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Forums: Index > Fallout: New Vegas general discussion > Aliens in new vegas?

does anyone else think that there should be aliens in new vegas? after all area 51 is in nevada so maybe you could go there, maybe vegas was where the alien death ray hit in mothership zeta? you could carry on with the mothership zeta storyline. and in area 51 maybe some goverment scientists survived and made a comunity, they could use alien weaponry and continue their reaserch on aliens. they could be at war with the BoS who are trying to get into area 51. any opinions? iamhobohunter

Well you know the Chinese Remants at Mama Dolaces? I think it would be good if aliens were the ' chinese remants' of NV and area 51 is the mama Dolaces. Know what im saying here? Sec 19 20:20, December 9, 2009 (UTC) Sec 19

hmm, good idea, that would be quite cool. iamhobohunter

I can't wait for people to begin to freak out about this idea. I'm in full support. :^D Airos the Tiger Talk 05:46, December 7, 2009 (UTC)

lol thnx dude. iamhobohunter

I'm waiting for Grizzly to find this forum and tear it to shreds with logic. Personally, I think that the aliens are a little overdone now, they only appeared in Fallout and Fallout 3. There's other easter eggs out there, y'know. Nitty Tok. 19:16, December 15, 2009 (UTC)

Yes, because we're too busy with our Super Mutants, injections that can heal broken bones, Gatling Lasers, Ghouls that live for 200+ years with trees growing out of their heads, giant ants/rats/roaches/scorpions, talking deathclaws, fire-breathing geckos and Science! to consider something as 'illogical' as aliens... :^P Sorry, but I don't understand the argument that a video game based on the 1950's perception of the future and 1950's pop culture shouldn't include aliens.
Plan 9 from Outer Space, The Day the Earth Stood Still, War of the Worlds, It Came From Outer Space, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Forbidden Planet, Buck Rodgers, Flash Gordon, Day of the Triffids... I could go on and on, but I've presented my point; Just as movies like Dr. Strangelove and Them! are a heavy handed influence on the Fallout world, I can't fathom why there's a argument that the others shouldn't be. Flying Saucers and little green men from mars were just as much a part of 1950's popular culture as anything else presented in the Fallout games.
They don't need to be a central plot point, I agree with that point. If I wanted to fight off an alien invasion I'd play Resistance:Fall of Man or Half-Life 2. However, I don't agree with the idea that if it wasn't in Fallout 1 or 2 it shouldn't be introduced in 3 or 4. There is nothing wrong with creating new material for a series. It's what prevents it from becoming stale and boring, (when the story is as central as gameplay).
A little nod to Area 51 would be cool. Sure, it happened in 1947, so it would take place after the cannon divergence, but there's nothing to suggest that it didn't still happen in the FO universe as well. The Alien blaster has appeared in all three main games, so it would be a fine place to drop the gun. Right next to a crashed flying saucer and a mummified alien body. Airos the Tiger Talk 05:37, December 16, 2009 (UTC)
As pointed out by Brother None, Fallout is inspired by serious science fiction (Asimov, Heinlein etc) and aliens are just impossible to fit in with any degree of seriousness (as shown by Mothership Zeta). They're fine as little easter eggs hidden out of the way, but as main elements of the plot? If you support this, you really fail to understand that Fallout focuses on humans and their sins, not aliens. 11px-Naglowaa_se.gif Tagaziel (call!) 08:09, December 16, 2009 (UTC)
There were aliens in Heinlein novels, and the famous Robot Trilogy by Asimov involved space travel and humans colonizing other worlds, (to the point that the Spacers were 'alien' to the earthbound humans). If you're not saying that there can't be aliens in serious science fiction, then I guess I'm confused.
I said in my previous post, I don't think they should be central to the plot, (or main elements as you put it). Area 51 is a part of American culture, and it has been for 60 years. I'd say it's a 'Easter Egg' to have an alien blaster, some wreckage and perhaps a 200 year old, mummified alien corpse in a military bunker believed to hold those things, even if, (especially if), they don't fit into the narrative theme. I don't want to see an alien invasion, but having some references laying around the game hinting that they do exist, and have visited the earth is something I would like to see.
Even with it's gritty, Mad Maxesque tones, Fallout has always managed to find time to lampoon 1950's pop culture and mindsets, to the point of being a characture. There's plenty of comedic elements that don't 'fit in with any degree of seriousness'. I don't see why one set should be any different than another.
My 'support' was for the idea of the thread, since I enjoy watching and participating in a good debate. Maybe it was a little childish of me. I never claimed that aliens should take the focus off the humans or their sins, though. All I voiced support for was including area 51, and linking that to the weapon that has been established as being alien in all three main games, and that aliens and flying saucers belong in any narrative of 1950's pop culture. Airos the Tiger Talk 10:57, December 16, 2009 (UTC)
If that's what you're proposing then okay. I was pointing out that aliens (and I mean aliens as in "non-bugs, non-human" aliens) are impossible to put in with any degree of seriousness (as exemplified by MZ). But to have a nice nod estabilishing some continuity with the alien crash site in Fo1 would be good. 11px-Naglowaa_se.gif Tagaziel (call!) 12:55, December 16, 2009 (UTC)

