Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Was there ever a place in your game that actually made you upset? I am not ashamed to admit that Vault 3 filled me with righteous hatred of all Fiends. I'm referring to the "untouched" part of the Vault, where the Overseer lived, and you read the terminal entries about the Overseer's niece and his personal concerns and such. Motor Runners blase attitude about the murder of so many people made me seriously enjoy making his death slow and painful.--NCRandproud123 00:43, October 28, 2011 (UTC)

Not being able to free the slaves and prisoners at Fortification Hill. After all the descriptions of brutality, torture and rape you're subjected to and the feeling of righteousness you get slaughtering every single Legion scumbag there, preferably with Boone having your back, you don't get to free all those slaves, including that little girl and her teddy bear or all those NCR soldiers and Rangers stuck waiting for the gladiator pit.
Oh and pretty much every place in the game that has a locked whatever and you're forced to bring out a bobby pin... I have a chainsaw, a high powered laser rifle prototype, a super sledge, a damned rocket launcher but noooo! Use a bobby pin! Lockpicking is the stupidest skill in rpgs, a hold over from Pen and Paper days so that "thieves" would have something else to do and even back then most Dungeon Masters would let burly fighters break down doors or wizards to melt them with lightning bolts. Dr. Lobotomy 16:54, October 28, 2011 (UTC)

Haha. I agree with you, especially concerning the lockpicking. If I come up against a wooden (or even metal door), i should be able to kick it in if my Strength is high enough. Kicking in a door IRL ain't that difficult if you know what you are doing. Also, lockpick sets. Why are there none? Pretty easy to make, and a hell lot more effective than goddamn bobby pins.--NCRandproud123 18:50, October 28, 2011 (UTC)

Boone's story makes me upset. It's so sad what he had to do to his wife for she wouldn't become a slave. Bldudas 19:13, October 28, 2011 (UTC)
