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Forums: Index > Fallout: New Vegas general discussion > Less wasteland in NV?

I was interested in getting fallout NV and already own F3. The main thing I dislike about fallout3 is how there seems to be almost no signs of civilization forming, even after 300 years some people still don't even have solid roofs! Anyhow, in New Vegas does this trend continue of it just being a wasteland with small pockets of civilization, or is there something that resembles an actual society?

Its not like like F3 at all in that respect.

The Capital Wasteland had a few communities that were actually secure, but the vast majority of the world was filled with ruins or hostile creatures/people. With a kind of ruined world survivers tale effect

The Mojave has several locations sprinkled around that are no matter what, neutral (might not like you, but won't shot first) to the player and some are somewhat large. Most of these have at least 3 or 4 named interactable NPC's and roughly 5 to 15 random people. It has faction locations, which start neutral and depending on your actions may either welcome you, or shoot on site. Some of these may be small, with only 2 or three nameless people. Others are massive, Camp McCarren is roughly the size of the Citadel, with several inter. characters. Then there is the city of New Vegas and surrrounding communities, which are in some ways like the world never ended or at the least functing areas. In NV you are on the frontiers of two main factions, and are ment to interact and change the world. So yes, incrediably more society. But don't worry, still more than plenty to do and explore XxSick DemonxX 05:53, August 8, 2011 (UTC)

Thanks, sounds like what I disliked about F3 is addressed in NV. I'll have to pick it up soon.

Another way to think about it is this, the Capital Wasteland was a prime target for the bombs, so it was mostly destroyed, the Mojave Wasteland on the other hand wasn't a major target so there is much more hospitable areas of survival. 18:46, August 9, 2011 (UTC)

Well the Mojave was still targeted by a large number of nukes; if Mr. House didn't stop the bombs the Mojave would probably look more like the Capitol Wasteland --Fezgod 20:08, August 9, 2011 (UTC)


Imagine the old west movies, add a 50s spin, some pockets of radioactive barrels, junky gangs, and some futuristic weapons. Then you have the Mojave Wasteland in a nutshell. User:NCRFirstReconSniper 10:04, August 12, 2011

also a 200 percent increase in ---- Also an 20 percent decrease in slavery when compared to the fact that Slavery was in of itself an whole group dedicated to it now it's just one of the Legions many deeds.

DoctorJay 17:07, August 13, 2011 (UTC)

All indications in Fallout 3 seem to reveal that regular humans haven't been living in the Capital wasteland for a long time. One of the founding members of Rivet City is still alive, the daughter of one of the founders of Megaton is still alive, the Brotherhood only arrived 20 years prior. So it's likely that beyond the Ghouls of Underworld, no one lived in the area some 50-60 years ago. Being that it was the capital of the US, it's possible the Chinese dropped some nastier stuff(Salted bombs come to mind) on there and made the area unlivable for longer than many other areas of America. It would explain why the area is still a mess and drinking water is a huge deal, but that's just speculation. Anyway, the Mojave Wasteland is more like small to large settlements stuck between two organized small countries(NCR and The legion) Dr. Lobotomy 02:34, August 14, 2011 (UTC)

Nothing like Fallout 3 community basically for one reason.The Strip.Nuff said. Ryan_Liddell145. "War, War never changes..." 12:47, August 14, 2011 (UTC)
