Thanks, Lenny. Goodbye.}
{174}{}{I c’can h’help you. B’but it’ll c’cost you $30. F’for supplies.}
{175}{}{I don’t think I need your help right now. Goodbye.}

{180}{}{Well, your f’friend c’could use a little h’help. I c’can h’help them though.}
{181}{}{L’look’s like you f’found some kind of trouble to g’get into. I c’can fix them up, though.}
{182}{}{Isn’t this going to cost me anything?}
{183}{}{Thanks Lenny. Let me ask you something else.}
{184}{}{Thanks Lenny. Goodbye.}
{185}{}{Your f’friend is hurt. I can f’fix ’em up f’for $30. I n’need the m’money for s’supplies.}
{186}{}{What have you f’folks been up to. L’looks l’like you c’could really use some healing. I n’need to charge you $60 to heal everyone.}
{187}{}{Your f’friend looks ok to me.}

{190}{}{W’well. I didn’t actually m’meet the V’vault Dweller. But I saw them. Once. }
{191}{}{You saw the Vault Dweller? Where?}
{192}{}{Oh, I see. Well, I’ve got places to go, things to kill. Goodbye.}

{200}{}{Well, b’before the W’war I w’was a doctor.}
{201}{}{Before the war? But that must have been almost 160 years ago.}
{202}{}{Oh; well, that explains it. Thanks. Goodbye.}

{210}{}{That’s t’true. B’but the radiation seems to have g’given us g’ghouls a longer life-span. ‘Course, it took almost eveything else away.}
{211}{}{Took things away?}
{212}{}{Everything seems to have good and bad mixed together. Goodbye.}

{220}{}{W’well, y’yes. We look l’like f’friggin’ f’freaks. We d’don’t have any skin, for Chrisakes.}
{221}{}{Well, I guess you have seen better days.}
{222}{}{As a group, you’re not the most attractive bunch on the planet. Goodbye.}

{230}{}{Y’you c’could say that. I’d trade in all those years to b’be a n’normal person again.}
{231}{}{Well, not much hope of that, I suppose.}
{232}{}{I bet you would. Goodbye.}

{240}{}{If those f’fools in Vault City w’would share their medical technology, I’m sure we could c’cleanse the excess r’radiation and heal ourselves.}
{241}{}{They won’t help you?}
{242}{}{I think I’ve heard enough. Goodbye.}

{250}{}{Y’you’ve been to Vault City? Then you t’tell me wh’what you think the chances of g’getting h’help from those bigots is. M’might as well watch a p’paper dog chase an asbestos c’cat through hell.}
{251}{}{I’m sorry to hear that, but I think you’re right. Let me ask you about something else.}
{252}{}{I’m sorry to hear that. Goodbye.}

{260}{}{N’no. L’life’s too short -- heh, heh -- well, for m’most people -- to sweat the s’small stuff. Know what? It’s all small stuff. This is f’free.}
{261}{}{Thanks Lenny.}

{270}{}{I’it w’was a long time ago. In a place called N’necropolis. A lot of us g’ghouls lived there. One, day I saw someone running through the city.}
{272}{}{Well, I think I’ve had enough of your hazy memories for now. Goodbye.}

{280}{}{Yes, running. You see, we ghouls c’can’t run too much anymore. So, I knew it was an outsider when I saw them. They ran by so close I could have touched them. I wish that I had joined the Vault Dweller.…}
{281}{}{You wanted to join my grandsire?}
{282}{}{Yeah, as though my ancestor would let a fleshless freak like you do anything with them. Goodbye.}
{283}{}{Uh, well, I’d love to hear the whole story but I’ve got things to do. Goodbye.}

{290}{}{Yes. I h’had the chance of a lifetime and I blew it.}
{291}{}{What do you mean?}
{292}{}{Well, those are the breaks. Goodbye.}

{300}{}{L’later, I h’heard that the Vault Dweller had fixed our water system. The V’vault Dweller saved us -- all of us. Do you understand? It didn’t matter that we were ghouls. For once it didn’t matter. We w’were people again. W’worth saving.}
{301}{}{My ancestor was the founder of our tribe. That memory is revered amongst my people.}
{302}{}{Well, I’m only interested in saving my tribe. The rest of the world can fend for itself. Goodbye.}

{310}{}{Later, I heard that the Vault Dweller destroyed the source of the m’mutant army. The Vault D’dweller saved all of us. Human and ghoul alike… I could have been a part of that, but I lacked the c’courage. I’ve never forgiven m’myself.}
{311}{}{I am following in my ancestor’s footsteps. Would you like another chance? Will you join me?}
{312}{}{I’m sure that the work you do here amongst the ghouls has value and meaning. It was good to hear of my ancestor. Let me ask you something.}
{313}{}{Well, a lot of people are cowards deep down inside. It’s not something to be overly ashamed of. You’re just weak. Goodbye.}
{314}{}{Often the right path is not obvious. We all have our special purpose here. Thanks for telling me of my ancestor. Goodbye.}