ok it was just an idea

I think that because area 51 is in Nevada, why would they just skip it over? Maybe there would be some DLC that takes you to area 51, but area 51 might be hard to recreate in a video game, because it inst open to the public in real life. Airraid232

What about the TaRDIS Easter egg in fallout 1 (maybe 2). Maybe GLaDOS from portal will be in area 51 giving out cake XD Ollyeng 20:02, February 7, 2010 (UTC)

-everybody here listen ive recived news from a fallout beta tester who is my friend, i asked him for info and all he said was there will be area 51 but the things and events inside the infamous area are unknown

There has been no beta released lately, and also, prove it. Tezzla CannonUser Tezzla Dog 17:30, August 16, 2010 (UTC)

They already announced that there isn't an Area 51 in the game. It's to far out of the Vegas area.Lx MALEX xl 20:57, August 18, 2010 (UTC)

however, there is concept art out for a land scape sign that appears to have "El Centro" written on it. the nearest town by the name of El Centro (built and established in 1903, it is well within the acceptable date and time before the game's cut off point with our own timeline) is down by the Californian Mexican border (only a mile or so with in the limits of the united states). would that not then be "to far out of the Vegas area" ? the next nearest El Centro is in south eatern Arizona. "People need a leader, someone to look up to, somone to blame." 07:00, September 26, 2010 (UTC)Scotty Whales the Irishman

Let's talk Logic, then. I wanna see Mr Spock. =3
That's right... Star Trek Easter-eggs - the best kind in FO2, alongside the Monty Python ones. LordSchmee 08:11, September 26, 2010 (UTC)


Play testers arnt alowed to tell you that sort of info. I wanna GLaDOS easter egg (I hope it sings 'Still Alive' love that song). Also a Area51 DLC.JASPER//"Do you like hurting other people?"UserRichard 20:36, September 26, 2010 (UTC)

Area 51 would be cool, but unlikely regardless. As far as aliens go, Mothership Zeta was the last time I ever want to see another Fallout alien. Mr.VaultFreak, You need something? 21:06, September 26, 2010 (UTC)

What are you still miffed about the time, you know, you were at the bar, really upset because you lost your job, Catlin, your ex, hooked up with your best friend, and all you wanted to do was drink away your pain, but you see her walk into the bar, you chat, things are really hittin off, and than she asks for you to give her a ride, but then BOOM! she takes off her holographic desguise and shows herself to be an 3 foot tall martion who straps you to a chair, anal probes you, and you feel it in your larynx, and then leaves you in the desert three weeks lator with no memory of what happened and your right arm has been replaced with a plasma cannon. i don't wann talk about it [sobs, running out of the room]. "People need a leader, someone to look up to, somone to blame." 21:56, September 26, 2010 (UTC)Scotty Whales the Irishman

What in the hell are you talking about? Mr.VaultFreak, You need something? 23:53, September 26, 2010 (UTC)

I think the Ideas cool and all, but it would ruin the game, if, as mentioned earlier, the aliens were involved in the plot. But it would be kind of cool to see some alien tech lying around in secret bunkers or military bases. --Wasteworrior 05:32, September 27, 2010 (UTC)

