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Forums: Index > Fallout: New Vegas general discussion > Definitive Ending

Does it make anyone else mad that there is, yet again, a definitive ending for Fallout: New Vegas? DLC has been announced for release after the game comes out. I'm suspecting that the first DLC package will allow the player to continue to play after the main quest, just like Broken Steel did for Fallout 3. At least I hope so. Why would they do this? Because they want more money! It infuriates me! I thought that a lesson was learned after Fallout 3's definitive ending. GRRRRRR!!!!

Sign your posts. And I feel that non-definitive endings take away from the emotional appeal. It should be like DA:O, where there is a definitive ending, but you can continue playing afterwards (though it is non-canon thereafter) YuriKaslov-M1911 small Yuri Kaslov 01:30, September 21, 2010 (UTC)

Every great story has a well defined beginning, middle and end. Agent c 16:27, September 21, 2010 (UTC)

Exactly. But alos, think about this. You don't want/can't get the DLC, so there is no point to carry on. What's more, what happens at the 'ending' might change the game world, say new vegas ends with you killing Mr House, he contoles all those police robots and runs the vault casion,m that would change evrything. I'd rather my charater dies than have a boring ending or being forced to carry on in a game world with bits missing.
And they're not just trying to get more cash out off us, did you think they's keep adding stuff untill the day be for it's release? Or that a disk can hold unlimited amounts of data? These guys work hard to make a game for us, and all you can do is complain about they releasing a £5 DLC? If you don't want to buy it then don't. Yesh! Companys need to make money, if we juts got it all for free, they'd go bankrupt (or go in to liqudation)and we'd never see another Fallout.JASPER//"Do you like hurting other people?"UserRichard 17:34, September 21, 2010 (UTC)

I don't mind to be honest. All the fallout had an ending. Broken steel took that away but fallout 3 had an ending. Then again as long as there DLC adds more then I'm ok with it.--IceStar100 17:46, September 21, 2010 (UTC)

People will whine about it, but somebody will release a mod that allows you to play after the ending within five months of release, mark my words. Doctor L Weegee

More like 5 days. If that. Remember, unlike with Fallout 3, the G.E.C.K. is included with the game. --Kris User Hola 21:30, September 21, 2010 (UTC)
I wish there will be a G.E.C.K. built in game for the Xbox360 that reveals itself after at least one completion of the storyline. Kinda like the cheats for GTA IV that are emailed to you after you do the last mission. RandomHero 02:12, September 26, 2010 (UTC)

Really, it comes with a G.E.C.K.? Does that mean the G.E.C.K. will be more idiot-proof this time around? 20:39, September 26, 2010 (UTC)

It's so the ending has power and you can see the effects of your actions at the end of the game either that or have a weak ending that hardly changes anything that would be even worse anyway as far as I know the game saves itself just before the point of no return. --Knight Captain Kerr 21:14, October 1, 2010 (UTC)

It's pretty silly IMO to go to the trouble of creating a huge game world to explore, all that cool stuff to find and dozens of fun side quests only to bring it all to a premature and unnecessary end on the main quest line. "Here's all this awesome stuff on a huge map that we spent ages designing but you can't go play with it because we couldn't fit it into the script." All that says to me is that they wrote themselves into a corner with a bad script.
They're trying to take a huge, immersive sandbox and keep it locked up in a tiny box with a rigid storyline and it's just silly. Might as well just have a small, linear, one-way game world with strict borders that gives you nothing to explore like Beth did with Operation:Anchorage if it's all about the story.
There's no good reason why they can't roll credits after the last quest, then let you continue on to the remaining 80% of the game you haven't explored yet. There's no good reason why you have to choose between completing the storyline quests or playing the rest of a huge game. --Rooker75 22:57, October 1, 2010 (UTC)
So I assume you've already played the entire game and know that the plot is "tiny and rigid"? Personal_Sig_Image.gif Tagaziel (call!) 23:13, October 1, 2010 (UTC)

I just got finished, and i'm disappointed that they did this again, and from the way it looks i don't think they will have a addon that allows you to continue. seems to much of a "Solid" ending with nowhere to go from there. And the main story just didn't seem good to me. :/ --Bunker Ranger 14:40, October 23, 2010 (UTC)

Can't really have a definitive ending with the game that has multiple endings. Fallout 3 only had one ending, this has a minimum of 3 (Independent, NCR and Legion and I'm sure I am forgetting one or two) so they would have to code for multiple endings, it would be expensive as hell or so asinine that It wouldn't matter which ending you took.
