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Forums: Index > Wiki proposal votes > Capitalization


I wanted to tell all of you about my suggestion I have. This suggestion will cover some of the items here at The Vault that I believe should be capitalized. Thank you for reading, and the list is just below. TrailerParkApe MkII 21:43, November 13, 2010 (UTC)


  • One of things that is bugging me is the issue with unique weapons and some of the names not being fully capitalized. I believe names such as the alien blaster and the Gobi Campaign scout rifle should actually be Alien Blaster and Gobi Campaign Scout Rifle respectively. All the names for unique weapons should be capitalized no matter what, to imply their uniqueness.
    • As just mentioned above, this should also include unique sets of clothing and also unique miscellaneous items. Some examples are Benny's suit and Yew's bear charm to Benny's Suit and Yew's Bear Charm respectively.
  • Another suggestion is the capitalization of all map marked (main and local) locations. Tribal village should be Tribal Village as an example. This does not include locations that are not found on the main map or local map.
  • Specific brand names should always be capitalized. For example, Blamco mac and cheese should be Blamco Mac and Cheese and stealth boy should be Stealth Boy because it is an item created by RobCo.
    • This is also implied to chems, S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats, and skills. So instead of barter it should be Barter, and instead of luck it should be Luck. For the chems the names of Jet, Mentats, Rad-X, RadAway, etc. should all be capitalized.

If you have anymore ideas of what should be capitalized, please list them in the discussion section. Also, there will be a poll to vote on this so this can be implemented immediately. Thank you.


  • Yes Nitty Tok. 22:24, November 13, 2010 (UTC)
  • Yes <== No surprise to some people =D GhostAvatar 22:46, November 13, 2010 (UTC)
  • No I think instead it should just use the ingame capitalization scheme, to lessen confusion as to what should be capitalized in what manner. Even if that scheme is internally inconsistent, I think it's better than another system that's also internally inconsistent and not based off of anything tangible. --Kris User Hola
  • Yes Nukey talk
  • Yes This has been bugging me since I started visiting the Vault. I also somewhat agree with Kris. Jonathan Strange
  • No Per Kris.  Blinity 02:33, November 14, 2010 (UTC)
  • Neutral I'd prefer for only actual proper names to be capitalized, which actually they should be under current guidelines, but some overzealous users have moved them (so Stealth Boy - yes, but alien blaster - no). However, if others all support this proposal, I'm OK with it too. Definite no to capitalizing everything. Ausir(talk) 08:28, November 14, 2010 (UTC)
  • No The only thing different for unique weapons is that there is only one in game. Other than that, why should they be treated differently from normal weapons? Tezzla CannonUser Tezzla Dog 17:23, November 14, 2010 (UTC)
  • Yes Yeah, but, whatever the consensus, can we at least make it less confusing? I know there are already guidelines from the old capitalization project but I still get confused sometimes. Glomulus 06:02, November 15, 2010 (UTC)


Re-Capitalization project I think GhostAvatar 22:48, November 13, 2010 (UTC)

I agree with Kris. YuriKaslov 23:44, November 13, 2010 (UTC)

Policy vote forum overview
GuidelineEditing guideline
Amendment 1Article title capitalization · Vote · 25 June 2010 · 9-6
Amendment 2Proper noun phrases · Vote · 13 November 2010 · 5-3-1
Amendment 3Third person view · Discussion · Vote · 20 April 2013 · 11-0-0
Amendment 4Category redundancy · Discussion · Vote · 26 June 2015 · 12-1
Amendment 5Referring to the player · Vote · 5 April 2021 · 24-8-2
Amendment 6Infobox capitalization · Vote · 18 June 2021 · 8-0
Amendment 7Fix don't revert · Vote · 8 October 2021 · 24-0-0
Amendment 8Registered user requirement · Discussion · Vote · 22 November 2021 · 24-12-5
Related topicsContent policy · Content organization guideline · User conduct guideline