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Fisheye's logs is a holotape in the Fallout 4 Creation Club content "Capital Wasteland Mercenaries."





It's kind of scary how smart Scratch is. I mean, he's still the dumbest fucking thing on two legs I've ever had the displeasure of meeting, but it's not like he's stupid-stupid, you know?

Like, when I showed him how to play cards, I thought he'd just eat the deck and then go drink out of the toilet. But no, he picked up just enough of the game for me to cheat him out of his fucking Aqua.

The Raider Girl[]


We're too fucking soft. I knew Phil back when he was a slaver with a way less stupid name. That ghoul's got so much blood on his hands he can't even grip his own dick it's so slippery.

But now we're saving every charity case we can find. The mutant was bad enough, but now this fucking raider chick? Why don't I just go stick my head in a yao guai's mouth. Might be safer.

Should've Seen it Coming[]


Just got word Talon Company is gonna hit the station. I knew we should've killed the girl when we had the chance.

A day after Phil shows her how to use the radio, and we get heat? I'd bet my missile launcher that bitch had something to do with it.

Don't Trust the Gunners[]


I don't know about this Gunner crew Phil says is gonna fight with us. I used to be a bounty hunter, so I know better than to trust a motherfucker just because he says he wants to help. In fact, that makes me even more suspicious.

You wanna travel 500 miles to save a bunch of ex-mercs you never even met?

The first words outta my mouth ain't gonna be "Thank you." It's gonna be "Why.



The Talon mercs have us trapped in here like rats. Where the fuck is Sparrow with that air support?

Those Gunners better not have fucked us.

Related quest[]

