Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
Forums: Index > Wiki proposals and applications > Adminship Request - FDekker

Today is the 1.5th anniversary of my patrollership, and I decided that it is time to apply for the role of Admin Content Moderator (CM).
Admittedly, this application is somewhat strange. After all, Nukapedia doesn't even recognise the role of Content Moderator! How could I possibly hope to become one!? Rest assured; all will be explained in time.

I will start by introducing myself in section 1. After that, I'll explain why I am interested in becoming a CM (as opposed to an Admin) in section 2, and in section 3 I'll tell you why you should be interested in me becoming a CM. Finally, I'll conclude my application in section 4.

About me

Type of edits Edit count
Total 2,839
Article 2,463
Talk 54
User 30
User talk 85
Fallout Wiki 2
Fallout Wiki talk 0
File 110
File talk 0
Template 15
Template talk 0
Module 0
Module talk 0
Category 5
Category talk 0
User blog 1
User blog comment 1
Blog 0
Blog talk 0

While you may have seen me or talked to me on Nukapedia, you may not know me. In this section I'll introduce myself: I'll give some background, tell something about my interests (both wiki-life and real-life), and give some examples of what I've contributed to Nukapedia.


I joined Nukapedia The Vault somewhere in 2011 as I was playing Fallout 3. I didn't exactly focus on any specific projects; I just added information where I thought it was lacking, and fixed typos and capitalisation wherever I found them. While I enjoyed editing Nukapedia with some regularity, I stopped editing halfway through 2013 as my interest in Fallout waned. Though I edited every now and then after that, I definitively returned in late 2015 after the release of Fallout 4, and I have been active ever since, with Jspoelstra making me a patroller in April 2016. Even though my interest in Fallout 4 started disappearing at some point, I tried to edit and patrol just a little bit every day. However, when the whole Featured Video thing happened a few weeks ago I was woken up again, and my interest was revived.


My main (wiki-life) interests lie in creating and maintaining quality. I thoroughly enjoy diving into the game to record all the details, nitpicking articles and rewriting them, and preventing vandals from destroying our work. Note that a large portion of my recent edits has been dedicated to cleaning up articles rather than adding to articles; this is mainly because I haven't played Fallout for some time.
Please see the achievements section of this request for a detail on projects I have worked on and will work on.


I'm a student of computer science from the Netherlands, though I'm currently on exchange in Canada. I've been into programming since I was 12. Even though I usually program in C/C++ and Java, I also have considerable (amateur) experience with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and SQL; these skills are useful when editing Nukapedia, but may also come in use if we decided to go for Exodus.


Now that you know a bit about what I like to do, the question remains what I have done for Nukapedia. Apart from my regular minor edits fixing capitalisation and typos, I've also made some more significant contributions in the past. I'm mainly referring to my cleaning up and making consistent of all the relay towers, my adding of many pages on Fallout 4 weapon mods (such as the automatic barrel), and the unstubbing of many Fallout 4 locations (such as Hopesmarch Pentecostal Church).

Currently, I'm preparing to work on missing Fallout 4 dialogue files and incomplete infoboxes with some other users.

Why Content Moderator?

I originally wanted to apply for the role of Admin, but I sincerely doubted whether that would be the right place for me. After all, I've barely ever been /d, and quite frankly, I'm not too interested in those circles. Not because I dislike them (because they seem nice from the times I've been there!) or because I think they're bad, but because I love editing and simply don't have time to go there. And because of that, I can't expect users from /d to vote for me as an admin; to vote for me as one of their representatives; to vote for me as a person who could ban them! Consider the principle of least privilege.
Instead, I think that the role of Content Moderator would be more suitable for me. People may not know me (except what I've just told them in the About me section), but they probably do know my edits.

So why am I interested? Because I believe that I can do what I like doing most better than ever if I were a CM: create and maintain quality content on Nukapedia. I see my role as a CM as an upgraded version of the patroller, where I can take action myself, directly when and where it is needed.

Why should you be interested?

It's nice and all that you know why I'm interested in becoming a CM, but why should you want me to become a CM? After all, even if you trust someone, they should only be appointed if you believe that doing so would be a sincere improvement.

And I believe that I would be a sincere improvement. Of course, there are many other editors out there with way more edits and way larger edits. But I don't think that's important; my main focus is on article quality and completeness, and that is exactly what I'll do. I am a perfectionist and I really dislike seeing inconsistency or incompleteness. But seeing imperfections doesn't make me angry; it makes me motivated to resolve the problem. In my role as a CM I feel that I would be distinguishable from a patroller in the sense that I become more of a representative of Nukapedia quality. I will be able to better help new editors by example, in addition to how I can currently help them through conversation. I will be able to assist admins without having more power than I need or am interested in, and I think that that is a very important restriction.


Even though my work could be desribed as alternating between WikiGnomish and WikiOgrish, I will be here on Nukapedia to keep an eye out intervene when necessary, discussing when I am uncertain; much like I do now. In that sense, I won't change much. What will change, however, is to what extent I will do that. And I think I could be more valuable to Nukapedia as a Content Moderator.

- FDekker talk 00:01, October 15, 2017 (UTC)





