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Fallout Wiki

Firehose box is a common type of container in Fallout: New Vegas.


Before the bombs fell, these boxes held hoses that were connected to highly pressured water to be used to extinguish fires in the case of an emergency. It seems that the hoses themselves have all been destroyed, either by the effects of the bomb, or by the ravages of time during the 200+ years since. Also, there is no longer water connected to these boxes, so they cannot be used to restore HP, nor do they add RADs.


They are found inside most of the buildings in the Mojave Wasteland.


  • Firehose boxes typically contain a firehose nozzle and a piece of scrap metal.
  • With the add-on Dead Money and associated patch installed, firehose boxes now carry a more random assortment of miscellaneous items and even melee weapons such as tire irons, but this has caused the firehose nozzle itself to be replaced in the boxes, making this a fairly unreliable source for these items.


  • There is no hose in the firehose box, despite being able to see it through the glass when looking at it.