{320}{}{I’m h’happier than a bull b’brahmin in a pasture-full o’ cows! I’d b’be honored to j’join you. I m’may be old and I cain’t m’move t’too darn fast, leastwasy not for too long, b’but I kin sure p’patch you up when y’you need it.}
{321}{}{I am glad that you can join me. I’m sure that your healing skills will come in handy.}
{322}{}{Hmm, this might be too arduous for one of your advanced age. I think you should stay here. I’m sorry. Goodbye.}

{330}{}{I have work to do here. I c’cannot join you.}
{331}{}{You are n’not at all like your ancestor. Y’you disgrace their m’memory.}
{332}{}{Y’you have m’much to learn about life. I d’do not like what y’you have learned so far.}
{333}{}{I am saddened to hear that you cannot join me.}
{334}{}{Jeez, you’d think a piece of rotting meat like you would leap at the chance to get out of this glowing cesspool of a town. Goodbye.}

{340}{}{I h’help H’harold administer the town. Th’there’s always more p’paperwork to do.}
{341}{}{What else did you say you did here?}
{342}{}{I guess that’s all I need to know for now. Goodbye.}

{350}{}{You d’didn’t have enough m’money... b’but I helped y’you out anyway. J’jist c’cant stand to see p’people in p’pain.}
{351}{}{I can’t thank you enough, Lenny. I need some more information from you, though.}
{352}{}{Thanks, Lenny. I definitely owe you one. Goodbye.}

{360}{}{There are s’so many p’people here. You d’don’t need my h’help, anymore. G’good-luck to you.}

{370}{}{I never th’thought I’d live to see the d’day when I’d be ashamed to b’be p’part of what you’re doing. You’re a d’disgrace to the Vault Dweller’s m’memory. B’dee-ya, b’dee-ya, goodbye.}
{371}{}{Y’know, I th’thought it w’would be nice to t’travel around with y’you. But you’re j’jist an ornery and c’cantankerous as a bull b’brahmin with a c’cactus up it’s ass. And you don’t s’smell much b’better, either. B’dee-ya, b’dee-ya, goodbye.}
{372}{}{I’m sorry to see you go, Lenny.}
{373}{}{You can’t handle it, huh? Well, you better just drag your half-rotten carcass away before I make up my mind as to whether snuffing you is worth a cartridge or not.}
{374}{}{*Burp* Yeah, whatever. I guess you’ve got other things to do, like spending all of your free time trying to remember what it was like to have skin that didn’t look like three month old roadkill in July. Get out of here, you fucking freak.}

{380}{}{Wh’what d’do you w’want me to do?}
{381}{}{Lenny, I know you’re really trying. But please get out of my way.}
{382}{}{I need you to fight differently, Lenny.}
{383}{}{I need you to wait here.}
{384}{}{Physician, heal thyself.}
{385}{}{I need some healing Lenny.}
{386}{}{I need you to heal some of our friends here.}
{387}{}{I need you to heal us.}
{388}{}{How are you doing, old-timer?}
{389}{}{I don’t need anything else from you right now, Lenny.}

{400}{}{You want me to f’fight d’differently?}
{401}{}{I want you to change your distance.}
{402}{}{I want you to use your best weapon.}
{403}{}{I want you to use your best armor}
{404}{}{I want you to fight differently.}
{405}{}{Never mind.}

{410}{}{H’how, f’far do you want m’me to be? You know it’s hard for me to c’catch up.}
{411}{}{I want you to stay only a short distance away from me.}
{412}{}{I want you to stay at medium distance.}
{413}{}{I want you to stay at long distance.}
{414}{}{I need you to scout ahead.}
{415}{}{Never mind.}

{420}{}{Wh’what d’do you want me to d’do?}
{421}{}{I want you to fight defensively for now.}
{422}{}{I need you to fight normally.}
{423}{}{I need you to fight aggressively.}
{424}{}{Never mind.}

{430}{}{I g’guess you c’can teach an old d’dog new tricks. What a k’kick.}
{431}{}{I j’jist c’can’t seem to g’get the hang of it, somehow.}

{440}{}{Oh, Okay. I’ll w’wait right here until you g’get back. G’give me a chance to r’rest my aching j’joints.}
{441}{}{You do that, Lenny. Goodbye.}
{442}{}{You should wait here; oh, and another thing...}
{443}{}{Never mind.}

{450}{}{I g’gotta g’get a b’bigger g’gun.}
{451}{}{Use your best weapon, Lenny.}
{461}{}{Put your best armor on, Lenny.}
{462}{}{Lenny, after you put on your best armor, there’s something else I need you to do for me.}
{463}{}{Never mind.}