Think of how Bethdesa has done Fallout 3... how could they not put something like that in the game or at least a DLC??? I read earlier that someone said they wouldn't because they dont know what the inside looked like?!?!?! OF COURSE THEY DONT!!!! NOONE DOES!!!!! (excuding the spooks who work there, but its not like they will give out info for a game) Also, Im sure the specific layouts of other REAL buildings aren't freaking precice. IT IS A GAME, FICTION, AS IN NOT REAL...(but based on real places, events, etc.) I think they would make a HUGE mistake not putting an Area 51 in the game, it would be a perfectly logical excuse to put a alien or alien related object in it. Gosh people use your heads... ;p Random-Hero 00:35, September 29, 2010 (UTC)
Our Random Hero makes a point. It's not like they knew the layout of random D.C. buildings. If they do decide to do Area 51 DLC I'm sure that it will look 100% correct. The perfect coverup would be to reveal it's precise location and contents so everyone would think that it was fake. :) TheVaultFreak, Hey! 17:13, September 29, 2010 (UTC)

Area 51 is just too good of a cultural reference to pass up, the base doesn't need to actually be called "area 51", or even have a similar layout (due to the divergence of the Fallout timeline), but given it's impact on american culture, and the whole retro-futuristic feel of the pre-war world, it wouldn't make any sense to NOT reference it in some way, especially with it being so close by. besides, maybe this whole "area 51 doesn't exist (in Fallout: New Vegas)" is just an Obsidian/Bethesda cover up haha -Chadious Maximus (pardon any mistakes i make, this form of forum layout is new to me) Chadious Maximus 08:39, October 1, 2010 (UTC)

No Aliens, but I would like to see Area 51, but Alien-Free. I think theres a lot of "out of the box" ideas that can fit into a Fallout-Area-51 without becoming a cliche.

No need to do aliens again after MZ but finding a crashed ship with a blaster is fine.--Knight Captain Kerr 21:19, October 1, 2010 (UTC)

There are aliens in New Vegas. They are carrying the alien blaster

Where?--Lx MALEX xl 20:47, November 3, 2010 (UTC)

you need wacky wasteland trait, look up alien blaster fallout new vegas and find the info, people wrote these articles already, as for this forum it all happened here before fallout NV was released, so they were just playing around with the idea, i would like to visit area 51 but mothership zeta was sad, no masses of aliens please, just high tech robots you have to fight through to find the center of area 51 and maybe find some ultimate weapon or top secret technology, that you have the option to return to either ncr or caesar or even brotherhood of steel, it would give you the option to support your faction, increase the size of the final battle maybe, and area 51 isn't entirely to do with aliens, there's more top secret stuff there than that. Toolazytomakeaaccount 21:00, November 3, 2010 (UTC)

I know about the forum. August 18. BTW it's wild wasteland.--Lx MALEX xl 22:31, November 3, 2010 (UTC)

You guys are haters. I think it would be awesome to have area 51 as an expansion. Maybe not a lot of alien characters i.e. only one or two that stayed or were involved with the original site. Maybe cooperating with humans after their alien buddies stranded them after the bombs. Then NCR and BoS could duke it out over controlling the tech there. Sweet. 08:46, November 4, 2010 (UTC)

Area 51 will be a direct DLC sequel to Mothership Zeta. After Lone Wanderer gave the ship to Sally and friends they flew around before crashing into New Vegas. Soon Enclave remnants took them hostage and took the ship to Area 51. The Area 51 DLC will be chock full of Mothership Zeta references and as an added bonus of nostalgia, it will have the same glitches and bugs! ENJOY! lol

They could make a overrun Area 51 or something. Or a BoS expedition I would like to see more of that faction they're supposed to be more powerful then cowering in a bunker IMO. It doesn't have to be filled with aliens and it can still be based on science. Who knows you can go there and run into a set of ruins that have been overrun by blind AND deaf deathclaws? =P Or maybe it will be an exact replica of the real life Area 51. And it turns out there's nothing but a bunch of people leeching taxes and playing games like Fallout New Vegas all day in there. They could meet their great great great great great great made up grandson in 3D and complete quests such as resupplying toilet paper and cleaning their room. Who knows? --PvtNiss 06:06, November 11, 2010 (UTC)