{470}{}{That’s a g’good idea. I w’was wondering when we’d s’stop for that. I’m h’hurtin’ fer c’certain.}
{471}{}{Y’you ought to l’let m’me take a l’look at those w’wounds o’ yours.}
{472}{}{Seems l’like someone n’needs m’me to sow ‘em up ag’gain.}
{473}{}{Go ahead and heal yourself.}
{474}{}{Heal yourself, and then there’s something else I need you to do.}
{475}{}{Go ahead and heal me, please.}
{476}{}{Heal me, and then there’s something else I need you to do.}
{477}{}{Go ahead and heal us.}
{478}{}{Heal us, and then there’s something else I need you to do.}
{479}{}{Never mind.}

{480}{}{I c’cain’t d’do that. I’m not really much of a scout.}
{481}{}{Oh, okay. Never mind.}

{490}{}{I’ll s’stick c’close to you.}
{491}{}{Stay close now, Lenny.}
{492}{}{Stay close, and there’s something else I need you to do for me too.}
{493}{}{Never mind.}

{500}{}{I g’guess we d’don’t want to m’make too easy a t’target huh?}
{501}{}{Don’t get too close, Lenny. I want to make them work at hitting us.}
{502}{}{Don’t close up too much. There’s something else I need you to do for me, too.}
{503}{}{Never mind.}

{510}{}{Okay, I’ll s’stay a b’bit farther off. S’seems like people mostly want to k’kill you, anyways.}
{511}{}{I need you to keep back for your own safety. It has absolutely nothing to do with the way you smell.}
{512}{}{Before we spread out I need you to do something else for me, as well.}
{513}{}{Never mind.}

{520}{}{I’ve g’gotten pretty g’good at looking out f’fer myself o’er the years.}
{521}{}{I just need you to be careful when we get into fights.}
{522}{}{I want to make sure that nothing happens to you. Heck, you’re an antique. One more thing, though…}
{523}{}{Never mind.}

{530}{}{Only way to d’do it.}
{531}{}{Just fight the way you normally would, and we should be fine.}
{532}{}{Just loosen up and fight normally. One more thing...}
{533}{}{Never mind.}

{540}{}{I c’can’t do that. J’jist fighting at all is about all th’these old b’bones kin handle.}
{541}{}{OK. Never mind.}

{1000}{}{Wh’what d’do you w’want me to do?}

{1100}{}{I’m d’doing fine.}
{1200}{}{I have a minor w’wound but I can keep g’going.}
{1300}{}{That’s a g’good idea. I w’was wondering when we’d s’stop for that. I’m h’hurtin’ fer c’certain.}
{1400}{}{I need healing now or I’m g’gonna die.}

{1500}{}{Oh, okay. I’ll w’wait right here until you g’get back. G’give me a chance to r’rest my aching j’joints.}


{1700}{}{I’ll s’stick c’close to you.}
{1800}{}{I g’guess we d’don’t want to m’make too easy a t’target huh?}
{1900}{}{Okay, I’ll s’stay a b’bit farther off. S’seems like people mostly want to k’kill you, anyways.}

{2000}{}{There are s’so many p’people here. You d’don’t need my h’help anymore. G’good-luck to you.}
{2100}{}{I never th’thought I’d live to see the d’day when I’d be ashamed to b’be p’part of what you’re doing. You’re a d’disgrace to the Vault Dweller’s m’memory. B’dee-ya, b’dee-ya, goodbye.}
{2200}{}{I w’wasn’t sure you’d come back.}

{2300}{}{What's with the rush all the time?}
{2301}{}{Oh, sorry. I'll get out of your way.}
{2302}{}{Rush, rush, rush. OK, take it easy, I'm moving. Sorry, I didn't mean to get in your way.}
{2303}{}{I'm sorry, I just can't move any faster. I'll get out of your way then.}
{2304}{}{Oh, okay, I'll lurch out of your way.}
{2305}{}{I'll just stagger over here then.}
{2306}{}{I don't mean to be an obstacle.}
{2307}{}{Oh, sorry.}

{3000}{}{Too many bad things happen around you. I am leaving before something happens to me.}
{3001}{}{I'm not going to help a childkiller. Goodbye.}
{3002}{}{You scare me with your bloodlust. I will not follow you anymore.}
{3003}{}{I don't want anything to do with a slaver. Goodbye.}
{3004}{}{You are a traitor! You destroyed our power plant. I will not help you.}
{3005}{}{I d'don't want anything to d'do with you.}

{4000}{}{Well, okay, but I sure don't want to be left all alone here.}
{4001}{}{All right, if you think it's really a good idea.}
{4002}{}{Well, I don't like to use weapons unless I really have to, but I suppose I could use a knife, I think. I can use a pistol, at least I used to be able to. If I really had to, I think I could handle a submachine gun. If only they weren't so loud. I'm a healer, not a fighter.}
{4003}{}{Gosh I hope I won't need that.}
